Genealogical Materials Mailing Lists
(buying/selling of new/used genealogy materials in Australia and New
- Bargain_Basement_Books
(special discounts/sales of genealogy
- GEN-BOOKS (buying or
selling of new/used genealogy books and CDs made from these
(announcements of materials for sale, trade, or on-line auction)
(commercial postings of unique interest to genealogists)
- GEN-MAT (buying and
selling of new/used genealogical materials/services)
- GEN-MAT-15 (buying
and selling of new/used genealogical materials/services under $15)
- GEN-MAT-HX (buying
or selling of new or used biographies and history books)
(buying/selling of new/used genealogy materials in the United Kingdom
- HEIRLOOM (heirlooms
and keepsakes)
- PhotosForFamilies-Genealogy
(find homes for photographs or other items)
(the book "The Quatremains of Oxfordshire" by
William Fowler Carter)
(share, exchange, acquire or request genealogical material
relevant to Australia)
(share, exchange, acquire or request genealogical material
relevant to Canada)
(share, exchange, acquire or request genealogical
material relevant to Irish Republic)
(share, exchange, acquire or request genealogical material
relevant to New Zealand)
(share, exchange, acquire or request genealogical material
relevant to the United Kingdom)
(share, exchange, acquire or request genealogical material
relevant to the United States)
mailing list for anyone with an interest in the buying or selling of
new or
used genealogy materials (e.g., books, newsletters, CDs, magazines) in
Australia and New Zealand. Commercial sellers please
limit postings to one a month. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- Bargain_Basement_Books.
A read-only newsletter designed to keep members
updated on special discounts and sales on genealogy books and
materials. This newsletter will be published 1 or 2 times a month.
You can subscribe from
by sending the following to bargain_basement_books-subscribe@yahoogroups.
com: subscribe
- GEN-BOOKS. A mailing
list for anyone with an interest in the buying or selling of new or
genealogy books and CDs made from these books. For the purpose of this
list, "genealogy books" refers to books having specific
genealogical information relating to several generations of at least
one family. This includes, but is not be limited to, family
genealogies and county histories which contain family genealogies.
Purchases are arranged in private posting between the buyer
and the seller rather than on the list. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GEN-BOOKS. A mailing
list for announcements of genealogy or history books, maps, post
cards, etc. which are available for sale, trade or on-line auction, as
well as "want lists" of books or items. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to [email protected]:
Gatewayed with the soc.genealogy.marketplace newsgroup for commercial
postings of unique interest to genealogists. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(digest mode), [email protected]
(mail mode), or [email protected]
(index mode).
- GEN-MAT. This is a
mailing list for anyone who has an interest in the buying or selling of
new or
used genealogical materials (e.g., books, newsletters, CDs, magazines).
Publishers of newsletters, books, or other materials
relating to genealogy are welcome, as are resellers of any form of used
genealogical materials, be they businesses or individuals
cleaning bookshelves. Purchases are arranged in private posting between
the buyer and the seller rather than on the list. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GEN-MAT-15. This is
a mailing list for anyone who desires to post the availability of new
or used
genealogical materials (e.g., books, newsletters, CDs, magazines) or
services for sale at a price of $15 or less. Publisher of
newsletters, books, or other materials relating to genealogy are
welcome, as are resellers of any form of used genealogical
materials, be they businesses or individuals cleaning bookshelves.
Purchases are arranged in private between the buyer and the
seller rather than on the list. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GEN-MAT-HX. This is
a mailing list for anyone who has an interest in the buying or selling
new or used biographies and history books. Publishers of such books are
welcome, as are resellers (businesses or individuals
cleaning bookshelves). Purchases are arranged in private posting
between the buyer and the seller rather than on the list. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with an interest in the buying or selling of
new or used
genealogy materials (e.g., books, newsletters, CDs, magazines) in the
United Kingdom and Ireland. Publishers of newsletters,
books, or other materials relating to genealogy are welcome, as are
resellers of any form of used genealogical materials, be they
businesses or individuals cleaning bookshelves. Purchases are arranged
in private postings between the buyer and the seller rather
than on the list. Commercial sellers please limit postings to one a
month. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- HEIRLOOM. A mailing
list for the discussion of family heirlooms and keepsakes including
interesting stories regarding heirlooms and keepsakes in your
possession and those heirlooms and keepsakes that are lost or
found. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- PhotosForFamilies-Genealogy.
A mailing list to help find homes for
photographs or other items of genealogical interest (e.g., bibles,
historic documents) that have been removed from their families. If
you have such items that are not of your family or that you want to
share with another family, this is the place to do that. If you know
of such items that exist (or may exist) that are important to you, then
this is the place to try to locate them. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to photosforfamilies-genealogy-subscribe@yahoogro subscribe
list is for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the
book "The Quatremains of Oxfordshire" by William Fowler Carter,
originally published in 1936. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]<
/a> (mail mode) or [email protected]
m (digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone who want to share, exchange,
acquire or request genealogical data, books, transcriptions, etc.
relevant to Australia, subject to the correct observance of
copyright. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone who want to share, exchange,
acquire or request genealogical data, books, transcriptions, etc.
relevant to Canada, subject to the correct observance of copyright.
To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone who want to share, exchange,
acquire or request genealogical data, books, transcriptions, etc.
relevant to the Irish Republic of Eire, subject to the correct
observance of copyright. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone who want to share, exchange,
acquire or request genealogical data, books, transcriptions, etc.
relevant to New Zealand, subject to the correct observance of
copyright. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone who want to share, exchange,
acquire or request genealogical data, books, transcriptions, etc.
relevant to the United Kingdom, subject to the correct observance
of copyright. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone who want to share, exchange,
acquire or request genealogical data, books, transcriptions, etc.
relevant to the United States, subject to the correct observance of
copyright. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
Please send comments to Megan Zurawicz
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List Index
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All rights reserved.
Last updated on
Monday, 10-September-2018
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