New York Mailing Lists
(migration between the Eastern Provinces of Canada and New
England/New York)
- BronxRoots (the
(Castle Garden immigration center)
(areas surrounding Lake George and Lake
(New York/New Jersey Colonies known as New Amsterdam)
(Ellis Island immigration center)
- GERMAN-NY (German
immigrants who passed through or settled in New York)
(Irish and Irish-American experience in New York City)
(Irish in city of Troy, Rensselaer County)
(Italian immigrants to New York)
- JeffHistGen
(Jefferson County)
- LI-Memories (four
Long Island counties; Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk)
- LI-Rooters (four
Long Island counties; Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk)
- Livingston_County_Genealogical_Society
(Livingston County
Genealogical Society)
- MinisinkValley
(Minisink Valley)
(Dutch colony of New Netherland)
- NEWYORK (queries where
county is unknown)
- NewYorkLibertyAngels
(New York adoption searches)
- northeast_states
(Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia)
- NY2NJ_Searches
(New York/New Jersey adoption searches)
- NY-AfriGeneas
(African ancestored researchers within New York)
- NYALBANY (Albany
- NYAlbany-Rooters
(Albany County)
(town of Berne, Albany County)
- NYALLEGA (Allegany
- NYAllegany-Rooters
(Allegany County)
(announcements of submissions to NYGenWeb
(biographies of New York State residents)
- NYBRONX (Bronx County)
- NYBronx-Rooters
(Bronx County)
(Brooklyn area)
- NYBROOME (Broome
(Old East Side neighborhood of Buffalo, Erie County)
- NY-CAN-NY (Canadians
researching New York ancestors and New Yorkers researching
Canadian ancestors)
- NYCATTAR (Cattaraugus
(Cattaraugus County)
- NYCAYUGA (Cayuga
(New York cemeteries)
(transcribers for New York Census Project)
(lookups in New York census records)
- NY-CENTRA (counties
of central New York)
- NYCHAUTA (Chautauqua
- NYCHEMUN (Chemung
- NYCHENAN (Chenango
York/residents in the Civil War)
(Clauson Point area of the Bronx)
- NYCLINTO (Clinton
- NYClinton-Rooters
(Clinton County)
- NYCMETRO (Metro New
York Genealogy & Computer Group)
- NYCOLUMB (Columbia
- NYCORTLA (Cortland
- NYC-ROOTS (New York
(Delaware County)
- NYDelaware-Rooters
(Delaware County)
- NYDUTCH (Netherlands
immigrants who settled in New York after 1800)
- NYDUTCHE (Dutchess
- NYERIE (Erie County and
City of Buffalo)
(obituaries from Erie County)
- NYESSEX (Essex County)
- NYEssex-Rooters
(Essex County)
- NYFingerLakes
(Finger Lakes counties of Cayuga, Livingston, Ontario, Schuyler,
Tompkins, Wayne and Yates)
- NYFRANKL (Franklin
- NYFranklin-Rooters
(Franklin County)
(Freedmen in New York)
- NYFULTON (Fulton
- NYFulton-Rooters
(Fulton County)
- NYGENESE (Genesee
(ghost towns of New York)
- NYGREENE (Greene
- NYHAMILT (Hamilton
- NYHERKIM (Herkimer
- NYHIST-L (New York
State Archives and Records Administration)
(counties bordering the Hudson River and Schenectady County)
(Indian tribes in New York)
- NY-IRISH (Irish
immigrants in New York)
- NYJEFFER (Jefferson
(town of Orleans, Jefferson County)
- NYJefferson-Rooters
(Jefferson County)
(town of Watertown, Jefferson County)
- NYKINGS (Kings County)
- NYLEWIS (Lewis County)
- NYLEWIS-Rooters
(Lewis County)
- NYLIVING (Livingston
- NYLivingston-Rooters
(Livingston County)
(Long Island)
- NYMADISO (Madison
(reminisce about living in New York or share reminiscences of ancestors
lived there)
- NY-Military
(ancestors who served in New York military units or New York ancestors
who served in
any military unit)
(Mohawk Valley region)
- NYMONROE (Monroe
- NYMonroe-Rooters
(Monroe County)
- NYMONTGO (Montgomery
- NYMontgomery-Rooters
(Montgomery County)
- NYNASSAU (Nassau
- NYNEWYOR (New York
- NYNIAGAR (Niagara
(Niagara County)
(Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence Counties)
(cemeteries in northern New York)
- NY-OCGS (Orleans
County Genealogical Society)
(old Dutch graves in New York)
