Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and Biographical Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties-Edward Gibson

Portrait and Biographical Record of
Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion Counties

Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893

EDWARD GIBSON, a successful and prosperous farmer of Dickinson County, and one of the extensive land-owners, resides on section 24. As he is well and favorably known throughout this county, the sketch of his life will undoubtedly prove of interest to many of our readers. A native of England, he was born in Yorkshire, December 29, 1843, and is one of a family of seven living children, whose parents were Joseph and Julia (Parneby) Gibson. The paternal grandfather, a native of England, removed to Canada, and there spent the remainder of his days. The father of our subject was a farmer by occupation and followed that business throughout the greater part of his life. In 1844, he crossed the broad Atlantic and located in Durham County, Canada, where he secured one hundred acres of timber land and began the development of a farm. His death occurred on the 3d of February, 1892, at the advanced age of eighty-one years, and his wife passed away a few months previous at the age of seventy seven years. They had ten children, and those now living are John, who is engaged in farming in Iowa; Elizabeth, wife of John Dixon, an agriculturist of Durham County, Canada; Alfred, a resident farmer of Algoma, Canada; Anna, wife of John Martin, who makes his home in Durham County; Henry, who is living in Algoma; and Edward of this sketch.

Our subject is the fifth in order of birth. During his infancy his parents emigrated to Ontario, and at the age of sixteen he went to Huron County, where he learned the carpenter's trade. He was engaged in business in Constance, near Seaforth, until 1872, and mot with fair success in his undertakings. On the 23d of December, 1869, Mr. Gibson wedded Eliza, daughter of Abram Taylor, a native of Toronto, Canada, who engaged in farming in Huron County. The lady was born January 9, 1851. Of her brothers and sisters, Mary Ann is married; George resides in Flora Township, Dickinson County; Mrs. Sarah Jane Elcoat makes her home in Huron County, Canada; William is a resident of Flora Township; Shered is a resident of Buckeye Township; and Hannah is keeping house for her brother William. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Gibson have been born two children: Anna Elizabeth, who was born November 11, 1869, in Huron County, Ontario, is the wife of Elmer Diffenbaugh, son of John Diffenbaugh. They have one child, Clarence Earl, aged eleven months. John George, the only son of our subject, was born August 15, 1871, and aids in the operation of the home farm.

In 1872, Mr. Gibson removed to Kansas and located on section 24, Flora Township, where he secured a homestead of eighty acres and also pre-empted eighty acres He has been industrious, and as the result of his earnest efforts has been able to make additional purchases. He bought another eighty-acre tract on the same section as his home farm, which now comprises two hundred and forty acres of highly improved land. He also has one hundred and sixty acres on section 2, Willowdale Township, and in the spring of 1892 purchased one hundred and sixty .acres on section 13. Flora Township, where his daughter will make her home. At the time of his first purchase his home farm was entirely destitute of improvements and the land was largely in its primitive condition. Since that time he has planted a hedge fence all around the place, and has set out about five acres In fruit trees, thus making a good orchard, and every year improvements have been added until he now has one of the most desirable country homes in the county. On coming to Kansas, Mr. Gibson formed a partnership with William Bailey and together they carried on business until 1889, when the property was divided. Our subject is recognized as a successful and enterprising agriculturist of the community, and is one of the leading influential citizens of Flora Township. During the twenty years of his residence here his life has been one of uprightness and integrity, and he has therefore won an enviable place in the esteem of his fellow townsmen. Success has crowned his efforts and a well-deserved prosperity is now his.

(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for Dickinson County KS AHGP