Kansas History and Heritage Project-Norton County Directories

Norton County Directories
1884-1885 Gazetteer and Business Directory
R. L. Polk & Co., Chicago

NORTON COUNTY. Situated in the northwestern part of the State, is bounded on the north by the Nebraska state line, on the east by Phillips county, on the south by Rooks, and on the west by Decatur county. Organized in 1871. It contains 900 square miles, or 576,000 acres, of which about 57,000 are under cultivation. County seat, Norton; population, 500. Magnesian limestone is very abundant, and flint rock and sandstone are found in several localities. The C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry runs along the southern tier of townships, as far as Lenora (its present terminus), about 22 miles. The general surface is undulating; timber very scarce. The Solomon river flows through the extreme southern portion and has numerous tributaries, and the Prairie Dog creek flows northeast through the northwestern corner. Population, June 1883, 5,193.

ALMENA, a small place on Prairie Dog creek, in Norton county, 13 miles northeast of Norton, the county seat and its banking point, and 20 north of Logan, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, its shipping point. Grain and live stock are shipped. Population, 30. Stages to Norton, fare, 20 cents, and to Republic City, fare, $1.50. Mail, thrice a week. W. Harmonson, postmaster.

Bartel John, blacksmith.
Bennson G W, physician.
Burnap George, justice of peace.
Harmonson W, General Store.
McMahon Charles S, flour and saw-mills.
Makins C S, flour and saw-mills.
Rickards L H, hotel.
Whitney Belle, dressmaker.

BELL, a small place in the northwestern part of Norton County, 14 miles west of Norton, the county seat and nearest banking point, and 20 north of Lenora, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry., the nearest railway point. Mail, daily. R. R. Moon, postmaster and general store.

BRETT, a discontinued postoffice in Norton County, 9 miles west of Norton, the county seat, and 16 north of Modell, the nearest railroad point.

CACTUS, a country postoffice, in the eastern central part of Norton County, 14 miles east of Norton, the county seat, and 10 northwest of Logan, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry., the nearest railroad point and bank location. Has a district school. Grain, wool and live stock are shipped. Mail, semi-weekly.

CLAYTON, a small hamlet in the extreme western part of Norton county, 20 miles west of Norton, the county seat. and bank location, and 16 northwest of Lenora, the nearest railroad point. Population, 30. Daily stage from Lenora to Oberlin passes through here. Mail twice a week. E. L. Pearce, postmaster.

Bly George, live stock.
Brooks J R, builder.
Butler A, live stock.
Cameron John, General Store.
Doom I E, live stock.
Doom P G, live stock.
Gibbs D D, blacksmith.
Griffiths H A, live stock.
Kirk J N, live stock.
Miller Wm, farmer.
Pease C A, general store.
Salisbury J S, hotel propr.
Salisbury M, live stock.
Thomas Dr, druggist.
Vessey Robert N, live stock.
Wiltsey J B, live stock.

DALLAS, a small place, settled in 1881, on Prairie Dog Creek, in Norton County, 12 miles southwest of Norton, the county seat, and 18 northwest of Lenora, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry. Ships live stock. It is on the mail stage route from Lenora to Norton, and has mail four times a week.

DENSMORE, formerly known as West Union, is a village in Norton county, on the extension of the C. B div. of the M. P. Ry, 20 miles southeast of Norton, the county seat, and 275 from Atchison. It is on the North Solomon river, which affords good water power. Nearest bank at Logan. Live stock, grain and produce are shipped. Population, 60. Mail, daily. E. E. Densmore, postmaster.

Archer Cyrus, hides.
Button & Lee, creamery.
Coats R, miller and lumber.
Croger Dentluf, meat market.
Densmore T J, notary.
Densmore T jr, General Store, Land Agent and Justice of Peace.
Densmore �, livery.
Donely H, justice of peace.
Donely James, druggist.
Hanson & Willtrout, lumber mnfrs.
Hendricks T C, constable.
Hoverson E, lawyer and land agent.
Howard Rev J B (Methodist).
Kroger Claus, live stock.
Laughlin John, lumber.
Martin H, millwright and carpenter.
Moon W M, live stock.
Mullren Thomas, Physician.
Pesswell Rev C H (Methodist).
Stalcup Frank, gunsmith.
Stalcup T P, blacksmith.
Worthington E R, insurance.
Worthington Wm, hotel.