(genealogy-related abstracts from New York newspapers)
- NYONEIDA (Oneida
- NYONONDA (Onondaga
- NYOnondaga-Rooters
(Onondaga County)
- NYONTARI (Ontario
- NYORANGE (Orange
- NYORLEAN (Orleans
(New York orphanages/orphans)
- NYOSWEGO (Oswego
- NYOTSEGO (Otsego
- NYOtsego-Rooters
(Otsego County)
- NYPUTNAM (Putnam
- NYQUEENS (Queens
- NYRENSSE (Rensselaer
- NYRensselaer-Rooters
(Rensselaer County)
- NY-RGS (Rochester
Genealogical Society)
- NYRICHMO (Richmond
- NYRichmond-Rooters
(Richmond County, includes Staten Island)
- NYROCKLA (Rockland
- NY-ROLLCALL (lists
of New York surname interests)
- NY-Rooters
- NYS (discussions of
creation of single source for all genealogy databases)
- NYSARATO (Saratoga
- NYSaratoga-Rooters
(Saratoga County)
- NYSCHENE (Schenectady
- NYSchenectady-Rooters
(Schenectady County)
- NYSCHOHA (Schoharie
- NYSCHUYL (Schuyler
- NY-SCOTS (emigration
of Scots to New York)
- NYSENECA (Seneca
(southern counties; Broome, Bronx, Columbia, Delaware, Dutchess,
Kings, Nassau, New York, Orange, Queens, Putnam, Richmond, Rockland,
Suffolk, Sullivan, Tioga, Ulster and Westchester)
- NYSTEUBE (Steuben
- NYSteuben-Rooters
(Steuben County)
Lawrence County)
- NYStlawrence-Rooters
(St. Lawrence County)
- NYSUFFOL (Suffolk
- NYSULLIV (Sullivan
- NYTIOGA (Tioga County)
- NYTioga-Rooters
(Tioga County)
- NYTOMPKI (Tompkins
(families that moved between New York and neighboring states)
(Troy Irish Genealogical Society)
- NYTRYON (Tryon County)
- NYULSTER (Ulster
- NYWARREN (Warren
- NYWarren-Rooters
(Warren County)
(Warren, Washington, and Saratoga Counties)
- NYWASHIN (Washington
- NYWashington-Rooters
(Washington County)
- NYWAYNE (Wayne County)
- NYWayne-Rooters
(Wayne County)
- NYWESTCH (Westchester
- NYWestchester-Rooters
(Westchester County)
counties of western New York)
- NYWYOMIN (Wyoming
- NYYATES (Yates County)
- OSU-NY_Obits
(obituaries for Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster County)
- PABRADFO (Chemung
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the migration
between the Eastern Provinces of Canada and New England/New York.
Additional information can be found on The
Boston States Migration Page. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- BronxRoots. A
mailing list for anyone who has an interest in the past, present, and
future of The
Bronx, New York, is looking for old friends, or just wants to reminisce
about the old neighborhood. Additional information can be
found on the My Bronx Home Page.
While the list was not set up for genealogy, such
queries are an acceptable subject. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Castle Garden,
the first center in the United States for processing arriving
immigrants, which was founded by New York State on an island off the
southwest tip of Manhattan in 1855. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the genealogy, history, and migration patterns of the areas
in New York and Vermont that surround Lake George and
Lake Champlain. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for the discussion of the New York and New Jersey
Colonies, known as New Amsterdam, established early in the history of
colonial America. Any families with any members having
settled in or "passed through" these areas are welcome to participate.
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Ellis Island
which was
established in 1890 at the southeast foot of Manhattan, New York as a
federal processing center for arriving immigrants when the
Treasury Department assumed control of immigration in New York harbor
and New York officials refused continued use of Castle
Garden. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GEN-NYS-L. This
mailing list is for New York State researchers who would like to share
experiences, examine sources, give advice, or make suggestions so that
others may find the information they are seeking.
