Wakefield Farmers Club, 1887

Farmers' Club
January 15, 1887
Wakefield, Kansas

Organization of Farmers Club

The Farmers' club was organized last evening. Hon. J. B. Quinby called the meeting to order, the committee on permanent organization reported, and the report accepted and committee discharged. Next followed the election of officers for the ensuing term, as follows:

President, Benjamin Adams; Vice President, J. G. Cowell; Secretary, S. C. Mason; Treasurer, J. B. Quinby; Executive Board, George A. Wake, W. E. Lumb and Ed Jones.

The following program was announced for next meeting: "Cattle Raising and Feeding for Profit", S.C. Mason and J. . Cowell; "Is There a Remedy for Hog Cholera?", N. Male.

Adjourned to meet the first Friday afternoon in February at 2:00.