DEVIZES, also known as Lyndon Mill, is a postoffice at Daisy Hill, on Sappa creek, in the northwest corner of Norton county, 18 mi es northwest of Norton, the county seat, the nearest bank location, and 24 south of Cambridge, Neb., the nearest shipping point. Meetings are held by the Baptist and Methodist denominations. Population, 60. Mail by stage from Norton thrice a week. E. J. Lindsay, postmaster.

Bradley James, plasterer.
Brainard J F, harnessmaker.
Curtis Wm, shoemaker.
Dopps D T, constable.
Dopps J P Justice of Peace.
Garret Rev J F (Methodist).
Hakes Rev F (Baptist).
Hannum H B, carpenter.
Hannum G A, carpenter.
Lindsay J, grist mill.
Nelson Wm, blacksmith.
Page J E, carpenter.
Scott M B, blacksmith.
Simmons H A, physician.
Watson C E, broom mnfr.
Wilson L M, general store.

EDMOND, a town on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, and on the Solomon river, formerly known as Port Landis, in Norton county, 15 miles southeast of Norton, the county seat. It has Methodist and United Presbyterian churches, and ships grain and cheese. Population, 100. Logan, 15 miles east, is the nearest banking point. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. James Lobsitz, postmaster.

Bonnett Rev L H (Union Church).
Chapman J, broom mnfr.
Courn C B, livery.
Cox Albin, hotel.
Davison E P, carpenter.
Halleck Charles, general store and seed grower.
Hollowell, druggist.
Hoverson Edward, attorney-at-law.
Lainbright J, blacksmith.
Lobsitz James, General Store.
Ulch R L, express, railroad and telegraph agent.
Walzer Henry, flour mill.
Weaver Noah, general store and flour mill.

FAIR HAVEN, a small place in Norton county, 11 miles east of Norton, the county seat and banking location, 17 north of Logan, the nearest shipping point, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry. Live stock is the only shipment. Population, 20. Mail stage to Logan tri-weekly. A. Baker, postmaster.

Baker A J, Farmer.
Boatman J E, plasterer.
Gibson J J, lather.
Gunther John, wagonmaker.
Robb James L, justice of peace.
Stewart W H, farmer.
Wilson Judson C, farmer.
York B F, well digger.

HEDGEWOOD, a recently established country postoffice, in Norton county, 12 miles southeast of Norton, the county seat and. nearest bank location, and 9 north of Edmond, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, its nearest railroad station. It is on the tri-weekly mail stage route from Logan to Norton. D. E. Stevens, postmaster and farmer.

LENORA, a town in Norton county, on the C. B. div. M. P. Ry, 20 miles south of Norton, the count seat, the nearest bank location, and 292 west of Atchison. it is on the north fork of the Solomon river, which furnishes power, and has a district school and Methodist Episcopal and Baptist churches, and a weekly newspaper, the Leader. Population,60. Grain, wool and live stock are shipped. Stages to Wa-Keeney, Oberlin and Norton daily, Kenneth and Sheridan twice a week. Tel., W. U. Exp., Pacific. Mail, daily. 0. J. Burwell, postmaster.

Barbo Joseph, general store.
Bridges James, carpenter.
Barwell O J, Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco and Real Estate Agent.
Barwell O J & Co, Wholesale Flour, Feed and Fruits.
Dawson J W, telegraph operator, railroad and express agent.
Estep S B, shoemaker.
Graham J C & Co, hotel.
Howell Bros, lumber.
Johnson S E & Co, hardware and groceries.
Johnson W A, hotel propr.
Keney D B T, physician.
Lathrop Charles, Propr Lenora Flour Mills.
Main J H, blacksmith.
Nass E, shoemaker.
Nettleton D, general store.
Rogers J S, billiards.
Ruff Frank, stonemason.
Ryan & Decker, livery stables.
Sage Silas, lawyer.
Smith E, livery.
Stayt Rev (Methodist).
Still Wilson B, Carpenter and Builder.
Thomas Dr George K, druggist.
Wilson Hugo, hotel propr.

MODELL, a village in the southern part of Norton county, on the Solomon river, and on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, 10 miles south of Norton, the county seat and nearest bank location. Live stock is shipped. Population, 80. Postoffice discontinued.