Additional information can be found on the GEN-NYS-L
Mailing List web pages. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- GERMAN-NY. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the German immigrants
who passed through or settled in New York. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the Irish and Irish-American experience in New York City
throughout history in order to better understand the lives and
activities of our ancestors. Additional information can be found on the
in New York City website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
mailing list for anyone who is researching their Irish ancestry in the
of Troy, Rensselaer County, New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Italian
immigrants to New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- JeffHistGen. A
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in
Jefferson County,
New York and the surrounding areas. Additional information can be found
on the Jefferson
County NY Discussion Areas web page. You can
subscribe from the above web page or by sending email to Marc Mosher at
[email protected]
requesting that you be added to the list.
- LI-Memories. A
mailing list for anyone who wants to reminisce about living and growing
up in
Long Island, New York, which consists of Kings (Brooklyn), Queens,
Nassau and Suffolk Counties, or share the reminiscences of
their ancestors who lived there. While the list will not focus
specifically on genealogy, the discussions should help to flesh out the
day-to-day aspects of our ancestors' lives. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- LI-Rooters. A
mailing list for anyone who has an interest in the four counties making
up Long
Island, New York; Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk
Counties. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- Livingston_County_Genealogical_Society.
A mailing list, sponsored
by the Livingston County Genealogical Society (LCGS), for anyone with a
genealogical or historical interest in Livingston County,
New York. Additional information can be found on the LCGS
website. You can subscribe from
enealogical_society/ or by sending the following to livingston_county_genealogical_society-su
[email protected]: subscribe
- MinisinkValley.
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the area
known as the
Minisink Valley which generally follows the Delaware River from
Minisink Ford, New York, to the Delaware Water Gap in New
Jersey. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest
in New Netherland Colony. The first European settlements in the States
of Connecticut, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and
Pennsylvania were built by the Dutch beginning in 1624 and formed the
Dutch colony of New Netherland, or Nieuw Nederlandt.
Additional information can be found on the New York
& New Netherland Mailing Lists web page. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NEWYORK. A mailing list
for the posting of New York genealogical queries where the county is
unknown. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NewYorkLibertyAngels.
A mailing list for those conducting adoption searches in New
York. You can subscribe from
or by
sending the following to [email protected]:
- northeast_states.
A mailing list, sponsored by the Genealogy Trails History Group, for
with a genealogical or historical interest in the Northeastern states
of Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia.
Genealogy Trails county hosts will use the list to announce their
website updates and researchers are welcome to post their queries
and brickwalls. Additional information can be found on the Genealogy
Trails website. You can subscribe from
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- NY2NJ_Searches.
A mailing list for those conducting adoption searches in New York and
New Jersey. You can subscribe from
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- NY-AfriGeneas. A
mailing list to coordinate, network and strengthen the efforts of
ancestored family researchers within New York. You can subscribe from
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- NYALBANY. A mailing
list for anyone with an interest in the genealogy and/or history of
County, one of New York States original counties. Interested
individuals may want to check out the Albany County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYAlbany-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Albany County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send
the following to [email protected]:
A mailing list anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of
Berne, Albany County, New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYALLEGA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Allegany County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Allegany County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYAllegany-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Allegany County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
A read-only mailing list for announcements of
submissions of records to New York section of the USGenWeb Archives
Project. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list, supporting the New York Biography Project, for the
sharing of biographies of New York State residents. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYBRONX. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Bronx County, New York,
which was created in 1914. The Bronx was first settled in 1639 and the
first permanent European settlement was started in 1654.
The first New York counties were created in 1683 with The Bronx as part
of Westchester County. In 1898 the city of Greater New
York was created as a federation of five boroughs including The Bronx.
In 1914 The Bronx became Bronx County, the last (62nd)
New York county. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYBronx-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
mailing list for anyone conducting genealogical research in the
New York area. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYBROOME. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Broome County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in
the Old East Side neighborhood of Buffalo, Erie County, New York.
