Bourbon County Biographies
Biographies from "The Why of Fort Scott," Mary Barlow, 1921:
Page 1 (Allison, Baseman, Bamburger, Beth, Blair)
Page 2 (Caldwell, Caulkins, Campbell, Coston, Couch, Crawford)
Page 3 (Dorey, Drake, Ernich, Farewell, Gallegher, Goodlander)
Page 4 (Hamilton, Haynes, Jewell, Little)
Page 5 (Miller, McDonald)
Page 6 (Marble, Margrave, Moffett, Osbun, Othick, Pond)
Page 7 (Ray, Redfield, Smith)
Page 8 (Stadden, Stewart, Stuart, Thornburgh, Ury)
Page 9 (Warneke, Wiggin, Williams, Wilson, Wood)
"A Bevy of Uniontown Pioneers" 14 mini-bios from the Uniontown "Cicerone", with group photo
Miscellaneous Biographies
George Addison Crawford from "Memoirs and Recollections of C. W. Goodlander"
Rev. Alfred E. Vanordern from "The History of the First Presbyterian Church, Fort Scott"
Hiero Tennant Wilson from "Memoirs and Recollections of C. W. Goodlander"
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This website created August 22, 2011 by Sheryl McClure. � 2011 Kansas History and Heritage Project