Kansas History and Heritage Project--Pottawatomie County Directories

Pottawatomie County Directories
Polk's 1884-1885 Official State Gazetteer and Business Directory of Kansas
R. L. Polk & Co., Detroit, Mich.

ARISPIE. Located on Coal creek, in the central part of Pottawatomie county, 10 miles west of Westmoreland, the county seat, and 9 south of Onago, on the K.C. br. of the U.P.Ry., its nearest shipping point and bank location. Christian, Congregational and Methodist churches and a district school are sustained by a population of 100 in the township. Mail tri-weekly.

BELVUE. A village, on the K. div. U. P. Ry, in Pottawatomie county, 25 miles southeast of Westmoreland, the county seat, 30 from Topeka, and 97 from Kansas City, Mo. Banking facilities at Wamego, 7 miles west. Has Methodist Episcopal and Methodist grotestant churches, and a public school. Grain and live stock are shipped. Population, 300. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. B. Washington, postmaster.

Belvue Hotel, B F Everett.
Byers J J, express, railroad and telegraph agent.
Claitor Joseph, wagonmaker.
Clark Rev S (Methodist Protestant).
Everett B F, Belvue hotel.
Graham J R, grain dealer.
Hart & Deahl, carpenters.
Huston H D, general store and live stock.
Huston & Fitzhugh, live stock.
Johnson L S, stone mason.
Meens George, general store.
Parschall T S, justice of peace.
Sharpe B O, assistant postmaster.
Shortt H E, live stock.
Stackhouse J, blacksmith.
Washington B, Elevator and Grain Dealer.
Wolpurt Rev (Methodist Episcopal).

BLAINE, Or Butler, as it is called on the railroad time sheets, is a small place in the central part of Pottawatomie county, on the K. C. br. U. P. Ry, 98 miles west of Leavenworth, and 71 east of Miltonvale. It is 23 miles northwest of Louisville, the county seat, and has a daily stage to Louisville. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. D. V. Cox, postmaster.

Bell J A, general store and grain.
Downey & Co, General Store and Grain.
Fitzgerald D H, druggist.
Lewis & Miner, lumber.
O�Connell John, blacksmith.
Shehan J, blacksmith.
Watts & Bean, livery.
Wederbrook J F, railroad, express and telegraph agent.
Witmer M B, dry goods and groceries.

GARRISON. A village situated in the extreme western central part of Pottawatomie county, 15 miles west of Westmoreland, the county seat. It is on the Big Blue river, which furnishes ower to run a mill, and is a station on the K. O. br. of the P. Ry, 119 miles west of Leavenworth. Live stock is the principal export. Has a Methodist Episcopal church, a public school, bank, etc. Population, 400. Stages to Randolph and Manhattan daily. Tel., W. U. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. James Baer, postmaster.

Baer James, General Store and Grain.
Carney M, railroad and express agent.
Coundry John, lumber.
Dietz Gleorge, saloon.
Eckert & Strenton, livery.
Fenner T D, general store.
Henlen B A, physician.
Johnson Abner, barber.
Pierce & Surdam, wagonmakers.
Russell, Bissel & Bayles, general store.
Thomas W Wylt C0, Bankers and Hardware.
Webber Miss Ella, milliner.
Winkler Bros, flour mill.

HAVENSVILLE. Sometimes known as Mill Creek, is a city in the northeastern part of Pottawatomie county, 30 miles northeast of Westmoreland, the count seat. It is a station on the K. C. hr. U. P. Ry, known as Haven�s 79 miles west of Leavenworth. It is on Strait Creek, a water power stream. Baptist, Methodist Episcopal and Christian churches, a district school, a bank, are sustained by a population of 275. Cattle form the chief shipment. Tel., Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. Lewis W. Dennen, postmaster.

Berlin A, carpenter.
Booker & Leclere, U S mail carriers.
Cohn S, general store.
Comer T S, carpenter.
Coverdale Thomas, carpenter.
Dennen Mrs Clara B, dressmaker.
Dennen L W, Stationer.
Downin Rev R L (Christian).
Flood Millard C, meat market.
Giles Frank, meat market.
Grover C M, druggist and lumber.
Hart H S, general store and notary.
Harrington Rev J S (Baptist).
Jamison J M, blacksmith.
Kazebier P, general store.
Kirk J T, carpenter.
Larkey W H, stone mason.
Norris John, sewing machines.
Osborn S B, hotel propr.
Parkhill Mrs E L, milliner.
Parson Levi, barber.
Pasley Rev Robert (Methodist).
Peter A S, general store.
Peter T J, hotel propr.
Richardson T J, hardware.
Richardson W F, Physician.
Robertson H B, furniture.
Rose John, blacksmith.
Roseveer & Mark, grain dealers.
Singleton Z F, railroad and express agent.
Stuckley H C, druggist.
Thomas & Peter, livery.
Thompson C W, general store.
Wilson F M, Justice and Cashier Havensville Bank

