Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and Biographical Album of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties-Michael Hoffman

Portrait and Biographical Album of
Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties

Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893

MICHAEL HOFFMAN, one of the enterprising and progressive agriculturists of Dickinson County, resides on section 35, Newbern Township. He was born in Switzerland on the 27th of December, 1837, and was reared amid the beautiful scenery of the Alps. At the age of twenty, he determined to try his fortune in America, and bidding good-bye to his old home he crossed the broad Atlantic in a sailing vessel, which after some weeks dropped anchor in the harbor of New York. From that city lie went to Wisconsin, where he spent one year, and then came to Kansas, locating in Leavenworth. For a time he was employed as a stonemason in the summer, while in the winter season he engaged in chopping wood.

Mr. Hoffman lived in that city and vicinity for about two years, and then came to Dickinson County, Kan., in the spring of 1860. His father, L. Hoffman, had entered a tract of land, the same upon which our subject now resides, and made it the homestead of the family. He and his wife, Agatha Hoffman, both died on the old home. A brother of our subject, Christian Hoffman, is now living in Enterprise, and is represented elsewhere in this work.

When Michael Hoffman came to this county, lie settled upon his father's farm, and has since been a resident of Newbern Township. On his father's death the old homestead became his property, and to its cultivation and improvement he has since devoted his energies. His landed possessions now aggregate four hundred acres, located in Newbern and Jefferson Townships. Upon the home farm are good barns and other outbuildings for the shelter of his stock and grain. Mr. Hoffman has also set out many shade trees, which add both to the value and attractive appearance of the place, and has made excellent improvements.

In Newbern Township on the 16th of December, 1868, our subject married Agatha Gantenbein, who was born in Switzerland, April 9, 1819. Their union has been blessed with ten children, and the family circle yet remains unbroken. In order of birth they are as follows: Anna, Agatha, Leonard, Fred, Christian, Eli, Margaret, Henry, Mary and Elmer. The Hoffman household is the abode of hospitality, and the members of the family rank high in the social circles in which they move.

During the late war Mr. Hoffman was an advocate of the Lincoln administration, and for a short time served in the Kansas State Militia. He has ever faithfully performed his duties of citizenship, and is alike true to every public and private trust. He is one of the oldest members of the German Reformed Church, which is located in Jefferson Township, and takes an active interest in its work and its upbuilding. His life has been well and worthily spent, and no man can say aught against his integrity and straightforwardness. He is well deserving of representation in this volume, for he is one of the worthy citizens of the community.

(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for Dickinson County KS AHGP