Chico Kansas History  

Chico Kansas History
Dickinson County

Chico, Kansas Saturday May 15, 1886

The Victory Is Ours! Now Let Us Have Peace!

For some weeks past we have watched with interest the development of a movement, which had for its no less a scheme than the building of a rival town to Chico.
The movement was started by a few men, who thought they had the rights of priority to a town in this valley, and was supported by a number of farmers, who felt aggrieved because the railroad station was not nearer their farms. Frustrated calculations, disappointed hopes and imagined wrongs led to the creaation of a place called Gypsum City, a little over tow miles south of us and at a point where the Missouri Pacific Railroad (T.S. & W. Div.) enters the Gypsum Valley.
We did not attach much importance to this movement, because a place so near to us can make no head-way without railroad facilities of its own, and we know it could not even obtain a switch, as the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company had agreed in their cointract with the founders of Chico not to build or locate a station or sidetrack between Chico and Carlton, a distance of about ten miles.
We never spoke a word for against Gypsum City and would not say anything against the place now, were it not  that the affairs have taken a turn which compels us in duty to all inhabitants of this valley, to express our opinion and offer out advice on a matter, which concerns us all and is of the utmost importance to us all.   
During the last few weeks, that is since the Advertiser came out on its mission, inviting people from all over the United States to come ro Chico, quite a number of businessmen have visited the valley with intent ot locate in our town if prospects suited them.  They all spoke in favor of Chico and considered it the best point in this part of the state for a great and successful city.  But they all declared,  that as Gypsum City would soon have a switch or a station it would not give up the fight, as two towns so near together would necessiarly prevent each other from growing to any importance, they, the businessmen, did not care to locate here until this question was settled.
As these remarks conveyed the information that Gypsum City held out hopes of obtaining railroad   accommodations. An inquery was made at the headquarters. And in answer thereto Mr. M. D. Teague. The treasurer of the Chico Town Company, received a note, of which the following is a copy:

Atchinson, Kansas
May 7th 1886
M. D. Teague, Esq.
Salina, Kansas

Dear Sir,
There will be no depot, switch or side-track built or located between Chico and Carlton.
The terms of the contract with your company will be lived up to.
Yours Respectfully,
Aaron S. Everest,
Atty. For the Missouri Pacific Ry. In Kansas

This settles the question of the railroad facilities for Gypsum city for now and for all time to come.  The Missouri pacific Railroad will not stop there, nor will any other road that may hereafter be built.  Now railroads invariably cross at existing railway stations, at the convenience in interchanging passengers and freights induces them to establish railroad centers, wherever it can be done.  This is not idle talk! Examine the official railroad map of the state of Kansas and wherever you look, you will find a verification of this rule.  For this the Rock Island and any other that may possibly enter this valley will not cross at any other point than Chico.
And now a word to the businessmen of Gypsum City:  You have fought your battle and you have fought it well, but this victory is ours and you are beaten.  Acknowledge the fact and abide by the result, for it is far more honorable and manly to submit when you are defeated, than to keep up a useless and disastrous struggle for a “Lost Cause”.  Our terms of surrender as such that you should not refuse to accept them.  We never entertained any bad feeling towards you, and harbor none. Come to Chico and join us in our efforts to build up a great town.  Here is the field and the only field where you efforts can result to the benefit of all.  This is the place decreed  by nature and circumstance to be the social and commercial center in this valley, and here is the place where you should live and work.
To the farmers in the yonder part of the valley we must also address a few words. They are well meant, and prompted by honest convictions, and we sincerely hope, that they may accomplish their purpose.  You are friends by the affinity of natural surroundings, be so also in name and fact.  Forget your real or imagined wrongs and remember only that you are our neighbors, and that you live in the same valley with us, that you are members of the same community and the same societies, and that you and all of us should only follow the dictates of our better nature and live in peace and harmony together.  Remember that we have interests in common, that the prosperity of this town will bring benefits to yourself and that with our rise your well-being will improve also.   A large city in your midst will give you social advantages, which you do not now possess, it will give your children educational facilities which they cannot now enjoy, it will give you good substantial churches where you must now shift about, it will increase your convenience and your income by giving you a good home-market, and last but not least, it will double the value of your farms.
Consider all these facts and give us your goodwill.  Let Chico be your town as much as it is ours, and unite with us in every measure, that may bring success to our community, prosperity and happiness,  to our families, and contentment to our minds.

Ghost Towns of the Southwind

Birth, Marriage & Death in Chico KS.