Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and Biographical Album of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties-Abraham Lesher

Portrait and Biographical Album of
Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties

Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893

ABRAHAM LESHER, who is engaged in general farming on section 7, Grant Township, Dickinson County, claims Maryland as the State of his nativity. He was born near Clear Springs, Washington County, eleven miles from Hagerstown, on the 13th of April, 1834, and is a son of Isaac and Nancy (Martin) Lesher, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania. The father was a farmer and followed that occupation during the greater part of his life.

The subject of this sketch spent the days of his boyhood and youth upon the home farm in Maryland until his father's death, after which he settled up the estate. He is the eldest in a family of eight children, seven of whom are yet living, and thus this duty devolved upon him. He remained in the State of his nativity until thirty years of age, residing on a farm adjoining the old homestead after his marriage. At the age of twenty seven he was joined in wedlock with Miss Ann Elizabeth Tice, their union being celebrated on Christmas Day of 1860. The lady was also born in Washington County, Md., the date being December 30, 1841.

Mr. Lesher continued to reside in Maryland until 1864, when he bade good-bye to his native State and removed to Fulton County, Pa., where he resided for three years engaged in general farming. In 1867 he became a resident of Franklin County, Pa., where he made his home for a period of fourteen years, and the year 1881 witnessed his arrival in Kansas. He came direct to Dickinson County and purchased his present farm, which is pleasantly situated three miles northwest of Abilene, which is his post-office. It contains one hundred and sixty acres of land, which is now under a high state of cultivation. He carries on general farming and wheat is the principal crop raised. He has been successful in his undertakings through life, and now has a comfortable competence as the result of his own industrious efforts.

Unto Mr. and Mrs. Lesher have been born the following children: William Luther, who is a resident of Talmage, Kan., graduated from a business college and is now engaged in teaching; John Tice aids in the operation of the home farm; Samuel Martin, who engaged in teaching for three years, graduated from Midland College in the Class of '92, and will enter upon the work of the ministry; Carrie Virginia is the wife of E. R. Pierson, a liveryman and horse dealer of Norwich, Conn.; Anna Amelia successfully taught for four years in the country and Abilene public schools, from which latter she was graduated in the Class of '87; Abraham Alvie is now in Neota, Kan.; May Lillian, who graduated from the Abilene High School in 1890, has been engaged in teaching for two years; Bertha May, Nancy Grace, Charles Frederick and Alice Elizabeth are still under the parental roof. The Lesher family is one of which the parents may well be proud. The intelligence of the children and their careful training along educational lines have made them excellent teachers, and several of the family have already successfully followed that profession, winning the commendation of many. The Lesher household is the abode of hospitality, and all of the family rank high in social circles.

(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for Dickinson County KS AHGP