LACLEDE, A village in Pottawatomie county, 10 miles southeast of Westmoreland, the county seat, and 11 south of Onaga, on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry, its nearest banking and shipping point. It is on the Red Vermillion river, which furnishes power to drive a flour mill. A Baptist church and district school are sustained by a population of 75, who ship live stock and grain. Mail stages to Onaga and Louisville tri-weekly. Enoch Weise, postmaster.

Applegate M, justice of peace.
Beard A H, justice of peace.
Farrow J W, Physician.
Goff George, farmer.
Hastings G N, blacksmith.
Henningsen D, tinware.
Hortinan James, farmer.
Johnston Wm, carpenter.
Nisson N, miller.
Prunty L C, flour mill.
Prunty Thomas, general store.
Townsend George, farmer.
Wagner & Boaman, weavers.
Weise Enoch, Drugs and Groceries.

LOUISVILLE. An incorporated city of the third class in Pottawotamie county, located on Rock creek, in the southern central part of the county, 3 miles north of Wamego, on the K. div. of the U. P. Ry, 40 miles from Topeka, 106 from Kansas City, Mo., and 16 southeast of Westmoreland. It has a private bank, 2 hotels, a semi-weekly hewspaper, the Repubican, Methodist Episcopal and Congregational churches, a flour mill operated by water power from the creek, and a good brick district school. Considerable attention is given to stock raising, and a good country trade is done. Lakeside Spring Park, a beautiful pleasure resort, within the city limits, possessing a sulphur-iron spring of great medicinal virtue, has been lately opened to the public, and is proving a great attraction. Grain and live stock are shipped. Population, 600. Stages to Wamego semi-daily, fare, 25 cents; daily to Onaga on the K. C. br. of the U. Ry, 25 miles northeast, fare, 75 cents. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. James McKowen, postmaster.

Allen Jehu, brick and lime.
Anderson G R, saddles and harness.
Beal Bros, real estate and insurance.
Beal John A, lawyer.
Bittmann Charles, general store.
Brill A H, physician.
Brink Wm N, grocer and meat market.
Brown H L, barber.
Chilcott E, blacksmith.
Coffron John, carpenter.
Cotton & Anderson, Publrs Semi-Weekly Republican.
Crawford E, furniture.
Daniels J R H, live stock.
Duckworth D A, physician.
Fulton Joseph W, county surveyor.
Graham James, sheriff.
Hick R S, lawyer.
Hick Udell, lawyer.
Hilderby David, shoemaker.
Hodgson & Balderson, blacksmiths and wagonmakers.
Hopkins H, live stock.
Huphes S, painter.
Hultz B, painter.
Kemper A S, propr Mechanics� house.
Kemper Morton, justice of peace.
McKowen James, tinsmith.
Mechanics� House, A S Kemper propr.
Merrill Bros, proprs Union flour mills.
Mitchell J S, supt public instruction.
Morse George P, feed stable.
Nagle & Chilcott, real estate and abstracts.
Potter Ethel M, millinery.
Province Wm, saw-mill.
Roosa T J, propr Roosa house.
Sabin J, physician.
Sabin J & Co, druggists.
Semi-Weekly Republican The, Cotton & Anderson Publrs.
Sherrill Rev F G (Congregational).
Smith Henry P, county clerk.
Swartz Mrs Minda, confectioner.
Travis & Tucker, grocers.
Tucker C E, hardware and farm implements.
Union Flour Mills, Merritt Bros proprs.
Vandeventer Jacob, plasterer.
Wheeler Henry, tailor.
Willert Fred, carriage and wagonmaker.
Williams M, carpenter.
Wilson A J, well borer.

MARIADAHL. A village located on the Big Blue river, in the northwestern part of Pottawatomie county, 20 miles northwest of Westmoreland, the county seat, 5 northwest of Olesburgh, on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry, its nearest shipping point, and 60 west of Topeka. The projected line of the M. & N. W. R. R., now in course of construction, will pass through Mariadahl. It is a Swedish settlement, with Lutheran and Methodist Swedish churches and an English school. Grain, produce and live stock are shipped. Population, 75. It is on the daily mail stage route from Manhattan to Irving, the nearest banking point; fares, $1.50 and 75 cents, respectively. J. W. Williams, postmaster.

