Ukraine Mailing Lists
- BDS&V; (Jewish
residents of Borislav, Drogobych and Sambor)
- BERDICHEV (community
of Berdichev)
- Boslovlist (Jewish
genealogy, town of Boslov (Boguslav))
(Bukovina, a former crownland of the Austrian Empire, now divided
between Romania and Ukraine)
- bukovina-gen
(Bukovina area of Ukraine/Romania)
- CAN-TUGG (Toronto
(Ontario, Canada) Ukrainian Genealogy Group)
- GALICIA (former
Austrian province of Galicia)
- Galicia (Galicia)
- GALICIA (Jewish roots
in former Austrian province of Galacia)
- galicja.ukraina
(Galicia or Ukraine)
- GalizienGermanDescendants
- Ger-Poland-Volhynia
(Germans who migrated through Russian Poland and/or
- Hostow_Galicia_Village
(villages of Hostow and Tarnowica Polna, eastern Galicia)
- Justingrad
(Justingrad, Kiev, Russia (now Ukraine))
- karpatenancestors
(Karpatendeutsche/Carpathian Germans)
(Odessa area)
- ROM-SIG (Jewish roots
in Bessarabia, Bukovina, Dobruja, Maramures, Moldavia, Transylvania and
(German Russian village of Kassel, South Russia,
now Kamarovka, Ukraine)
- Rusyns (Rusnaks/Rusyns
from Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Serbia and Croatia)
- UKRAINE (Jewish family
origins in former Russian Empire gubernias now in the Ukraine)
(Jewish roots in Chernigov, Russia, now Ukraine)
(Ukrainian Genealogy Society)
(Jews from Kremenets District of Ukraine)
- UKR-NV (town of
Novograd Volynskiy (Zvhill))
(past Jewish communities of Odessa)
- UKR-ROSCH (village
of Rosch and surrounding areas)
of Talnoye)
(shtetl of Vladimerets)
(town of Zakarpatska, Zaporiz'ka Oblast)
(town of Zaporizhia)
(Mennonites from the Volhynia and surrounding
- Volochiskians
(Shtetl Volochisk (Woloczysk))
- BDS&V;. A mailing
list supporting the Borislav, Drogobych, Sambor & Vicinity
(BDS&V;) Research
Group. Borislav, Drogobych, and Sambor were variously part of Austria
(the eastern section of Galicia), Poland, and now the
Western Ukraine. The goals of the group are to acquire, and when
necessary translate, material relating to the Jewish residents of
BDS&V; such as histories, yizkor books, memoirs, cemetery listings,
business directories, telephone directories, etc.; create
scanned images and databases of acquired material; and create a list of
towns within our scope of interest. Additional information
can be found on the Borislav,
Drogobych, Sambor and Vicinity Research Group website.
To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to
and follow the online instructions.
- BERDICHEV. A mailing
list for Jewish genealogy about the past Jewish community of the city
Berdichev, Russia (now Ukraine). Additional information can be found on
the Berdichev
Discussion Group web site. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- Boslovlist. A
mailing list for anyone with an interest in Jewish genealogy related to
the town of
Boslov (Boguslav) in the Ukraine. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to [email protected]:
mailing list for those researching their genealogy and family history
Bukovina, a former crownland of the Austrian Empire (a.k.a. Bucovina,
Bukowina, Bukovyna, or Buchenland), now divided between
Romania and Ukraine. Questions and discussions about tracing one's
ancestors in this area are the primary focus of the list.
Discussions about the history of the province and the culture and
heritage of the different ethnic groups who have lived there are
also appropriate, as are information about current conditions in the
area and travel advice for those who might be planning a visit.
To subscribe send the following to [email protected]: subscribe
bukovina-gen firstname lastname
- bukovina-gen. A
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Bukovina
area of
Ukraine/Romania. You can subscribe from
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
- CAN-TUGG. A mailing
list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding the
activities of
the Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Ukrainian Genealogy Group (TUGG) and
genealogical resources applicable to Ukrainian
genealogical research. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- GALICIA. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the former Austrian
province of
Galicia that was part of the First Partition of Poland in 1772 and is
now located in the southeastern part of Poland and the
southwestern part of Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- Galicia. A mailing list
for anyone who is researching their Galician ancestors. The Galicia
addressed by
this list is the area located in southeastern Poland and southwestern
Ukraine, not Spain. You can subscribe from
by sending the following to [email protected]:
- GALICIA. A mailing
list for those interested in researching their Jewish roots in the
former Austrian
province of Galacia (now southern Poland, western Ukraine). Additional
information can be found on the Gesher Galacia SIG website.
To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to
and follow the online instructions.
- galicja.ukraina.
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in their
ancestors who lived
in Galicia (the area located in southeastern Poland and southwestern
Ukraine) or Ukraine. To subscribe send the following to [email protected]:
- GalizienGermanDescendants.