Additional information can be found on the Buffalo's
East Side Working Group web site. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
- NY-CAN-NY. A mailing
list for Canadians who are researching their New York ancestors and New
Yorkers who are researching their Canadian ancestors. Additional
information can be found on the NY-CAN-NY Mailing List
website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYCATTAR. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Cattaraugus County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Cattaraugus
County NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or
genealogical interest in Cattaraugus County, New York. Surname queries
are welcome. To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- NYCAYUGA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Cayuga County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for genealogical discussions regarding cemeteries and
tombstones in New York. Subjects include how to locate old and lost
cemeteries, how to photo the gravemarkers once located,
requests for assistance in locating graves, and assignments of
individuals to transcribe old typescripts for placing on the internet.
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NY-CENSUS. A mailing
list for the volunteers who are engaged in transcribing New York census
records in support of the USGenWeb Census Project to discuss the status
of the project. Information on available records and
volunteers can be found on the Census
Project's New York web site. If you are one of
these volunteers or desire to participate in the project, send a
message to Edward A. Black Sr. at [email protected] stating your
current or desired role in the project and
requesting that you be added to the list.
A mailing list for anyone desiring a check of New York census
records for their ancestors. Requests should be as specific as possible
and include county name, specific family of interest, and
year whenever possible. In addition, those who own or have access to
census records and are willing to do lookups are asked to
subscribe and assist in responding to queries. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
- NY-CENTRA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the counties of central
York including Broome, Cayuga, Chenango, Cortland, Delaware, Madison,
Onondaga, Otsego, Tioga, and Tompkins. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYCHAUTA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Chautauqua County, New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYCHEMUN. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in Chemung
County, New York. It is requested that interested individuals subscribe
to the PABRADFO mailing list which serves as the main list
for the three adjacent counties of Bradford and Tioga, Pennsylvania,
and Chemung, New York.
- NYCHENAN. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Chenango County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Chenango County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the role of New
and its residents in the Civil War. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the area
of the Bronx, New York, known as Clauson Point. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYCLINTO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Clinton County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Clinton County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYClinton-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Clinton County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
- NYCMETRO. A read-only
mailing list for the announcement of monthly meetings and other
events for the Metro New York Genealogy & Computer Group, as well
as announcements of other genealogical events in the New
York City metropolitan area. Additional information can be found on the
Metro New
York Genealogy and Computer Group web site. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
- NYCOLUMB. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Columbia County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Columbia County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYCORTLA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Cortland County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYC-ROOTS. A mailing
list for anyone who has a genealogical or historic interest in New York
City, New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYDELAWA-L.A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the
or towns of Delaware County, New York. Interested individuals may want
to check out the Delaware County NY Genealogy and
History Site. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYDelaware-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Delaware County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
- NYDUTCH. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in people who emigrated from
Netherlands and settled in New York State after 1800. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYDUTCHE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Dutchess County, New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYERIE. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Erie County and the city of
New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for the posting of obituaries from Erie County, New York.
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYESSEX. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Essex County, New York.
Interested individuals may want to check out the Essex County
NYGenWeb site and ALHN site. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYEssex-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- NYFingerLakes. A
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Finger
counties of Cayuga, Livingston, Ontario, Schuyler, Seneca, Tompkins,
Wayne and Yates in the state of New York. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYFRANKL. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Franklin County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Franklin County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYFranklin-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Franklin County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Freedmen in New
York from all ethnic backgrounds (e.g., African, Native American,
Caucasian). To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYFULTON. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Fulton County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Fulton County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYFulton-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- NYGENESE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Genesee County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Genesee County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in
the ghost towns of New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYGREENE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Greene County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYHAMILT. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Hamilton County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYHERKIM. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Herkimer County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Herkimer/Montgomery
Counties NYGenWeb page. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYHIST-L. An edited
discussion list provided by the New York State Archives and Records
Administration as a forum for announcements, discussion, and research
inquiries and referrals focused exclusively on New York
State history including political, social, military, legal, and
religious history. The list will accept general inquiries about sources
information for biography and genealogy in New York; however,
genealogical inquiries about specific individuals and families should
be submitted to other discussion lists. To subscribe send the following
to [email protected]:
sub NYHIST-L firstname lastname
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, historical, or cultural
in the counties bordering the Hudson River in New York (Rockland,
Orange, Ulster, Greene, Albany, Rensselaer, Columbia,
Dutchess, Putnam and Westchester), and Schenectady County. Additional
information can be found on the Welcome to
NY-HUDSONRV website. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone researching their Indian ancestors to
discuss and share information regarding Indian tribes that lived in or
traveled through New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NY-IRISH. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical, historical, or cultural interest
in the Irish
emigrants who landed, lived in, or passed through the state of New
York. Additional information can be found on the NY-IRISH Mailing
List website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYJEFFER. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Jefferson County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the
town of Orleans, Jefferson County, New York. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYJefferson-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Jefferson County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest
in the town of Watertown, Jefferson County, New York. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
- NYKINGS. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Kings County, New York.
