Family Histories, Folklore, and Artifacts Mailing Lists
(bible records related to Arkansas families)
(Arkansas family group sheets)
(use of vintage photos in Arkansas genealogy)
(discussion of old stories and photos)
(information found in family bibles in possession of subscribers)
- Bio-Bingers
- FamHistorians
(recording and preserving family histories)
- Family_Bibles
(information on family bibles)
- Family-Bibles
(all aspects of family bibles)
(Family History Month)
- FamilyMemories
(preserving family memories)
(details of upcoming family reunions)
- FOLKLORE (exchange of
folklore - folk medicine and recipes)
- GA-FGS (Georgia Family
Group Sheet website)
- GENAUTHOR (preparing
and publishing a Family Genealogy book)
(preservation of documents, pictures, family
heirlooms, etc. and dating old photos)
(editors/publishers of genealogical, surname and family newsletters)
- GenHumor (exchange of
genealogy amd family humor including poems and jokes)
- genphoto (genealogy
and family photographs)
(public domain genealogical stories of our families)
(sharing of ancestral recipes, poems, rhymes, ditties, slang words,
sayings, etc. for England only)
(history, culture and lifestyle of our ancestors and their
(almost anything with a Scottish connection related to
(sharing of ancestral recipes, poems, rhymes, ditties,
slang words, sayings, etc. from any country)
- HOMESPUN (reminiscing)
(Huntington's Disease, Huntington's Chorea, hereditary
(vintage photos dealing with people/places in Iowa)
(Kansas family group sheets)
(use of vintage photos in Kansas genealogy)
(ancestors' medical histories, old diseases, practice of
medicine in the past)
(medical-related topics)
- MEMORY-LANE (lives
and personal memories)
(use of vintage photos in Missouri genealogy)
(Nebraska photographers, ancestral photos, and early
(Oklahoma Family Group Sheet Webpage)
(uniting Oklahoma photos with families)
(use of vintage photos in Oklahoma genealogy)
(use of vintage photos in Texas genealogy)
(dating of United Kingdom professional photographs, 1850-
(use of vintage photos in Utah genealogy)
(storage, preservation, restoration, dating, types, scanning, etc.)
life stories/family history)
A mailing list for the submission of bible records related to
Arkansas families. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the posting of Arkansas family
group information, announcements of new uploaded family group sheets on
the Arkansas
Family Groups website, questions if you are have problems entering
your data on the site, and discussions if you find a related family
member on a family group sheet. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the use of vintage photos in Arkansas genealogy. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
mailing list for people who want to discuss old stories and photos
that help to place the lives of our ancestors in context. Additional
information including many of these stories and photos can be
found on the Back
To The Past website. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information found in
family bibles in the possession of subscribers including family
surnames, geographic locations of the families, and vital information
on family members. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- Bio-Bingers. A
mailing list for any and all who are interested in biographies; finding
transcribing them, writing them, the proper source citations, etc....
and their relevance to the pursuit of genealogy and history. To
subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- FamHistorians. A
mailing list, devoted to recording and preserving family histories,
that will be
of interest to scrapbookers creating heritage albums and those writing
family stories, past and present. Topics include preserving
old photographs, journaling, memory book products, scrapbooking tips
and techniques appropriate for heritage albums, preserving
genealogy research, etc. You can subscribe from
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- Family_Bibles. A
mailing list for the entry ONLY of information on any and all family
Postings regarding a family bible should include, if known, present
owner and address (needed as proof to make the bible valid);
person submitting the information and address; date purchased, place,
and price; plus locations of family discussed in the bible, if
known, and all vital information given in the bible. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- Family-Bibles. A
mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding
all aspects
of family bibles (e.g., validaty of entries, where and how to find
them, their value, whether sentimental or antique collectables, etc.).
To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of
information regarding Family History Month. Of particular interest are
the sharing of success stories from the current year and
planning related to activities next year. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
- FamilyMemories.
