Kansas History and Heritage Project- McPherson County

McPherson County Birth Records
1888 Reported Births

Below are births in 1888 that were reported by physicians. These are from hand-written records and I apologize for any errors.

Anderson, Anton Oct. 5th Lindsborg 5 Carolina Peterson Martin Anderson
Anderson, female Feb. 22nd Lindsborg 5 Louise Stauffer Peter Anderson
Baldwin, male and female May 29th Canton ng Emma Maude Ledbetter Frank Baldwin
Bass, female May 10th McPherson 1 not given A. Bass
Beyer, Emma R. Nov. 20th Groveland Twp. 3 Martha A. Graves Henry J. Beyer
Boutrager, male Mar. 9th Monitor Twp. 9 Liddie C. Yoder John C. Boutrager
Brannon, female Dec. 14th McPherson 3 Maud R. Hildebrand M. J. Brannan/Brannon
Breneman, female Oct. 6th Galva 1 Louisa Brubaker David Breneman
Breneman, male June 5th Galva 4 Mary Martin Aaron G. Breneman
Britton, female Apr. 20th McPherson 1 Anna ? John B. Britton
Brooks, female Apr. 10th Marquette 2 Ula D. Stetson William H. Brooks
Brubaker, male June 21st Lone Tree Twp. ng Amanda Zink A. T. B. Brubaker
Carlson, female May 17th McPherson 7 Sophia Youngberg Victor Carlson
Carlson, male Aug. 8th Lindsborg 2 Anna M. Swenson Ebenezer Carlson
Carroll, male Apr. 18th McPherson ng Milda ? B. G. Carroll
Colvin, Martin Carl Apr. 5th Canton Twp. 2 J. Kreager O. E. Colvin
Cooksey, female Jan. 21st Canton 8 Elizabeth ? Jefferson Cooksey
Craig, male Sept. 13th Marquette 3 Minnie Hobblefield Thomas Craig
Drum, male July 4th Empire Twp. 1 Nora Pack Rufus E. Drum
Engstrom, male Aug. 15th Marquette 1 Hilda Peterson Olof Engstrom
Erickson, Carolina June 14th Lindsborg 8 Anna Olson Olof Erickson
Finkle, female July 7th Empire Twp. 2 Clara Belle Tinsley Judson Finkle
Finkle, female Nov. 3rd Empire Twp. 7 Phoebe White Watson Finkle
Flook, female May 3rd Empire Twp. 2 Leora A. Foster George W. Flook
Freeborn,. Female Sept. 13th McPherson 7 Martha Mandan John W. Freeborn
Gibson, male May 8th McPherson 2 not given Charles E. Gibson
Gray, male Sept. 6th McPherson Co. 2 Sarah B. Connell Robert W. Gray
Griffith, male July 1st Galva 1 Emma Eaton William Griffith
Grissam, Merval Leroy July 27th Turkey Creek Twp. 2 Elisabeth Roy James Grissam
Hager, female Apr. 5th Lone Tree Twp. 3 Jennie ? C. F. Hager
Hamilton, male Dec. 27th Sharp's Creek Twp. 1 Elizabeth Pool George W. Hamilton
Hart, male Feb. 28th Delmore Twp. 11 Annie E. Forrest Henry C. Hart
Haviland, male Sept. 20tyh Sharp's Creek Twp. 5 not given not given
Haydon, male Feb. 10th Superior Twp. 2 Ursula E. Parker William L. Haydon
Haywood, female Aug. 13th Sharp's Creek Twp. 2 Ellen E. Blake H. R. Haywood
Heggelund, female Sept. 6th McPherson 3 Frances ? E. Charles Heggelund
Henmon, male July 6th Lindsborg 5 Minnie Ekelund Joseph J. Henmon
Hodge, female Apr. 3rd Lone Tree Twp. 1 E. Whitney L. P. Hodge
Holcom, female Apr. 1st Delmore Twp. 6 Nancy C. Olinger John W. Holcom
Holmes, male Apr. 24th Spring Valley Twp. 1 Anna M. Knowls George W. Holmes
Howard, Charles H. May 23rd Lone Tree Twp. 2 Mattie A. Phillips Frank Howard
Ingle, Jennie Pearl Aug. 15th McPherson 4 Mary Etta Ogle Albert E. Ingle/Engle
Kasey, male Sept. 6th McPherson Co. 1 Mary Day Scott W. Casey
Kramer, female Dec. 14th Sharp's Creek Twp. 9 Lydia A. Conrad Cornelius Kramer