County was established in 1683 and Brooklyn, established in 1646 as the
first municipality in what is now New York State, became
one of the six original towns in Kings County. By 1896 Brooklyn had
annexed the other parts of Kings County and they became
synonymous. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYLEWIS. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Lewis County, New York. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYLewis-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- NYLIVING. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Livingston County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYLivingston-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Livingston County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in any portion of
Long Island, New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYMADISO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Madison County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Madison County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone who wants to reminisce about living and growing
in New York or share the reminiscences of their ancestors who lived
there. While the list will not focus specifically on genealogy,
the discussions should help to flesh out the day-to-day aspects of our
ancestors' lives. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NY-Military. A
mailing list for anyone who is researching ancestors who served in New
York military
units or New York ancestors who served in any military unit. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the
Mohawk Valley region of New York covering Albany, Fulton, Herkimer,
Madison, Montgomery, Oneida, Otsego, Schenectady, and
Schoharie counties. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
- NYMONROE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Monroe County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Monroe County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYMonroe-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Monroe County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send
the following to [email protected]:
- NYMONTGO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Montgomery County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Herkimer/Montgomery
Counties NYGenWeb page. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYMontgomery-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical
interest in Montgomery County, New York. Surname queries are welcome.
To subscribe send the following to nymontgomery-rooters-
[email protected]: subscribe
- NYNASSAU. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in Nassau
New York, which was formerly part of Queens County. Interested
individuals may want to check out the Nassau County
NYGenWeb site and the Nassau
County History site. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYNEWYOR. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in New York County, New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYNIAGAR. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Niagara County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Niagara County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for those who want share genealogical and historical
information and memories of Niagara County, New York, in order to place
the lives of our ancestors in perspective. Along with
serious topics, you'll find lighthearted ones in the spirit of family
ties to the area. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in
northern counties of New York consisting of Clinton, Essex, Franklin,
Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing
of information regarding cemeteries located in northern New York State
including research, photo documentation, and preservation.
Additional information can be found on the NNY
Genealogy - Cemetery Collection website. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NY-OCGS. A mailing list
for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the activities
of the
Orleans County (New York) Genealogical Society and genealogical
resources available in the Orleans County area. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of
information regarding old Dutch graves in New York. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
mailing list for the submission of abstracts, extracts and links from
York newspapers published prior to 1931. Newspapers contain much of the
information that may not be found elsewhere such as
births, marriages, deaths, court notices, etc. They also provide
community news and many fascinating details about the lives of our
ancestors. Additional information can be found on the Newspaper
Abstracts website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYONEIDA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Oneida County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Oneida County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYONONDA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Onondaga County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Onondaga
County NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYOnondaga-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest
in Onondaga County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
- NYONTARI. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Ontario County, New
York. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYORANGE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Orange County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Orange County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYORLEAN. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Orleans County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in orphans and
orphanages in New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYOSWEGO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Oswego County, New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYOTSEGO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Otsego County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYOtsego-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Otsego County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send
the following to [email protected]:
- NYPUTNAM. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Putnam County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Putnam County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYQUEENS. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Queens County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYRENSSE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Rensselaer County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Rensselaer
County Mailing List website and the Rensselaer County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYRensselaer-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest
in Rensselaer County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To
subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- NY-RGS. A mailing list
for the members of the Rochester (New York) Genealogical Society to
discuss the activities of the Society. If you are a member of the
Society you can subscribe by sending a message to Paul Blake at [email protected]
providing your membership number and
requesting that you be added to the list.