NEW ALMELO, formerly known as New Elam, is a small place in the extreme southwestern corner of Norton county, 30 miles southwest of Norton, the county seat, and 10 west of Lenora, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, its shipping point, whence it receives a tri-weekly mail by stage. It is on the Solomon river, has a Catholic church and ships live stock. H. C. Davis, postmaster.

NORTON, settled in 1872, on Prairie Dog creek, in the centre of Norton county, of which it is the count seat, 16 miles north of Edmond, on the C. B. div. of the P. Ry, its nearest railroad point, 45 northwest of Kirwin, 65 north of Wa-Keeney, and 293 from Atchison. It has Christian, Methodist and Presbyterian churches, 2 graded schools and a weekly newspaper, the Courier. Wheat, butter, live stock, etc., are shipped. Population, 500. Stages to Lenora daily; to Logan, Alma, Neb., and Oberlin, tri-weekly. Mail, daily. J. W. Graves, postmaster.

Adams W, probate judge.
Blanding D R, meat market.
Blue & Croco, druggists.
Borin Rev C (Presbyterian).
Bower L C (Christian).
Briggs Mrs P A O, physician.
Broquet Ernest, grain.
Brunner P, general store.
Cannon & Kennedy, general store.
Case Bros, furniture.
Case G, hotel propr.
Case W E, district clerk.
Close D, live stock and grist mill.
Commercial Hotel, C W Parson propr.
Dopps E E, harness.
Emery C L, painter.
Emery �, lawyer.
Good Jonas, boots and shoes.
Good J W, boots and shoes.
Graves Bros, hardware and farm impts.
Graves J W, confectioner.
Griffin G H, general store.
Hamilton J R, lawyer.
Harmonson A H, county clerk.
Heaton Morgan, banker.
Henry W & Co, hardware.
Herman, Kirkpatrick & Co, general store.
Jones Edward I, county treasurer.
Kinney D B & Son, lumber.
Little J A, architect and builder.
McCrea P, justice of peace.
McCredie H, lawyer.
Marsh Solomon, constable.
Means Samuel, supt of schools.
Meredith Rev W J (Methodist).
Newell, Wright & Co, creamery.
Oliver Henry, wagonmaker.
Passon C W, propr Commercial hotel.
Piers James, carpenter.
Potter Ethel M, milliner.
Pratt L K, lawyer.
Rogers Mrs M E, boarding.
Rowley Reuben, mason.
Seymour Mrs, milliner.
Shaffer George W, harness.
Simmons & Little, editors Norton Courier.
Simpson W, live stock.
Snooks Thomas, wagonmaker.
Snyder Theodore, blacksmith.
Stoddard Frank, carpenter.
Turner E J M, physician.
Urschell �, blacksmith.
Vimig J W, sheriff.
Wheeler B V, barber.
White R E, druggist.
Williams & Son, live stock.

REAGLE, a country postoffice in Norton county, 14 miles north of Norton, the county seat, and nearest banking location, and 24 south of Arapahoe, Neb., on the B. & R. R. R., its nearest shipping point. It is on the semi-weekly mail stage route from Beaver City, Neb., to Norton. Joseph M. Miller, postmaster.

REDD, a country postoffice in Norton county, 8 miles west of Norton, the county seat, and 15 north of Lenora, on the C. B. div. M. P. Ry, its nearest shipping point by rail. Ships grain, live stock and wool. It is on the tri-weekly mail stage route from Norton to Oberlin. Mary C. Rule, postmaster.

Aliser J, carpenter.
Boles D B, blacksmith.
Cove Rev Aaron.
McCune D B, Broom Mnfr.
Maxwell A, plasterer.
Moore M V B, mason.

WAKEMAN, a country postoffice in Norton county, 20 miles southwest of Norton, the county seat and nearest bank location, and 7 northwest of Lenora, on the C. B. div. of the M. P. Ry, its nearest shipping point, whence it receives a tri-weekly mail. Has a Congregational church and public school. Population, 75. Lydia Hudson, postmaster.

Patterson Enos, stock breeder.
Patterson James, Stock Breeder.
Roman I H, stock breeder.
Roman S, stock breeder.
Weaver G W, stock breeder.

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