Austria Mailing Lists
Last update: May 2, 2009 by John Fuller,
- ANGLO-AUSTRIAN. A mailing list for the discussion and sharing of information regarding
Austrian ancestors from the United Kingdom. Additional information can be found on the
Anglo-Austrian Family History Group website. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUSTRIA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in Austria including the
German speaking lands annexed to Italy at the end of World War I. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- Austria-L. A mailing list for those with a genealogical interest in Austria. The language for the list is
German. Additional information can be found at You can subscribe from
the above web page or by sending the following to subscribe
- AUSTRIACZECH. A mailing list for those researching Jewish genealogy in the areas
formerly known as Bohemia and Moravia (now the Czech Republic), plus parts of Austria, especially Vienna, but not Galicia.
Additional information can be found on the
Austria-Czech SIG website. To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to and follow the online instructions.
- AUSTRIA-HOLOCAUST. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the
Austrians who were interned in the German Holocaust camps. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest
- AUSTRIAN-AMERICAN. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Americans with Austrian ancestry. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode)
or (digest
- AUSTRIAN-BRAZILIAN. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Brazilians with Austrian ancestry. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest
- AUSTRIAN-CANADIAN. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Canadians with Austrian ancestry. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode)
or (digest
- AUSTRIAN-SURNAMES. A bilingual English-German mailing list for the discussion
and sharing of information regarding Austrian surnames. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail
mode) or (digest
- AUSTRIAN-TRADITIONS. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Austria. Anything that concerns Austrian traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why
not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode)
or (digest
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the former Austria-Hungary area. Anything that concerns Austro-Hungarian traditions,
culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN-HERALDRY. A mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical or historical interest in Austro-Hungarian Heraldry and Coats of Arms. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
(mail mode) or
(digest mode).
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN-JEWISH. A mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Jews with Austro-Hungarian ancestry. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
(mail mode) or
(digest mode).
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN-MILITARY. A bilingual English-German mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in the military of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
(mail mode) or
(digest mode).
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN-NOBILITY. A bilingual English-German mailing list
for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the ancient nobility of/in the former Austro-Hungarian area. Anything
that concerns Austro-Hungarian traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life connected to former
Austro-Hungarian nobility is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
(mail mode) or
austro-hungarian- (digest mode).
- AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN-ROMANI. A bilingual English-German mailing list for
anyone with a genealogical, cultural or historical interest in the Romani (gypsies) of the former Austro-Hungarian area. Anything
that concerns Austro-Hungarian Romani traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate
topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
(mail mode) or
austro-hungarian- (digest mode).
- AUT-BURGENLAND. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Burgenland. Anything that concerns Burgenland, Austrian and Austro-Hungarian
traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-CARINTHIA. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a genealogical,
cultural or historical interest in Carinthia (Kärnten in German). Anything that concerns Carinthia/Kärnten and Austrian
traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-KUESTENLAND. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Kuestenland, a former territory of Austria which saddles the borders of Italy, Slovenia
and Croatia. Anything that concerns the former Kuestenland areas traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and
daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-LOWER-AUSTRIA. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Lower-Austria (Niederösterreich in German). Anything that concerns
Lower-Austria/Niederösterreich and Austrian traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life is an
appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest
- AUT-SALZBURG. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a genealogical,
cultural or historical interest in Salzburg and surrounding areas. Anything that concerns Salzburg and Austrian traditions, culture,
folklore, heritage, etc. or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-STYRIA. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or
historical interest in Styria (Steiermark in German). Anything that concerns Styria/Steiermark and Austrian traditions, culture,
folklore, heritage, etc. or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-TYROL. A trilingual English-German-Italian mailing list for anyone with a genealogical,
cultural or historical interest in Tyrol (including South-Tyrol nowadays part of Italia). Anything that concerns Tyrol and Austrian
traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, etc. or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe"
to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-UPPER-AUSTRIA. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a
genealogical, cultural or historical interest in Upper-Austria (Oberösterreich in German). Anything that concerns
Upper-Austria/Oberösterreich and Austrian traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, etc. or why not old recipes and daily life is an
appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest
- AUT-VIENNA. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a genealogical, cultural or
historical interest in the City of Vienna (Wien in German). Anything that concerns the City of Vienna/Wien and Austrian traditions,
culture, folklore, heritage, etc. or why not old recipes and daily life is an appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- AUT-VORARLBERG. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the
province of Vorarlberg, Austria. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- BANAT. A bilingual English-German mailing list for information on people who migrated eastward,
primarily in the 1700s, from various former German States and settled lands in the Danube Basin of south-central Europe. These
settlers, later referred to as Danube Swabians (in German Donauschwaben), lived in communities which are located today in
Hungary, Romania, and countries of the former Federation of Yugoslavia. The focus of the list is genealogy, and history as it relates
to the language, food, customs, culture, and lives of these unique peoples circa 1700 to the present. All historical areas of Danube
Swabian habitation and culture are discussed on the list and include former Austrian and Hungarian administrative regions known
as Batschka, Bosnia, Sathmar, Schwäbische, Türkei (Hungary), Slavonia, Syrmia, Vojvodina, and others. To subscribe
send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- BDS&V;. A mailing list supporting the Borislav, Drogobych, Sambor & Vicinity (BDS&V;) Research
Group. Borislav, Drogobych, and Sambor were variously part of Austria (the eastern section of Galicia), Poland, and now the
Western Ukraine. The goals of the group are to acquire, and when necessary translate, material relating to the Jewish residents of
BDS&V; such as histories, yizkor books, memoirs, cemetery listings, business directories, telephone directories, etc.; create
scanned images and databases of acquired material; and create a list of towns within our scope of interest. Additional information
can be found on the
Borislav, Drogobych, Sambor and Vicinity Research Group website.
