1. BDO. The Beresan District Odessa (BDO) mailing list is for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Beresan Colonies which were made up of Germans who immigrated to Russia, beginning in the first decade of the 19th century, at the request of Alexander I, Tsar of Russia. The Colonies were located Northeast of the city of Odessa on the Black Sea. To subscribe send email to Robert Ell at [email protected] (mail mode) requesting that you be added to the list and include your name and e-mail address, the BDO villages you are researching, BDO family names you are researching, which part of the world you presently reside in, and If you are a member of GRHS or AHSGR. Also, please mention how you heard of the mailing list and tell us a little about yourself - only what you feel comfortable in sharing.
  2. BELARUS. A mailing list for researchers with Jewish family roots in the country now known as Belarus and more specifically from the former Russian Gubernii (provinces) of Grodno, Minsk, Mogilev, and Vitebsk. Additional information can be found on the Belarus SIG website. To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to and follow the online instructions.
  3. BERDICHEV. A mailing list for Jewish genealogy about the past Jewish community of the city of Berdichev, Russia (now Ukraine). Additional information can be found on the Berdichev Discussion Group web site. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  4. BESS-GR. A mailing list for those interested in Germans from Russia research and family research oriented specifically to Bessarabia. Anything that concerns Bessarabian Germans from Russia research is an appropriate topic. Additional information can be found on the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection website. To subscribe, send the following to [email protected]: SUBSCRIBE BESS-GR firstname lastname
  5. BIALYGEN. A mailing list to facilitate cooperation and discussion amongst Jewish researchers interested in the Bialystok region of Poland. This includes the city of Bialystok and nearby towns and villages currently in Poland that were formerly in Grodno Gubernia when these towns were under Russian rule. Additional information can be found on the BIALYGen Homepage. To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to and follow the online instructions.
  6. GCRA. A mailing list for those interested in Germans from Russia research and family research oriented specifically to the Glueckstal Colonies of Bergdorf, Glueckstal, Kassel, and Neudorf and their daughter colonies. Additional information can be found on the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection website. To subscribe, send the following to [email protected]: SUBSCRIBE GCRA firstname lastname
  7. GEN-SLAVIC. Gatewayed with the soc.genealogy.slavic newsgroup for the discussion of slavic genealogy. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode), [email protected] (digest mode), or [email protected] (index mode).
  8. GermanRussian. A mailing list for anyone researching the genealogy of GermanRussians in or from South-Russia, around the Black Sea, including Bessarabia, Cherson ( the Odessa province ), Crimea and possibly Volhynia, and their descendants who migrated to to North America, South America, Germany, and perhaps the outreaches of the former USSR. While not specifically addressed, there may be some connections in the shared history of people from the Volga region or the Kaukasus. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  9. Ger-Poland-Volhynia. A mailing list, sponsored by The Society for German Genealogy in Eastern Europe (SGGEE), for anyone researching the genealogy of Germans whose migrations took them through Russian Poland and/or Volhynia (northwestern Ukraine, next to the border with Poland). Fringe regions such as Posen, Podolia, Kiev, various parts of Prussia and others may also be included. Topics of discussion may also include related geography, history, religion and culture. Additional information can be found on the SGGEE Listserv Page which should be read prior to subscribing. Please subscribe from this page; however, if you experience problems, you can subscribe by sending the following to [email protected]: subscribe
  10. GER-RUS-ARG. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Germans who migrated from Russia to Argentina. The language for the list is Spanish; however, postings in English or German are acceptable. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  11. GER-VOLGA. A mail list for those interested in Germans from Russia genealogy, family research and related topics oriented specifically to the Volga Valley area of Russia. These people are also know as Volga Deutsch or Volga Germans. Additional information can be found on the German Volga Mail List website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  12. GR-GENEALOGY. A mailing list for discussions of Germans from Russia genealogy and family research. Additional information can be found on the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection Website. To subscribe send the following to [email protected]: SUBSCRIBE GR-GENEALOGY firstname lastname
  13. GR-HERITAGE. A mailing list for general discussions of Germans from Russia history, culture, and folklore. Additional information can be found on the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection Website. To subscribe send the following to [email protected]: SUBSCRIBE GR-HERITAGE firstname lastname
  14. GR-OBITS. A mailing list for the posting of obituaries of individuals who were Germans from Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  15. GRODNO. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Grodno Gubernia, a division of the Russian Empire. While the focus of the list will be on Jewish family history research, other subscribers with an interest in the area are welcome. Additional information can be found on the Grodno Genealogy Group, Inc. web page. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  16. J-Pultusk. A mailing list for anyone researching their Jewish ancestors from the Pultusk area of Poland, north of Warsaw. This area was once part of the Tsarist Russian Empire. You can subscribe from or by sending the following to [email protected]: subscribe
  17. Justingrad. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Justingrad (Yustingrad/Ustingrad) shtetl, Kiev, Russia (now Ukraine) which was created in 1825 as a Jewish village for those Jews that were forced from their homes in the village of Sololivka (Sokolovka, Sokolievka, Sokolowka, Sokoliefka). Justingrad was destroyed by the Nazis on July 27, 1941. You can subscribe from or by sending the following to [email protected]: subscribe
  18. Kutschurgan. The Kutschurgan mailing list is for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Kutschurgan Colonies which were made up of Germans who immigrated to Russia, beginning in the first decade of the 19th century, at the request of Alexander I, Tsar of Russia. The Colonies were located Northwest of the city of Odessa on the Black Sea. To subscribe send email to Robert Ell at [email protected] (mail mode) requesting that you be added to the list and include your name and e-mail address, the Kutschurgan villages you are researching, Kurschurgan family names you are researching, which part of the world you presently reside in, and If you are a member of GRHS or AHSGR. Also, please mention how you heard of the mailing list and tell us a little about yourself - only what you feel comfortable in sharing.