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical
interest in Galicia (Galizien, Galicja), a former Austrian province
that was a part of southeast Poland and is currently in western
Ukraine. Additional information can be found on the Galizien
German Descendants website. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to galiziengermandescendants-subscribe@yahoogro subscribe
Gatewayed with the soc.genealogy.slavic newsgroup for the discussion of
genealogy. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode), [email protected]
(digest mode), or [email protected]
(index mode).
- Ger-Poland-Volhynia.
A mailing list, sponsored by The Society for German Genealogy in
Eastern Europe (SGGEE), for anyone researching the genealogy of Germans
whose migrations took them through Russian Poland
and/or Volhynia (northwestern Ukraine, next to the border with Poland).
Fringe regions such as Posen, Podolia, Kiev, various parts
of Prussia and others may also be included. Topics of discussion may
also include related geography, history, religion and culture.
Additional information can be found on the SGGEE Listserv Page
which should be read prior to subscribing. Please
subscribe from this page; however, if you experience problems, you can
subscribe by sending the following to [email protected]:
- Hostow_Galicia_Village.
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical
interest in the villages of Hostow (Hostów, Hostiv, Gostev,
Gostiv) and Tarnowica Polna (Ternovytsa), located three
kilometers apart in eastern Galicia. These villages were in the
Stanislawow region of Poland prior to WWII and today in
Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. You can subscribe from
by sending the following to [email protected]:
- Justingrad. A
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Justingrad
(Yustingrad/Ustingrad) shtetl, Kiev, Russia (now Ukraine) which was
created in 1825 as a Jewish village for those Jews that were
forced from their homes in the village of Sololivka (Sokolovka,
Sokolievka, Sokolowka, Sokoliefka). Justingrad was destroyed by
the Nazis on July 27, 1941. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to [email protected]:
- karpatenancestors.
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in
Karpatendeutsche/Carpathian Germans, the German ethnic group living
since the 12th century on the territory of today's Slovak
Republic. The area covered includes the Karpato-Ukraine Germans living
in today's Ukraine and the Zipser Saxons who moved to
Romania in the 18th and early 19th centuries. You can subscribe from
or by sending
the following to [email protected]:
A mailing list for the discussion, sharing and research of
genealogical and other information as it pertains to the Odessa,
Ukraine, area without regard to any specific cultural, ethnic,
religious, or other group of people. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- ROM-SIG. A mailing list
for those with Jewish roots in Bessarabia, Bukovina, Dobruja,
Moldavia, Transylvania and Wallachia (all within the modern nations of
Romania, Moldova, and sourhwestern Ukraine). Additional
information can be found on the Romania SIG website. To
subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to
and follow the online instructions.
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or
historical interest in the German Russian village of Kassel, South
Russia (today known as Kamarovka, Ukraine, Russia). Anything
that concerns Kassel's German Russian inhabitants and their descendants
including traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, and daily
life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
- Rusyns. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in Rusnaks/Rusyns from Ukraine,
Poland, Slovakia, Serbia and Croatia. You can subscribe from
or by sending the following to [email protected]:
- UKRAINE. A mailing list
for researchers with Jewish family origins in the former Russian Empire
gubernias now in the Ukraine: Podolia, Volhynia, Kiev, Poltava,
Chernigov, Kharkov, Kherson, Taurida and Ekaterinoslav.
Additional information can be found on the Ukraine SIG website. To
subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to
and follow the online instructions.
mailing list for anyone researching their Jewish roots in the
Chernigov Gubernia, a province in Russia from 1802-1929/1932 and since
then a province in the Ukraine known as Chernigov
Oblast. Additional information can be found on The Chernigov
Genealogy Group website. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Ukraine. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for the members of the Ukrainian Genealogy Society
(UGS) and others interested in Ukrainian genealogy to receive updates
of Society activities, exchange information, and submit
suggestions and requests to the UGS or fellow members and subscribers.
Additional information can be found on the UGS website. To
subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Jews who
once lived in the Kremenets District of Ukraine and their descendants.
Topics will include updates and discussions about Jewish
genealogy in the towns, villages and shtetlach of the Kremenets
District. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- UKR-NV. A mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of Novograd
(Zvhill), Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for research, discussion, and sharing of information
regarding Jewish genealogical questions, family research and existing
information about the past Jewish communities of the city of
Odessa, Russia (now Ukraine). To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- UKR-ROSCH. A mailing
list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the village of Rosch
surrounding areas in the Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of
Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Vladimerets,
a shtetl currently in the Ukraine. Additional information can be found
on the Genealogy
Home Page. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town
of Zakarpatska, Zaporiz'ka Oblast, Ukraine. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of
Zaporizhia, Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected]
(mail mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical
interest in the Mennonites from the Volhynia and surrounding areas of
old Polish Russia, now known as the Ukraine. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to [email protected]
mode) or [email protected]
(digest mode).
- Volochiskians. A
mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Shtetl
(Woloczysk), Ukraine. You can subscribe from
or by sending the
following to [email protected]:
Please send comments to Megan Zurawicz
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List Index
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