New Almelo, Kansas
Taken from The Norton County News 1870-1916
Historical Number.
Transcribed by Joann Wolf
St. Joseph Parish and Town site Pictures
New Almelo is a hustling, boosting town on the Solomon twelve miles south of Clayton the post office from which it receives its mail. It is six miles west of Lenora the nearest shipping point. New Almelo has a hardware store, a general store and an up to date garage. The town is situated on a slope and it may be seen for miles. With the church and the parish house in the foreground the scene is indeed beautiful.
St. Joseph Parish, at New Almelo, was organized October 29, 1878. A few settlers had taken up homesteads at that time and soon they commenced the erection of a sod church near the present cemetery. This building served for church services and for school also. Rev. Richert would instruct the children when he was not away visiting the Catholic settlements in Northwestern Kansas.
Soon the settlers saw the need of a more substantial building, and on April 12, 1880 began the erection of a small stone church, part dug-out, and covered with sod. For many years this humble church was the place of worship for the Catholics of St. Joseph Parish.
The settlers became more prosperous, and 1899 decided to erect a larger church building and use the old one for school purposes. This new church, 40 X 70, was dedicated April 26, 1900. It was a splendid example of the generosity of the people of New Almelo.
The first resident priest of New Almelo was Rev. Augustine Richert. He remained there until his death, February 13, 1889. After his death he parish was visited by the priest from Dresden, the Rev. W. Wenzel until November 1, 1893, and by the Rev. K. J. Withoff until July 1, 1901. As the Catholics increased again in number Rev. Wahlmeier took up his residence at New Almelo and remained until January 1, 1904. On January 6, 1904,the present pastor Rev. J. B. Vornholt took up his residence in New Almelo.
During his time the new residence was built. In September 1907 he opened the parochial school for the education of the children. The school is taught by the pastor with and average attendance of 45 children.
On April 19, 1908m fire destroyed the church built by Rev. K. J. Withoff. At once plans were prepared by architect N. Clark, of Kansas City, and out of the ruins there arose a larger, more beautiful church than before. This new church was 40 X 105 feet and was dedicated December 2, 1908.
Both the church and parochial school are splendid buildings, beautifully located, and can be seen from a great distance, presenting a charming view; one which cannot be surpassed by any in the county.
The congregation has not only all the church societies but also an insurance and relief society and a Catholic band. All of these societies were organized by the present pastor, who is a man of great activity and broad mind,
possessing the love and confidence of his people to a very marked degree.
The present committees of the church are Mr. Wm. Noone, Mr. N. Hahn, John Costello and J. W.
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