Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and Biographical Album of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties-Simon Stein

Portrait and Biographical Album of
Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties

Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893

SIMON STEIN, one of the self-made men of Dickinson County, who follows general farming on section 7, Garfield Township, is of German birth. He was born in Saxony, on the 9th of January, 1832, and the days of his boyhood and youth were spent in his native land until eighteen years of age. Having bade good-bye to home and friends, on the 12th of August, 1850, he sailed for America and after a long voyage landed in Philadelphia on the 4th of October.

He made his first location in Schuylkill County, Pa., where he was employed in the coal mines for thirty years. He began work as a common laborer, but his ability and faithfulness won him promotion and he became Superintendent of the mines in which he was first employed. He served in that capacity for two years, and with the capital that he acquired through his industry and perseverance he then purchased a third interest in another mine in Tamaqua, Pa. About a year later, a fire broke out in the mine, which the firm later sold to the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company. Mr. Stein continued in the mines as Superintendent in the employ of that company for two years, when he resigned, and again owned an interest in another mine for about a year, after which he sold out.

Mr. Stein was married in July, 1855, in Tamaqua, Pa., the lady of his choice being Miss Catherine Schultz, who was born in Saxony, Germany, on the 7th of July, 1830. They have a family of seven children, five sons and two daughters: Charles, Anna, Leonard, John, Katie, George and Henry. The children have now all attained to mature years and the sons are all in business for themselves and are doing well. Katie is the wife of William Numeller.

On coming to Dickinson County in the fall of 1880, Mr. Stein purchased a half-section of land in Garfield Township, and has since made his home upon that farm, devoting his entire energies to agricultural pursuits. He has one of the best improved farms in the locality. In addition to the pleasant residence there are commodious barns and outbuildings which are models of convenience. The fields are well tilled and in all of its appointments the place is complete, while its neat appearance indicates the supervision of a careful manager. He is recognized as one of the leading and substantial farmers of the community.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Stein hold membership with the Lutheran Church. In politics, he is a supporter of Republican principles. He held the office of County Commissioner for one term but has never been an office-seeker, as his time has been well taken up with his business; however, he manifests a commendable interest in all that pertains to the advancement of the cause of education and the promotion of the general welfare. Mr. Stein may truly be called a self-made man and of his success in life may be justly proud. He started at the bottom of the ladder and climbing upward has won prosperity. The obstacles and disadvantages in his path did not impede his progress but rather served as an impetus. He is the founder of his family in this country, and in future years his descendants can point with pride to their first American ancestor.

(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for Dickinson County KS AHGP