Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and
Marion Counties-Albert Dillon
Portrait and Biographical
Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion
Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893
ALBERT DILLON, a representative and
progressive agriculturist who resides on
section 29, Hope Township, Dickinson
County, was born on the 24th of April,
1855, in Tremont, Tazewell County, Ill. His father
was born in Clinton County, Ohio, in January,
1818, and died January 19, 1892, at the age
of seventy-four years. He purchased land in this
county in 1873 and settled in Abilene in 1876.
He had been a resident of Illinois from 1833. His
uncle, Nathan Dillon, was the first white settler in
Tazewell County. The father of our subject resided
for twelve years in Livingston County. He
was a contractor and builder and erected the first
court house in Tazewell County. In the latter
county he bought several hundred acres of land,
near three sections. In 1879, he located on a farm
of a half-section in Hope Township.
Nathan Dillon was twice married. His second
wife, who bore the maiden name of Margaret Taylor,
was born in County Tipperary, Ireland; the
Dillons were also of Irish lineage but emigrated to
North Carolina in an early day. By his first marriage
lie had three children: Charles, who resides
on section 17, Hope Township; John, who died
ten years ago at the age of twenty-eight; and Louisa.
The children of the second marriage are
George and Albert. The former was born in
Tazewell County, Ill., April 4th, 1852, and remained
at home until 1876, when he located on his present
farm on section 5, Hope Township. It is surrounded
by four and a-half miles of hedge and
four thousand pounds of wire fence. His barn is
42x70 feet, and he is extensively engaged in stockraising.
He has a percheron and also a French
draught stallion, and has engaged in breeding
horses for about fourteen years. He now has upon
his farm about thirty head. He also handles about
fifty head of cattle and feeds two car-loads. He
raises oats, corn, rye, barley and sugar corn and
has an orchard of one hundred and fifty apple
trees. Beside his home farm he owns one hundred
and sixty acres on section 19 of this township.
George Dillon was married December 6, 1878, to
Anna Hickson, daughter of John and Nellie Hickson,
who came to Kansas about 1873. They have
two children, Jessie and Ivy, aged twelve and six
years respectively. The mother is a member of the
Christian Church, and Mr. Dillon is a Republican
Albert Dillon, whose name heads this record,
was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads,
spending the days of his boyhood and youth in
his native State. On attaining his majority he
came to this county with his parents and located
upon a farm of three hundred and twenty acres
given him by his father, who in 1871 had purchased
thirteen hundred and sixty acres at from 13
to 86 per acre. Since that time Mr. Dillon has
bought three hundred and twenty acres additional.
and within the boundaries of his farm are now comprised
six hundred and forty acres of valuable
land, much of which is under a high state of cultivation.
The principal crop which he raises is
wheat. He also deals quite extensively in stock,
making a specialty of cattle and horses, and feeds
annually two car-loads of cattle and two car-loads
of hogs. He keeps upon his farm about one hundred
and thirty head of cattle and thirty head of
horses. He is an excellent judge of stock and in
this branch of his business has met with excellent
success. One of the good improvements upon his
farm is his orchard, containing one hundred and
fifty fine bearing apple trees.
An important event in the life of Mr. Dillon
occurred December 16, 1880, when he married Miss
Susan Duggan, daughter of William Duggan, now
of Winfield, Kan. The lady is a native of Canada.
Unto them have been born three children: Augusta,
aged ten years; Pearl, seven years of age,
and Lela, the baby of three.
In polities, Mr. Dillon is a supporter of Republican
principles but has never sought or desired
political preferment. Perseverance and determination
are numbered among his chief characteristics,
and when once he undertakes anything he
carries it forward to completion. This has been
the secret of his success in life, and that he is now
a prosperous citizen is due entirely to his own industrious
and enterprising efforts.
(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for
Dickinson County KS AHGP