Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and
Marion Counties-J. B. Ehrsam
Portrait and Biographical
Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion
Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893
J. B. EHRSAM, the widely-known secretary
and manager of the J. B. Ehrsam Machine
Company, well deserves representation in
l^/ the history of Dickinson County, on account
of the leading part which he has played in
the upbuilding and advancement of Enterprise.
Bannweye, canton of Berne, Switzerland, was the
place of his birth, which occurred on the 25th of
March, 1841. The days of his boyhood and youth
were quietly passed in his native land, where he
remained until twenty-five years of age. He
served for two years as Lieutenant in the Swiss
army, and learned the trade of a machinist in the
Old Country, having served a five-year apprenticeship.
After crossing the Atlantic in 1867, he
spent one year in Pennsylvania, and in 1868 cast
in his lot with the early settlers of Enterprise.
Soon afterward he erected the old Hoffman mill.
On the 8th of May, 1870, Mr. Ehsam was
married to Miss Barbara Senn, a sister of M.
Senn, one of the prominent citizens of Enterprise.
The same year he entered a homestead adjoining the
city on the south, and for twenty years has resided
thereon. He also owns two hundred acres of land
elsewhere in the county. Mr. Ehrsam continued
to supply and fit up mills in this locality until
1873, when he established a woolen mill, in connection
with M. Senn and C. Hoffman. After operating
the mill for six years it was transformed
into the flouring mill, now the property of C. Hoffman
& Son.
In 1880 our subject established a small shop for
the manufacture of mill machinery, investing only
about $1,000 in this industry. In 1883, he increased
the business to about $20,000, the greater part
of which he had made during the preceding years,
and then incorporated it with a capital of $60,000,
one-half paid in. Employment was furnished
to from thirty-five to fifty hands, who were engaged
in manufacturing mill machinery and fitting
up mills throughout Kansas.
In January, 1890, the capital stock of $60,000
was all sold, and in August, 1891, it was increased to
$100,000, all of which is sold. The plant was built
at a cost of $30,000, and about $12,000 was invested
in the foundry, shops and storage rooms. The foundry
is 70x1 15 feet, and the warehouse, a brick and
stone building three stories high, is 40x200 feet. For
three years the stock has paid a ten per cent, dividend
and the business is in a very flourishing condition.
The plant covers sixty thousand square
feet; one hundred and twenty-five men are employed
in the works, the pay averaging more than $200
daily, and the annual business amounts to upward
of $100,000. They manufacture mill and stucco
machinery and construct annually six hundred
Wilson headers, made under the well-known Sickle
patents. This is one of the leading industries of
Enterprise and its success is due almost entirely
to the zealous and industrious efforts of our subject.
Mr. Ehrsam came to the United States a poor
man, but he need never regret his emigration, for
here he has met with prosperity, has secured a
pleasant home and made many warm friends. No
citizen of Enterprise has done more to build
up the city than life, who by furnishing employment
to a great number of men has aided materially
in its growth and progress. He manifests a
commendable interest in all works of a beneficial
nature and does all in his power for their promotion.
(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for
Dickinson County KS AHGP