- NYRICHMO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Richmond County, New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYRichmond-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Richmond County, New York (includes Staten Island). Surname queries are
welcome. To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- NYROCKLA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Rockland County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Rockland County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for any and all researchers of New York State kin to post
calls ... surnames they are researching and associated information such
as locations and timeframes. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NY-Rooters. A
mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in New
Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- NYS. A mailing list (part
of the USGenWeb Project) for discussing the creation of a single source
for all
New York genealogy databases. Discussions revolve around helping people
establish Web pages for the counties they are
interested in and the means of directing users to counties where Web
pages exist. Postings related to your specific research efforts
(e.g., surname searches) are beyond the scope of the list (individuals
seeking information on New York or specific New York
counties can use the New York GenWeb
Project Homepage to find information, links, or
contacts to aid in their research. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSARATO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Saratoga County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSaratoga-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Saratoga County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
- NYSCHENE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Schenectady County, New
York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSchenectady-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical
interest in Schenectady County, New York. Surname queries are welcome.
To subscribe send the following to nyschenectady-rooters-
[email protected]: subscribe
- NYSCHOHA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Schoharie County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Schoharie County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSCHUYL. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Schuyler County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NY-SCOTS. A mailing
list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the
emigration of
Scots to settlements in New York. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSENECA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Seneca County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in
southern counties of New York consisting of Broome, Bronx, Columbia,
Delaware, Dutchess, Greene, Kings, Nassau, New York,
Orange, Queens, Putnam, Richmond, Rockland, Suffolk, Sullivan, Tioga,
Ulster and Westchester. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSTEUBE. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Steuben County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Steuben County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSteuben-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Steuben County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe
send the following to [email protected]:
- NYSTLAWR. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in St. Lawrence County,
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the St. Lawrence
County NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYStlawrence-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest
in St. Lawrence County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To
subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- NYSUFFOL. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Suffolk County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Welcome to
Suffolk County web site. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYSULLIV. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Sullivan County, New
York. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYTIOGA. A mailing list
for those interested in sharing Tioga County, New York genealogical
resources with other interested genealogists. This is not intended to
be a means of placing queries or listing surnames on a page. If
you would like to ask questions about relatives or place a surname for
others to find and contact you, please go to the Tioga County
NYGenWeb web site. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYTioga-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
- NYTOMPKI. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Tompkins County, New
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in families that
between New York and neighboring states. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone interested in their Irish
ancestors who lived in Troy, New York, or the surrounding area
including their rich heritage and it's impact on the history of the
country. Additional information can be found on the Troy
Irish Genealogy Society website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
- NYTRYON. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Tryon County, New York.
Interested individuals may want to check out the Tryon County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYULSTER. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Ulster County, New
York. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWARREN. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Warren County, New
Interested individuals may want to check out the Warren County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWarren-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Warren County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send
the following to [email protected]:
mailing list for broad-based discussion of issues that pertain to
Warren, Washington, and Saratoga Counties, New York, with an emphasis
on history and genealogy. Current politics and religion
are off-limits as topics of discussion. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWASHIN. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Washington County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Washington County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWashington-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical
interest in Washington County, New York. Surname queries are welcome.
To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- NYWAYNE. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Wayne County, New York. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWayne-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical interest in
Wayne County, New York. Surname queries are welcome. To subscribe send
the following to [email protected]:
- NYWESTCH. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Westchester County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Westchester
County NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWestchester-Rooters.
A mailing list for anyone with a historic or genealogical
interest in Westchester County, New York. Surname queries are welcome.
To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the 16 counties
comprise western New York including Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua,
Chemung, Erie, Genesee, Livingston, Monroe, Niagara,
Ontario, Orleans, Schuyler, Steuben, Wayne, Wyoming, and Yates. This
area was sometimes referred to as Genesee Country. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYWYOMIN. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Wyoming County, New
York. Interested individuals may want to check out the Wyoming County
NYGenWeb page. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- NYYATES. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Yates County, New York. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- OSU-NY_Obits. A
read-only mailing list consisting of daily postings of local obituaries
for the
Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster County, New York, area. You can subscribe
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- PABRADFO. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the three
adjacent counties of Bradford County, Pennsylvania; Tioga County,
Pennsylvania; and/or Chemung County, New York. Interested
individuals may want to check out the Bradford
County PAGenWeb page, the Tioga
County PAGenWeb page, and the Chemung
County NYGenWeb page. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
Please send comments to Megan Zurawicz
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List Index
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Last updated on
Monday, 10-September-2018
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