To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to and follow the online instructions.
- BURGENLAND-NEWSLETTER. A read-only mailing list for the distribution of
the monthly Burgenland Bunch Newsletter, a newsletter which addresses the Province of Burgenland, Austria, and nearby areas of
Hungary. The newsletter is the house organ of the family history group called the Burgenland Bunch and is sent only to its
members. Additional information concerning the Burgenland Bunch and its newsletter can be found on the
Burgenland Bunch homepage. If you would like to join the
Burgenland Bunch, go to the Burgenland Bunch homepage and fill out the "New Member Information Form" found there. You will
be subscribed automatically to the newsletter.
- DANUBE-SWABIAN-GENEALOGY. A bilingual English-German mailing
list for descendants of the Danube-Swabian German ethnic group from the Danubian Plain in Hungary, Romania, and the former
Yugoslavia. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
a> (mail mode) or
(digest mode).
- DEU-BODENSEE. A bilingual English-German mailing list for anyone with a genealogical,
cultural or historical interest in the ancient cities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland around Bodensee Lake and vicinity. Anything
that concerns traditions, culture, folklore, heritage, or why not old recipes and daily life in ancient times in the Bodensee area is an
appropriate topic. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- DONAUSCHWABEN-VILLAGES. A bilingual English-German mailing for
anyone with an interest in the former Danube Swabian (ethnic German) villages situated in the six regions which were part of the
Austro-Hungarian Empire until 1918: Banat, Batschka, Hungarian Highlands, Sathmar, Swabian Turkey, Syrmia & Slavonia. We
help researchers discover their Danube Swabian ancestral roots, history, environs, culture and lifestyle. We encourage our list
members to ask questions and share discoveries. This mailing list is associated with
The Donauschwaben Villages' Helping Hands (DVHH) website, a volunteer project for
researchers of Danube Swabian Heritage. To subscribe send "subscribe" to
(mail mode) or
(digest mode).
- EXULANTEN. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the "Exulanten" who are
the Protestants that were forced to leave Austria in the 16th-18th centuries. Additional information can be found on the
Exulanten-L Mailing List web page. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- GALICIA. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the former Austrian province of
Galicia that was part of the First Partition of Poland in 1772 and is now located in the southeastern part of Poland and the
southwestern part of Ukraine. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- Galicia. A mailing list for anyone who is researching their Galician ancestors. The Galicia addressed by
this list is the area located in southeastern Poland and southwestern Ukraine, not Spain. You can subscribe from or
by sending the following to
a>: subscribe
- GALICIA. A mailing list for those interested in researching their Jewish roots in the former Austrian
province of Galacia (now southern Poland, western Ukraine). Additional information can be found on the
Gesher Galacia SIG website. To subscribe to a JewishGen mailing list, go to and follow the online instructions.
- galicja.ukraina. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in their ancestors who lived
in Galicia (the area located in southeastern Poland and southwestern Ukraine) or Ukraine. To subscribe send the following to subscribe
- GalizienGermanDescendants. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical
interest in Galicia (Galizien, Galicja), a former Austrian province that was a part of southeast Poland and is currently in western
Ukraine. Additional information can be found on the
Galizien German Descendants website. You can subscribe from or by sending the following to
galiziengermandescendants-subscribe@yahoogro subscribe
- GOTTSCHEE. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in Gottschee, Austria (now
known as Kocevje, Slovenia). Interested individuals may want to check out the
Gottscheer Heritage and Genealogy Association web site. This Association is a non-profit
organization for the preservation of the heritage and genealogy of the Gottschee area. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode) or (digest mode).
- KRIEGERDENKMAL-DE. A mailing list for contributors to the
Onlineprojekt Gefallenendenkmäler which collects name inscriptions from
German and Austrian war memorials. The language for the list is German. To subscribe send "subscribe" to (mail mode)
or (digest
anyone with a genealogical interest in old Austro-Hungarian newspapers and the persons who worked for them. To subscribe send
"subscribe" to
old-austro-hungarian-newspapers-l-request@root (mail mode) or
old-austro-hungarian-newspapers-d-request@ro (digest mode).
- royal-austria. A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the royal people of Austria.
You can subscribe from or by sending the
following to subscribe