  19. Narocz. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the area and towns near Lake Naroch/Narocz located in, what is today, border regions of Vitsyebsk and northern Minsk regions of Belarus, which at previous times has been considered politically part of Russia, Poland and Lithuania. You can subscribe from or by sending the following to [email protected]: subscribe
  20. OLD-RUSSIAN. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in deciphering and interpreting written documents in Russian from earliest to most recent 20th Century times, and discussing old Russian words, phrases, names, abbreviations and antique jargon. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  21. RUS-EKATERINBURG. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the City of Ekaterinburg, Russia, and surrounding areas. Anything that concerns traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life in ancient times is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  22. RUS-GLUCKSTAL-KASSEL. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the German Russian village of Kassel, South Russia (today known as Kamarovka, Ukraine, Russia). Anything that concerns Kassel's German Russian inhabitants and their descendants including traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  23. RUS-GRIMM. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the village of Grimm, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  24. RUS-JUDENPLAN. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Judenplan colony, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  25. RUS-KALININGRAD. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the City of Kaliningrad (formerly Königsberg/Koenigsberg, Prussia), nowadays Russia, and surrounding areas. Anything that concerns traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life in ancient times is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  26. RUS-LIEBENTALDIST. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Grossliebental District (a German settlement) in Russia. This list is for serious researchers of the District who are willing to share information with other subscribers. To subscribe send a message to Rich Aspenleiter at [email protected] describing the basis for your interest in the District and requesting that you be added to the list.
  27. RUS-MOLOTSCHNA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Molotschna colony, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  28. RUS-MOSKVA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the City of Moscow (Moskva in Russian), Russia, and surrounding areas. Anything that concerns traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life in ancient times is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  29. RUS-PRIVALNOE. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of Privalnoe (formerly Warenburg), Sartov Oblast, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  30. RUS-SAINT-PETERSBURG. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the City of Saint Petersburg, Russia, and surrounding areas. Anything that concerns traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life in ancient times is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  31. RUS-SAMARA-BRUNNENTAL. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the village of Brunnental, Samara, Russia. Additional information can be found on the Village of Brunnental website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  32. RUS-SAMARA-JOST. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Volga village of Jost, Canton Kukkus, Samara Federal District (Oblast), Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  33. RUS-SAMARA-OBERMUNJOU. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the village of Obermunjou, Samara, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  34. RUS-SAMARA-VOLGA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Volga villages of the Samara Federal District (Oblast), Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  35. RUS-SAMARA-WITTMANN-SOLOTHURN. A mailing list anyone with a genealogical interest in the village of Wittman-Solothurn, Samara, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  36. RUS-SARATOV-DOBRINKA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the village of Dobrinka in the lower Volga region of Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  37. RUS-SARATOV-FRANK. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the town of Frank in Saratov, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  38. RUS-SARATOV-GALKA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the towns of Galka, Alt-Galka, Neu-Galka and Ehrenbach, Saratov, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  39. RUS-SARATOV-SCHILLING. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the villages of Alt-Schilling, Schilling, Neu-Schilling, Alexandertal, and Kostantinovka in the lower Volga region of Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  40. RUS-SARATOV-SCHWAB. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Volga German village of Schwab which is located in the Saratov Oblast, Volga Federal District, Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  41. RUSSIA. A mailing for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Russia. Anything that concerns Russian culture, folklore, heritage, etc. is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  42. RUSSIAN-MILITARY. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the military of Russia including the former Soviet Union. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  43. RUSSIAN-NOBILITY. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the Russian and related nobility. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  44. RUSSIAN-SURNAMES. A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding Russian surnames and given names. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  45. RUSSIAN-TRADITIONS. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, historical, or cultural interest in the traditions of Russia including areas of the former Soviet Union. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  46. RUS-SUSANNENTAL. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the Russian village of Susannental (or Winkelmann as is was sometimes known), her German Russian inhabitants and their descendants. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  47. RUS-TAURIEN. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Taurien area of Russia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  48. UKRAINE. A mailing list for researchers with Jewish family origins in the former Russian Empire gubernias now in the Ukraine: Podolia, Volhynia, Kiev, Poltava, Chernigov, Kharkov, Kherson, Taurida and Ekaterinoslav. Additional information can be found on the Ukraine SIG website. To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to and follow the online instructions.
  49. UKR-CHERNIGOV. A mailing list for anyone researching their Jewish roots in the Chernigov Gubernia, a province in Russia from 1802-1929/1932 and since then a province in the Ukraine known as Chernigov Oblast. Additional information can be found on The Chernigov Genealogy Group website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  50. UKR-ODESSA-GEN. A mailing list for research, discussion, and sharing of information regarding Jewish genealogical questions, family research and existing information about the past Jewish communities of the city of Odessa, Russia (now Ukraine). To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).
  51. VOLHYNIAN-MENNONITES. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the Mennonites from the Volhynia and surrounding areas of old Polish Russia, now known as the Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to [email protected] (mail mode) or [email protected] (digest mode).

Please send comments to Megan Zurawicz

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