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding
preservation of family memories through stories, pictures, genealogy
charts, scrapbooking and journaling. To subscribe send the
following to [email protected]:
A mailing list for posting the details of upcoming family reunions by
surname(s) so that others with an interest in the family line(s) can
contact the reunion coordinator. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- FOLKLORE. A mailing
list for the exchange of folklore - folk medicine and recipes. To
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GA-FGS. A mailing list
for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the family
sheets, related success stories, and new connections found or made
through the Georgia Family Group Sheet
website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GENAUTHOR. A mailing
list for anyone writing or publishing or planning on preparing and
publishing a biography, family genealogy book or similar work related
to genealogy, history or culture, to discuss of all aspects of
the effort, including organizing the data, choosing a format, selecting
a mode of publication, publisher, etc. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone interested in discussing
the preservation of documents, pictures, family heirlooms and other
treasures left to us by our ancestors, as well as sources and
methods for dating old photos. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
mailing list for editors/publishers of genealogical, surname and family
newsletters to have a place to discuss and share ideas and tips. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GenHumor. A mailing
list for the exchange of genealogy amd family humor including poems and
jokes. Please limit submissions to those that are no more than
PG-rated. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- genphoto. A mailing
list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding genealogy
and family
photographs including identifying and preserving old photographs, and
using digital photography and scanning to share and
preserve family photographs. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to [email protected]:
mailing list for the sharing of public domain genealogical stories of
families. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list where one can share ancestral recipes, poems, rhymes,
ditties, slang words, sayings, etc. This list will address England only
so that other English mailing lists are not cluttered by such
postings. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with an interest in all 32 counties of
Ireland and all of its' people; to chat about their/your homeland and
the history, culture and lifestyle of our ancestors and their
descendants. Topics may include the entire island and all its people;
their history, folklore, humour, sayings, idiosyncrasies,
language, dialect, tales, stories, music, songs, similarities and/or
differences between all areas and peoples of the island; and
associated communities and traditions world-wide. This includes surname
research, but only in the context of its' origins, history or
meaning; not to include individual or family research. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone with an interest in Scotland and
the Scots through genealogy; to conduct friendly discussion about
almost anything with a Scottish connection that relates to that
interest, so that other Scottish genealogy mailing lists are not
cluttered by such postings. Topics include Scottish history, folklore,
humour, sayings, language & dialect, tales and songs, similarities
and differences between areas of Scotland, and Scots
communities and traditions world-wide. This list will NOT focus on
surnames and family trees, but will seek to address the culture
and lifestyle of our Scottish ancestors and their descendants. Often
described as 'getting a feel for' a land and a way of life which
may be thousands of miles away and which they may never see. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for genealogy trivia collected from any
country. This is an offshoot of the GEN-TRIVIA-ENG list where one can
share ancestral recipes, poems, rhymes, ditties, slang
words, sayings, etc. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
- HOMESPUN. A mailing
list for those who want to have a bit of fun reminiscing. Subscribers
welcome to share memories, traditions, poems, humor, stories, recipes,
folklore and home remedies. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in
the appearance of Huntington's Disease, Huntington's Chorea, or
hereditary chorea among their ancestors. Please understand that
this is NOT a support group list. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in vintage
photos dealing with people and places in Iowa. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the posting of Kansas family
group information, announcements of new uploaded family group sheets on
the Kansas
Family Groups website, questions if you are have problems entering
your data on the site, and discussions if you find a related family
member on a family group sheet. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the use of vintage photos in Kansas genealogy. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding our ancestors' medical histories, old diseases, and the
practice of medicine in the past. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in
genograms, medical pedigrees, causes of death, illnesses and diseases,
hereditary factors, medical computer software and more.
This list is not for requesting medical advice about a present
condition. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding
lives and personal memories so that those of our descendants who are
interested can learn more about the personal side of our
lives besides names and dates. The list also provides a place
where we can remember family members who are gone from our
lives in hopes of keeping their memory alive. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the use of vintage photos in Missouri genealogy. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in
Nebraska photographers, ancestral photos, and researching early
photography and its role as a tool in genealogy. Queries about
early photographers and photos are encouraged. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for announcements of new
uploaded family group sheets on Oklahoma Family Groups
website (the form for submitting group sheets can
be found on the site), questions if you are have problems entering your
data on the site, and discussions if you find a related family
member on a family group sheet. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the search for elusive or missing photos of Oklahoma families
and the posting of information regarding such photos that
have come into your possession, with the ultimate goal of uniting
families and photos. A future website will be established where
the submitted photos will reside. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the use of vintage photos in Oklahoma genealogy. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the use of vintage photos in Texas genealogy. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the dating of photographs produced by portrait and studio
photographers in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
between 1850 and 1950. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode)
or [email protected]
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information
regarding the use of vintage photos in Utah genealogy. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding
vintage photos including, but not restricted to, proper storage,
preservation, restoration, ageing and dating, restoration software,
photo types and materials used, restoration assistance, and scanning
options. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone who would like to write his or her life stories
or family history in narrative form. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to writing-lifestories-and-family-history-l-request@r (mail mode) or writing-lifestories-and-family-history-d-request@
; (digest mode).
Please send comments to Megan Zurawicz
Back to Main Mailing
List Index
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All rights reserved.
Last updated on
Monday, 10-September-2018
Webspace provided by RootsWeb