Clay Co., KS AHGP-Portrait and Biographical Album of Washington, Clay and Riley Counties-Olof Frank

Portrait and Biographical Album
of Washington, Clay and Riley Counties
Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1890

OLOF FRANK, Treasurer of Hayes Township. Clay County, is now serving his third term in that office. He has also served as School Treasurer of district No. 38 for eleven years, and both he and his wife are active members of society, and widely respected for their many virtues and sterling qualities.

Mr. Frank is the second eldest son in a family horn to Olof and Christina Frank, of Sweden, where his mother is still living, his father having been gathered to his fathers some years since. He served in the Swedish Army for thirty years as an officer. The natal day of our subject was Jan. 15, 1848, and he grew to manhood on a farm in Sweden, receiving a good education in his native Tongue, and since coming to America has acquired a sufficient knowledge of English, to enable him to transact his business affairs with English speaking citizens and to keep himself well informed regarding the affairs of his adopted country. Soon after becoming of age. Mr. Frank took passage at Stockholm for Copenhagen, thence embarking on a steamer for America, and twenty days after leaving the first named city, arrived in the American metropolis.

This was in the spring of 1869, and going at once to Henry County, Ill, he labored as a farm hand for two months, and then came to this county, where, with the exception of two years spent in Colorado, he has since resided. He homesteaded a quarter of section 7, Hayes Township, when deer and antelope were plenty in the vicinity, and the land has been reclaimed from its primitive condition to one of excellent cultivation and improvement. As early pioneers of the township, Mr. and Mrs. Frank have borne their share in the scenes of its development, and since their marriage she has ever assisted him with her counsel and in her own department of the labors of life.

The wife of Mr. Frank bore the maiden name of Carrie Danielson, and was born in Knox County, Ill., Dec. 10, 1856. She had scarcely more than entered her teens when her parents removed to this State, and her education was completed principally at Clay Center, after which, for a time, she engaged in school teaching. She is a daughter of Daniel and Martha Danielson, who emigrated to America from Sweden in 1845, making their first settlement in Illinois, whence in 1870 they removed to this county. Here they resided until 1881, when they changed their residence to Republic County, where they are now living. Both are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are well-known as pioneers in this section of Kansas and as worthy members of society. The marriage rites were celebrated between Mr. and Mrs. Frank, April 19, 1874, and two children have been born of their union. Frederick E. was born Dec. 30, 1874, and Centennial, May 19, 1876.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church and bear a prominent part in the Good works of society. Intelligent and public-spirited, As well as enterprising in the accumulation And management of their property, and possessing the cordial spirit and hospitality of their ancestral race, they are justly deserving the reputation they bear.

(c) 2009 Sheryl McClure

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