Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and
Marion Counties-Tobias M. Sheets
Portrait and Biographical
Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion
Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893
TOBIAS M. SHEETS, a prosperous farmer of
Hayes Township, is one of the enterprising
citizens of Dickinson County, residing on
section 22, where he has a well-improved farm of
one hundred and sixty-acres. Mount Joy, Lancaster
County, Pa., was the place of his birth, which
occurred December 15, 1857. His father, Christian
Sheets, was born in the same county about 1824.
His mother was Anna Musser before her marriage.
The grandfather of our subject, John Sheets,
was also a native of Lancaster County, Pa., and
was born about the year 1792; he died when
about forty-five years of age. The father of John
Sheets was Daniel Sheets, a native of Germany,
who emigrated to the United States, settling in
Lancaster County, Pa., where he resided until his
death. Our subject's father also passed away in
the same county, when sixty-two years of age.
He was the father of six sons and four daughters.
Tobias Sheets was the sixth child and lived on
the old homestead in Lancaster County, where he
received his education in the country schools.
There he resided until his marriage, November 18,
1877, to Mary E. Keefer, daughter of Joseph and
Christiana (Lukenboch) Keefer. Their marriage
was celebrated in Cumberland County, Pa. Mr.
and Mrs. Keefer had a family of eight children,
five sons and three daughters, of whom Mrs.
Sheets was the fourth in order of birth. She was
born at Liverpool, Perry County, Pa., on the 8th
of January, 1854. After their marriage they located
in Lancaster County, where they lived but
one year, and then removed to Detroit, Kan.
Mr. Sheets here purchased a farm of eighty acres
on section 22, Hayes Township, Dickinson County,
in the spring of 1879, and by dint of perseverance
and energy is now the owner of one hundred and
sixty acres of fine farming land. He has erected
good buildings and made many useful improvements.
He has always given his entire attention
to farming and agricultural pursuits, and his efforts
have been rewarded by one of the best farms in
the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheets have an interesting family
of seven children. The eldest, Elizabeth, was
born August 18, 1878; Agnes K. was born March
29, 1880; Christian, born March 25, 1882; Mary,
December 22, 1883; Joseph, April 23, 1886; Daniel,
August 4, 1888; and the baby, Jennie, November
27, 1891.
Our subject and his wife are members of the
denomination known as River Brethren, in the
work of which they take an active part. They
are very popular and stand high in social circles
in this community. Their home is the abode of
prosperity and happiness and their many friends
and acquaintances are always given a most cordial
welcome under their hospitable roof. Our subject
has been Clerk of the School Board, and always
takes an active interest in all educational matters.
He has never been an office-seeker, preferring to
devote his attention to the labors of the farm.
(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for
Dickinson County KS AHGP