Laderer, female Dec. 8th McPherson 1 Emma R. Ritch Jacob F. Laderer
Lake, male June 5th Canton 4 Ada Kirby William Lake
Larson, male Sept. 19th Marquette 4 Anna C. Bergstrom Nels Larson
Lincoln, Lettie Aug. 13th Gypsum Creek Twp. 2 Martha K. Burnett Albert Lincoln
Lindberg, female Sept. 1st Sharp's Creek Twp. 3 Bertha Peterson John A. Lindberg
Linn, female Mar. 5th McPherson 7 Carolina Nelson Andrew Linn
Lofvgren, male Sept. 3rd Union Twp. 5 Huldah Darilson P. John Lofvgren/Lofgren
Loyd, male Oct. 7th Union Twp. 3 Bertha J. Stevens Robert Loyd
Lund, Carl E. Sept. ? Lindsborg 1 Edla C. C. Ferngren Victor Lund
Mahaffey, Chester Mar. 31st Bonnaville Twp. 2 Sarah Belle Frasier Edward Mahaffey
Marshall, Minnie E. Oct. 15th Empire Twp. 1 Anna E. Smart Thomas J. Marshall
Massengill, female Nov. 21st Sharp's Creek Twp. 4 Kate Hutchinson James H. Massengill
McClure, female Oct. 16th McPherson 3 Emma H. Byers Dexter R. McClure
McIntire, Anna L. Jan. 6th McPherson 2 Eliza Draper B. W. McIntire
Miller, female May 17th Galva 1 Pearl Maude Shirk Levi G. Miller
Millner, male Nov. 10th Canton 2 H. E. Lowden Joseph Millner
Morrison, male May 2nd McPherson 2 Rosella Vade John A. Morrison
Nelson, female Nov. 9th Union Twp. 5 Helena E. Peterson John Nelson
Nickols, female Sept. 2nd McPherson 2 Blanche Lancaster Daniel Nickols
Owen, male May 29th McPherson 4 Harriet Atkins J. C. Owen
Parnell, female Mar. 4th McPherson 1 Ellen Shaner Daniel Parnell
Patten, Warren Hendrick June 10th Battle Hill Twp. 1 Mary Warren Lionel D. Patten
Ramey, male Aug. 20th Lone Tree Twp. 1 Ella May Harris William J. Ramey
Richcreek, Minta Mary Sept. 1st King City Twp. 1 Effa May Hall George W. Richcreek
Rider, female Nov. 1st Sharp's Creek Twp. 6 Laura A. Skinner Judson K. Rider
Riner, male and female Mar. 5th Galva 4&5 Caroline Gerkin George Riner
Rodin, Anna Christine Dec. 2nd Sharp's Creek Twp. 4 Mary G. Nelson Andrew Rodin
Sandberg, Frederick Aug. 20th Roxbury 3 Anna Nelson Ludwig Sanberg
Sandberg, Rosana H. Aug. 9th Gypsum Creek Twp. 7 Josephine C. Sandburg Nelse O. Sandberg
Schmidt, Ida Apr. 26th Turkey Creek Twp. 2 Maria ? Jacob Schmidt
Schnell, female Apr. 1st Lindsborg 1 Emma G. ? Joseph H. Schnell
Schoonover, Mary B. Mar. 19th McPherson 6 Mary H. Wardell Andrew J. Schoonover
Scott, male Mar. 8th Empire Twp. 2 Sarah Hart John H. Scott
Simpson, female Sept. 14th McPherson 4 Lessy Cotton Benjamin Simpson
Sjoberg, female Sept. 11th Marquette 1 Clara Fricksell Nels P. Sjoberg
Smith, female Mar. 30th Battle Hill Twp. 2 Sadie L. Moore William L. Smith
Snedegar, Anna May Aug. 25th Sharp's Creek Twp. 1 Samanthy Jane Pool Lewis A. Snedegar
Swand, female Aug. 22nd Union Twp. 4 Ida Nordstrom Swan C. Swand
Swanson, Carl Joseph Aug. 28th Lindsborg 4 Hanna Broman A. J. Swanson
Swanson, female Sept. 21st McPherson ng not given Charles Swanson
Ury, Ralph Sept. 18th Galva 3 Emma J. Eukus Adam Ury
Vanstrom, female Aug. 15th Lindsborg 5 Margareth King Willard P. Vanstrom
Williams, David B. H. Apr. 18th Lone Tree Twp. 9 Julia Hoisington Milton Williams
Wise, female May 12th Empire Twp. 2 Alsona M. Priddy Hamilton Wise
Young, male Dec. 16th Ellsworth Co. 12 not given John D. Young

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This website created June 25, 2011 by Sheryl McClure.
� 2016 Kansas History and Heritage Project