District of Columbia Mailing Lists
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Chesapeake
Ohio (C&O) Canal encompassing parts of Maryland, Virginia, West
Virginia, and the District of Columbia. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- CPAFUG. A mailing list,
restricted to the members of the Capital PAF Users Group (Washington,
DC metro area), to discuss all aspects of genealogical computing
techniques. To subscribe send an email to the CPAFUG
listowner, Jim Bartlett, at [email protected],
with the word "subscribe", your email
address, and a statement that you are a member of CPAFUG.
- DC-AfriGeneas. A
mailing list to coordinate, network and strengthen the efforts of
ancestored family researchers within the District of Columbia. You can
subscribe from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/dc-afrigeneas/
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
mailing list for anyone interested in locating, and preserving
information about cemeteries in the District of Columbia. We welcome
queries and postings regarding location of graves and
ancestors who may be buried in them, cemeteries which have been indexed
both on the internet and in other written forms, and
cemetery research. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- DC-CENSUS. A mailing
list for the volunteers who are engaged in transcribing District of
Columbia census records in support of the USGenWeb Census Project to
discuss the status of the project. Information on available
records and volunteers can be found on the Census
Project's District of Columbia web
site. If you are one of these volunteers or desire to participate
in the project, send a message to Edward A. Black Sr. at [email protected]
stating your current or desired role in the project and
requesting that you be added to the list.
A mailing list for anyone desiring a check of District of
Columbia census records for their ancestors. Requests should be as
specific as possible and include county name, specific family
of interest, and year whenever possible. In addition, those who own or
have access to census records and are willing to do lookups
are asked to subscribe and assist in responding to queries. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Freedmen in the
District of Columbia from all ethnic backgrounds (e.g., African, Native
American, Caucasian). To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the distribution of the monthly
Kensington Family History Center (Washington, D.C.) newsletter to
patrons and other interested individuals. This newsletter
includes genealogy information and the schedules for monthly training
events and upcoming seminars. List membership is
restricted to those living in the DC/Baltimore metropolitan area. If
you live in this area you can subscribe by sending a message to
the List Administrator at [email protected]
your location and requesting that you be added to the list.
mailing list for genealogical reminiscing about families in the
District of
Columbia in order to put the lives of our ancestors in perspective. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- DC-OBITS. A mailing
list for the posting of obituaries and requests for obituary lookups
residents of the District of Columbia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
[email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for the submission of abstracts, extracts and links from
of Columbia newspapers published prior to 1931. Newspapers contain much
of the information that may not be found elsewhere
such as births, marriages, deaths, court notices, etc. They also
provide community news and many fascinating details about the
lives of our ancestors. Additional information can be found on the Newspaper
Abstracts website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- MD-DC_Search. A
mailing list for those conducting adoption searches in Maryland and the
District of Columbia. You can subscribe from http://groups.yahoo.com/group/md-dc_search/
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- WashingtonDC. A
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Washington,
District of
Columbia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the members of the Family History
Library to receive the monthly Family History Library Catalog
newsletter and to communicate with each other regarding Library
matters. List membership is restricted to those living in the
DC/Baltimore metropolitan area. If you are a member of the Library and
live in this area, you can subscribe by sending a message to the List
Administrator at [email protected]
stating your
membership in the Library and your location and requesting that you be
added to the list.
Please send comments to Megan Zurawicz
Back to Main Mailing
List Index
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Last updated on
Monday, 10-September-2018
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