Dickinson Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and
Biographical Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and
Marion Counties-L. C. Baker
Portrait and Biographical
Record of Dickinson, Saline, McPherson and Marion
Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1893
L. C. BAKER, a lumber dealer of Solomon
City, established business in 1877 in this
place, carrying on operations as a member
of the Lake Superior Lumber Company for two
years. He then became sole proprietor of the
business, and has carried on operations alone continuously
since. He deals in lumber, lath, shingles,
coal, wood, hair, plaster, lime, cement, etc., and
carries a stock valued at about $8,000. His annual
sales amount to about $35,000. He is a
straightforward business man, and by his upright
dealing and courteous treatment he has secured a
liberal patronage.
Mr. Baker was born in New Bedford, Mass.,
June 30, 1839, and is a son of Archelaus and
Rhoda (Smith) Baker, natives of Cape Cod. The
ancestry of the family can be traced back to the
Pilgrim Fathers, who came to this country in the
"Mayflower." The family has had its representatives
in the Bay State for more than three hundred
years. The father of our subject was a sea captain
and engaged in the coasting trade. L. C.
remained at home until fifteen years of age, and
then went to sea with his father, remaining with
him for two years. For three years he was on
a vessel engaged in the coasting trade and in
fishing, and for a year and a-half owned a fishing
boat. Eleven years of this life were spent upon
the water. He sailed mainly from New York, and
during the war carried Government stores from
that place. In 1858, he left Philadelphia on the
"Java" for Nicaragua. The vessel, which was loaded
with coal, grounded on an island, and he lost his
ship and all he had except the clothes he wore.
He then shipped at St. Thomas to return to Charleston,
but sixty-three days passed ere he reached his
destination. For twenty-one days eleven men
lived upon a half-barrel of flour and a cask of
water, and ere help arrived they were nearly famished.
On another occasion, Mr. Baker suffered
greatly from lack of food and water, and he again
lost his vessel, which ran ashore at Martha's Vineyard.
Mr. Baker abandoned the sea in 1866, and the
following spring came to Solomon City to assist
the company to build the salt works which were
started the previous year. He was employed for
six months on the works, and after an absence of
two years he returned to this place and took
charge of the salt works, which he managed for
about six years, when they were sold to the company
now owning them. The annual product
was about ten thousand bushels. In 1877, Mr.
Baker opened a coal-yard, two years later opened
a lumber-yard, and has since enlarged the same
by purchasing the yard of M. Nicolay. He has
been honored with the office of Mayor of the city,
to which position he was elected in 1885, serving
two years. During his administration the Fire
Department was established, largely through his
instrumentality. The department is formed by
volunteer service, and they have a fire-engine and
hand-engine, with large reservoirs for water. In
politics, Mr. Baker is a stalwart Republican.
On the 1st of January, 1869, our subject was
married. Miss Emma Wimsatt becoming his wife.
The lady was born and reared in Missouri. She
belongs to the Catholic Church, and their marriage
ceremony was performed by Father Farver. She
takes a prominent and active part in church
work, and is a lady of refinement and culture.
Unto Mr. and Mrs. Baker have been born four
children: Frank, express agent of Solomon City;
Fred, Edna and Maud. They also have an adopted
son, William C, now twenty-six years of age.
His parents, William and Augustus Hooker, came
from St. Louis to Kansas and started to their
claim. The bridge across Buckeye Creek was covered
with water and the railing had been torn
away. The team and wagon were washed into the
stream, and the father, mother and a year-old
daughter were all drowned. William was saved,
and at the age of three became an inmate of the
Baker home, where he has since resided. He is
now employed in the Union Pacific depot, and is
an intelligent young man of excellent character.
Mr. Baker is a member of the Masonic fraternity,
and has filled all the offices in the Blue Lodge. He
is now recognized as one of the substantial citizens
of the community, but when became to Kansas
he had only $35 in his pocket. His methodical
and systematic business management, combined
with perseverance and industry, has won him success.
In addition to his business, he owns three
farms of four hundred .acres, located in Ottawa,
Saline and Dickinson Counties, which he rents. A
pleasant, genial gentleman, he as won a wide
circle of friends and acquaintances, and is highly
respected by all.
(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure for
Dickinson County KS AHGP