Carlson John, wagonmaker.
Carlson P E, blacksmith.
Engstrom J (Methodist).
Laison John, constable and farmer.
Olson Rev H (Lutheran).
Williams J W, Justice, Harness, Grain and Live Stock.

MOODYVILLE. A town in Pottawatomie county, 4 miles north of Westmoreland, the county seat, and 4 south of Butler, on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry, its nearest shipping point. Grain and live stock are shipped. A mineral spring rich in salt of magnesia has lately been utilized, and a company formed to erect a large hotel, baths, and other requisites of a popular health resort. Population, 200. Mail, daily, from Butler City. E. M. Moody, postmaster.

Henry W, sec Moodyville Hotel Co.
Jones L E, blacksmith.
McKenny Charles, barber.
McKenny Duke, lime.
McKenny & Co, baths.
McMurray E J, live stock.
Moody E J, General Store and Live Stock.
Perry J B, justice of peace.

MYERS VALLEY. A country postoffice in the central western part of Pottawatomie county, 7 miles south of Westmoreland, the county seat, and 10 from St George, on the K. div, of the U. P. Ry, its nearest shipping point. Nearest bank at Wamego. Live stock and grain are shipped. Church, Catholic. Mail by stage from Louisville tri-weekly. Jesse Harvey, postmaster and general store.

OLESBURGH. A village in Blue Valley township, western part of Pottawatomie county, 12 miles west of Westmoreland, the county seat. It 1s a station on the K. C. br. U. P. Ry, 112 miles west of Leavenworth, and 38 east of Clay Centre. Nearest bank at Manhattan. Grain, cattle and hogs are shipped. Population, 75. Express, Pacific. Mail, daily. O. Fagerberg, postmaster.

Carlson Bros, general store.
Fagerberg 0 & Bro, General Store.
Fenn A D, justice of peace.
Foster John & Sons, lumber.
Fowler G W, railroad and express agent.
Hughes R M, physician.
Johnson Ole, druggist.
Oism S, shoemaker.
Putnam N, general store.
Shin G W jr, hotel.
Shonbeck A, flour mill.
Soder N P, blacksmith.
Stewart J W, physician.

ONAGA. Near the Vermillion river, in Mill Creek township, northeastern part of Pottawatomie county, on the K. C. br. of the U. P, Ry, 16 miles northeast of Westmoreland, the county seat, 84 from Leavenworth, and 72 from Topeka. The first house was built here in December, 1877. It has improved with wonderful rapidity, possessing fine business houses and Congregational, Catholic, Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal churches. The river affords excellent power which with a well settled country adjacent makes it a good point for business enterprises. Has a graded school and a weekly newspaper, the Journal, is published. Population, 500. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. S. A. Stauffer, postmaster.

Armstrong R, drayman.
Batson W T, propr Landon house.
Beeson Charles S, jeweler.
Benton Bros, live stock.
Challis H G, blacksmith.
Challis W F, mayor and lawyer.
Chicago Lumber Co, N H Hart mngr.
Chilcote S B, physician.
Clark Andrew, live stock and grain.
Clark & Bird, carpenters.
Courreger Henry, saloon.
Cunningham S A, grain dealer.
Day Charles, live stock.
Elliott W T, harnessmaker.
Fox A S, furniture.
Gibson I, constable.
Grover & Gillett, lumber.
Hippman John, shoemaker.
Hubbell B E, propr City hotel.
Huff S E, dressmaker.
Hulm Charles W & Co, saloon.
Hyman & Salinger, General Store and Grain.
Journal (weekly), S A Stauffer propr.
Keefer & Ingalsbe, painters.
Kidney George, livery.
Landon Amos E, banker.
Landon House, W T Batson propr.
McLarnan James, tinsmith.
Midlam & Co, drugs and books.
Miller Bros, hardware.
Morrison J R, station and express agent.
Nolan Miss H, milliner.
Nold Garrard C, druggist.
O�Meara E S, general store.
Onaga Journal, S A Stauffer Editor.
Parsons H W, dentist.
Pasley Rev J (Methodist).
Pecheur Joseph, general store.
Rogers Charles D, hardware and farm implements
Rolfs H, grocer.
Rushmore H C, insurance and loans.
St John Rev S N (Presbyterian).
Stauffer S A, Editor Journal and Postmaster
Storch Mrs H, milliner.
Storch H & Co, bankers.
Storch & Landon, general store.
Stricker W M, druggist.
Taylor Robert, meat market.
Tryon O F, photographer.
Webb L S, lawyer.
Wilson Rev J J (Congregational).
Zimmerman M L, physician.

