Anderson County Biographies
The biographies below are taken from "Portrait and Biographical Record of Southeastern Kansas,"
Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, 1894:
| |
Alexander, Hugh Paden | Kellerman, William K. |
Bailey, Joshua B. | Kelling, Benard H. |
Brownrigg, Thomas | Lindsay, Thomas, M.D. |
Caldwell, Joseph M. | Mann, John A. |
Cooper, William H. | McCollam, Samuel |
Elliot, Nelson | McEwen, James H. |
Gailey, Robert W. | Metcalf, Edwin T., M.D. |
Gowdy, Thomas P. | Miller, John W. |
Hamilton, Benjamin | Moore, Robert H. |
Hampshire, Emanuel | Porter, Samuel M. |
Hargrave, James M. | Ramsey, James A. |
Herriman, John M. | Reppert, Capt. Henry C. |
Herriman, Stephen Abott | Spriggs, William |
Hill, James H. | Staley, Henry Harrison |
Hopkins, William | Stein, Edward |
Jones, Timothy H. | Sturdivan, James B. |
Juchems, Oltman D. | Trigg, William Allen |
Kauffman, Capt. Solomon | Velthoen, Aart |
Keller, George W. | Watkins, Peter H. |
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