ST. CLERE. A small settlement on Cross creek, in the central eastern part of Pottawatomie county, 22 miles east of Westmoreland, the county seat, 13 miles north of St. Mary�s, on the K. div. of the U. P. Ry, and 10 south of Havensville, on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry, its nearest banking point. A Baptist church, a common school, and a population of 30 are here. Stage to Havensville and St. Mary�s tri-weekly, with mail. J. S. Blaylock, postmaster.

Blaylock J S, General Store and Live Stock.
Bower J, justice of peace.
Davis F L, justice of peace.
Hall J, constable.
Pumphrey S W, physician.
Shaw Samuel, saloon.
Talbert John, blacksmith.
Wade J M, blacksmith.
White J N, grocer.

ST. GEORGE. Lies on the Kansas river, and is a station on the K. div. of the U. P. Ry, in St. George township, southern part of Pottawatomie county, 23 miles from Westmoreland, the county seat, 43 from Topeka, 110 from Kansas City, Mo., and 72 from Lawrence. The village has a district school and Methodist and Disciple churches. Products shipped, grain, produce and live stock. Nearest bank at Wamego, 7 miles east. Population, 200. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. C. T. Shipps, postmaster.

Armstrong R, justice of peace.
Becker August, hotel propr.
Cheeney George W, railroad and express agent.
Ensign E W, sewing machines.
Ensign W A, notary public.
Ensign & Karr, real estate.
Griffith E W, blacksmith.
Haluba F, grain and live stock.
Hurman H, saloon.
Karr J D, physician.
Noe Rev (Methodist).
Pach J N, grocer.
Purcill E B & Co, grain elevator, general store and lumber.
Reed Rev J E (Disciples).
Rhoades John, constable.
Shipps C T, General Store.
Smith Thomas, billiard hall.
Walker E, real estate. Wilcox J W, live stock.

ST. MARY'S. Formerly called St. Mary�s Misssion, was first located by the Jesuits as a Mission for the Pottawatomie Indians, in the centre of their reservation (30 miles square). It is situated on the K. div. of the U. P. Ry, in St. Mary's township, in the southeastern corner of Pottawatomie county, on the Kansas river, 90 miles from Kansas City, 23 from Topeka, 75 from Leavenworth, and 30 from Westmoreland, the county seat. In 1869 it was incorporated as a town; in 1870 it had 150 inhabitants; in 1876 it became a city of the third class. The Jesuit college being destroyed by fire in February, 1879, the convent of the Sacred Heart was purchased to take its place, and is now the St. Mary�s College. It has 19 professors and teachers, and 300 boarding students. There are 4 churches, the Swedish Lutheran, Methodist, Catholic and the Congregational. There are 4 schools, with 2 teachers and 98 scholars, and the Catholic parish schools, with 3 teachers and 125 scholars, of whom 110 are taught by the Sisters of charity, Sister Columba superior, with 6 sisters in community. A newspaper, the Express, is published weekly. Shipments, grain, live stock, broom corn, hay and wool. Population, 1,200. Tel., W. U. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. Mrs. A. E. Palmer, postmaster.

Anderson & Co, hardware and grocers.
Bauerline & McCormack, general store.
Beakey A J, real estate.
Birkhauser Theodore, baker.
Boehringer Gustave, barber.
Brad John, livery.
Brown J E, railroad and express agent.
Comiskey J J, saloon.
Gallagher F W, physician.
Gamlowski M, boots and shoes.
Gannon James, saloon.
Gaum Frank, restaurant.
Goldstundt & Cohen, clothing.
Hagan Horace H, mayor.
Hagan & Mackey (Horace H Hagan, George H Mackey), lawyers.
Hammer & Wirt (Jacob Hammer, Joseph Witt), meats.
Hannighan Mrs May, milliner.
Hansan Nicholas, boots and shoes.
Hardton Wm A, saloon.
Hegner Henry, general store.
Henrietta John, hardware.
Hoyt & Connaughton (A W Hoyt, J J Connaughton), livery.
Jenner F J, physician.
Kearney H E, lawyer.
Kenney Patrick H, clothing.
Lareau & Demarais, harnessmakers.
Larocque U, meat market.
Lewis Charles, produce.
McAloon I P, justice of peace.
McCartney G, news dealer.
McHale P H, hardware and lumber.
Meister Ferdinand, hotel.
Miller George, physician.
Morrissey Martin, blacksmith.
Mueller J A, merchant tailor.
O�Connor Peter, grain.
O�Flanagan John, publr St Mary�s Express.
Olson & Ullerick, druggists.
Palmer Mrs A E, postmaster.
Parsons H W, dentist.
Pool A B, dry goods.
Roberts Frank, carpenter.
Root H D, harnessmaker.
St Mary�s College, Rev C Coppens S J Pres, Rev P Ward S J Treas and Sec.
St Mary�s Express, John O�Flanagan publr.
Scheloske Joseph, furniture.
Seeger & Helm, undertakers and carriage mnfrs.
Shaaf Solomon, saloon.
Sheridan Bernard, general store.
Sherman A C, grain.
Sweere Rev Adrian S J (Catholic).
Thomas & Hathaway, lumber.
Thompson Martin, propr St Mary�s Flour Mills.
True Wm H, druggist.
Trumbo Z P & Co, grain.
Ullrich & Son, blacksmiths.
Urbanskey-Aaron, general store.
Warren Silas B & Co, bankers.
Williamson George W, physician.
Williamson & Angle (F A Williamson, S P Angle), clothing.
Yater Miss Nannie, milliner.

SAVANNAH. In Pottawatomie county, 22 miles east of Louisville, the county seat, on the K. C. R. R. Not a postoffice.

SPRING SIDE. A village in Pottawatomie county, 15 miles northwest of Westmoreland, the county seat, and 7 south of Irving, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, its nearest banking and shipping point. Has Methodist and Campbellite churches, and public school. Ships grain and live stock. It is on the tri-weekly mail stage route from Irvin to Louisville; fares, 25 cents and $1.25 respectively. J. Chitty, postmaster and general store.

VIENNA. A small settlement on Vermillion river, in Vienna township, Pottawatomie county, 18 miles northeast of Louisville, the county seat, and 4 from Onaga, the nearest station on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry. Postoffice discontinued.

WAMEGO. Located on the K. div. of the U. P. Ry, and on the Kansas river, in the southern part of Pottawatomie county, 19 miles south of Westmoreland, the county seat, 103 from Kansas City and 36 from Topeka. The river at this point is spanned by a large iron bridge, connecting the city with Wabaunsee county on the south, opening up one of the richest farming counties in the State. It was first settled in 1866, contains churches of the Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian denominations, good schools, 2 banks, flour mill and elevator, and two newspapers, the Kansas Reporter and the Kansas Agriculturist. Pottawatomie county is noted for the extent of its cattle and live stock raising and breeding. Population, 2,000. Daily stages to Louisville, 4 miles north. Tel., W. U. Exp., Am. Mail, daily. J. L. Browne, postmaster.

Alexander John, barber.
Ames J W, propr Ames house.
Athey S R, wagonmaker.
Avenue House, T F Jenkins propr.
Baker C N, grocer.
Bell R H, confectioner.
Bell & Combs, livery.
Blair Eugene J, saloon,
Boyd Wm, blacksmith,
Boys J M, druggist.
Brown & Embley, real estate.
Butts J A, grocer.
Campbell W P, justice of peace.
Chadwick & Rawson, Marble Works, Stone Cutters, Architects and Builders.
Chandler A S, saloon.
Davis & Leach, books and school furniture.
Detwiler Mrs O N, milliner.
Deweese Wm, wagonmaker.
Dodge George E, livery.
Dudlext Charles, carpenter.
Eaton R B, propr Union hotel.
Fairchild C R, physician.
Falsky M, blacksmith.
Finney L H, lawyer.
Fleck Michael, blacksmith.
Fogg J L, grocer and meat market.
Goldstandt David, dry goods.
Hall Sprague, grocer.
Haring Herman, shoemaker.
Hang Charles, wagonmaker.
Hecker J A, baker.
Hen Tobias, cigar mnfr.
Hesse Henry, general store.
Holmes & Bell, livery.
Hoop & Grieve, carpenters.
Hubar Chis, saloon.
Irwin Alexander, meat market.
Jeffries Charles P, editor Kansas Reporter.
Jenkins George, confectionery.
Jenkins T F, propr Avenue house.
Jennings J M, physician.
Johnson, Ayer & Co, groceries.
Kansas Reporter, C P J Jeffries editor.
Lamb S C, furniture.
Leach Julius & Son, merchant tailors.
Leach L B, propr Leach�s opera house.
Lebow C W, harnessmaker.
Leiser M W dz Son, grocers.
Limerick J F & G W, loan brokers.
Loewe August, shoemaker.
Longley Austin S, general store.
McDonald Horace, barber.
McMeekin H D, Merritt Hotel.
Merritt Bros, grain dealers.
Merritt Hotel, H D McMeekin propr.
Mills Timothy D, grocer.
Mynatt Mrs Amy, pianos and organs.
Palmer A T, railroad agent.
Pardee & Keys, druggists.
Peterman & Tuttle, fancy goods.
Pierson B A, city marshal.
Prunty do Deweese, dry goods.
Purdey J D, physician.
Robinson P S, general store.
Rodgers D F, physician.
Rogers J C & Co, hardware and bank.
Scott & Porter, jewelers.
Sherman E N, jeweler.
Stom M L, druggist.
Thayer Dr Benjamin F, druggist.
Trout, Leach & Prouty, lumber.
Trout & Leach, bankers and hardware.
Twigger Benj, livery
Wierman J H, justice of peace.
Wilford John, shoemaker.
Wiss & Ballard, boots and shoes.
Woodward H P, physician.

WESTMORELAND. The county seat of Pottawatomie county, is situated on Rock creek, within 8 miles of the centre of the county, 16 from Wamego, on the K. div. of the U. P. Ry, and 7 from Butler (Blaine, postoffice), on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry. The religious societies here are Methodist, Congregational, Christian and Baptist. A newspaper, the Weekly Period, is published. Shipments, live stock, grain and produce. Stage to Wamego and Butler daily; fares, $1.00 and 50 cents respectively. Nearest bank at Olesburgh. Population, 350. Mail, daily. A. M. Baker, postmaster.

Alsip H T, meat market.
Baker A M, Stationer and Notions.
Baker J R, Lawyer, Real Estate, Collection and Loan Agent.
Beal M S, abstracts of title.
Brown George F, hotel.
Brush John, carpenter.
Campbell J B, clerk district court.
Chose W S, carpenter.
Cochrane A C, general store.
Cottage House, George F Brown propr.
Downing W J, grocer.
Fanchild S A, lawyer.
Giltner Abraham, county treasurer.
Good H A, blacksmith.
Good & Muford, flour mill.
Herren Wm R, wagonmaker.
Hick R H, lawyer.
Hostutler J J, deputy county treasurer.
Hunrigman F, shoemaker.
Jackson & Brown, Dry Goods and Grocers.
Jones W D, probate judge.
Lewis & Minor, lumber.
Lewis & Rose, druggists.
McComas David, hotel.
McNabb Rev R L (Methodist).
Martin L J & Co, bakers and confectioners.
Mitchell H, supt public instruction.
Moriarty Inez, Milliner.
Myers F, painter.
Myers Joseph, painter.
Nagle P S, register of deeds.
O�Daniel I F, grain and live stock.
Osborn Christian, restaurant.
Osburn & Son, harnessmakers and livery.
Period, Whims & Anderson Editors and Publrs.
Pruvis R, meat market.
Ross F P, dairyman.
Ross S W, ph sician.
Scholes A B g Sons, carpenters.
Shaul Joseph, carpenter.
Skene C A, physician.
Smith A, carpenter.
Smith H P, county clerk.
Snyder J L, barber.
Stoliker S, constable.
Townsend George W, blacksmith and wagonmaker.
Van Brunt Lenora, general store.
Vangileter Samuel, furniture.
Ward Wm G, carpenter.
Weber John, carpenter.
Wegger E, painter.
Whims J, justice of peace.
Whims & Anderson, Editors and Publrs Period.
Willhoit J W, physician.
Wilson W R, wagonmaker.
Zable Charles, hardware and saw-mill.

WHEATON. Formerly called Leghorn, is a small town in Pottawatomie county, 12 miles north of Westmoreland, the county seat. It is a station on the K. C. br. of the U. P. Ry, 92 miles west of Leavenworth, and 9 west of Onago, nearest bank location. Has Baptist and Christian churches. Grain, hay, live stock and produce are shipped. Population, 20. Mail, daily. Claiborne Stone, postmaster.

Allen Moses, baled hay.
Campbell W A, baled hay.
Fisher August, groceries and liquor.
Ingoldsby N, coal, grain and live stock.
Jones L E, blacksmith.
Stone Claiborne, general store.

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This website created Feb. 9, 2012 by Sheryl McClure.
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