Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

David RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and Kathleen M. YERTY-115080.

Dorothy RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and Kathleen M. YERTY-115080.

Eleanor R. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Spouse: (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Eleanor R.) JOHNSON-115077. Eleanor R. RIGHTENOUR and (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Eleanor R.) JOHNSON were married.

Elvin RIGHTENOUR4813 was born on 10 October 1916 in Bedford Co., PA. He died on 31 July 1977 at the age of 60 in Waterside, Bedford Co., PA.

Spouse: Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724. Regina Icy LONGENECKER and Elvin RIGHTENOUR were married on 4 March 1938 in Cumberland, Allegany Co., MD.4813 Children were: Living, Merle G. RIGHTENOUR-115065, Glenn W. RIGHTENOUR-115066, Fern L. RIGHTENOUR-115067, Sarah J. RIGHTENOUR-115069, John J. RIGHTENOUR-115071, George L. RIGHTENOUR-115072, Nettie M. RIGHTENOUR-115073, Barry L. RIGHTENOUR-115075, Eleanor R. RIGHTENOUR-115076, Robert M. RIGHTENOUR-115078, James W. RIGHTENOUR-115079.

Fern L. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Spouse: (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Fern L.) DICK-115068. Fern L. RIGHTENOUR and (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Fern L.) DICK were married.

George L. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Glenn W. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

James W. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

John J. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Merle G. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Nettie M. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Spouse: (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Nettie M.) SELL-115074. Nettie M. RIGHTENOUR and (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Nettie M.) SELL were married.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Robert M. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Sarah J. RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Spouse: (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Sarah J.) THOMAS-115070. Sarah J. RIGHTENOUR and (Husband of RIGHTENOUR, Sarah J.) THOMAS were married.

Terry RIGHTENOUR4813 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and Kathleen M. YERTY-115080.

Living (private). Parents: Elvin RIGHTENOUR-115063 and Regina Icy LONGENECKER-94724.

Spouse: Kathleen M. YERTY-115080. Children were: Dorothy RIGHTENOUR-115083, David RIGHTENOUR-115084, Terry RIGHTENOUR-115085, Cindy RIGHTENOUR-115086.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

(Husband of MOIST, Dorothy L.) RIGHTER12186 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Dorothy L. "Dot" MOIST-91092. Dorothy L. "Dot" MOIST and (Husband of MOIST, Dorothy L.) RIGHTER were married.

Dorothy RIGHTER1863 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Dr. Kendall Kinard WOOMER-145222. Dorothy RIGHTER and Dr. Kendall Kinard WOOMER were married.

(Husband of BRYAN, Martha Hyatt) RIGHTNOUR218 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Martha Hyatt BRYAN-113773. Martha Hyatt BRYAN and (Husband of BRYAN, Martha Hyatt) RIGHTNOUR were married.

(Husband of HEISTER, Frances) RIGHTNOUR8423 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Frances HEISTER-125631. Frances HEISTER and (Husband of HEISTER, Frances) RIGHTNOUR were married.

Andrew RIGHTNOUR660 was born (date unknown). Parents: Living and Jennifer HONNER-73713.

Elizabeth RIGHTNOUR738 was born in 1853. She was also known as Elizabeth RIGHTMAN. She died in 1921 at the age of 68. Elizabeth was buried at Hopewell Cem. in Hopewell, Huntingdon Co., PA.738

Spouse: George SNYDER Jr.-60332. Elizabeth RIGHTNOUR and George SNYDER Jr. were married on 15 March 1868. Children were: William SNYDER-60334, Jeremiah S. SNYDER-60335, Edward SNYDER-60382, Russell SNYDER-60383.

Estella RIGHTNOUR1791 was born about 1896. She died in 1934 at the age of 38.

Spouse: George Clark PELTER-58138. Estella RIGHTNOUR and George Clark PELTER were married in 1918.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: (First husband of RIGHTNOUR, Marian) WEAVER-123110. Children were: Richard WEAVER-123111.

Spouse: Walter E. FORD-123105. Children were: Wanda FORD-123107, Cathy E. FORD-123109.

Mary Ann RIGHTNOUR4093 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elvin B. KENSINGER-7555. Mary Ann RIGHTNOUR and Elvin B. KENSINGER were married. Children were: Beulah KENSINGER-66313.

Robert RIGHTNOUR737,12141 died before 18 October 2010.

Spouse: Isabelle J. KNOFFSINGER-35858. Isabelle J. KNOFFSINGER and Robert RIGHTNOUR were married. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Robert RIGHTNOUR-35859 and Isabelle J. KNOFFSINGER-35858.

Spouse: Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Spouse: Jennifer HONNER-73713. Children were: Andrew RIGHTNOUR-73714.

Living (private). Parents: Robert RIGHTNOUR-35859 and Isabelle J. KNOFFSINGER-35858.

Spouse: Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Griffith RIGNEY13782 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Levina TAYLOR-174894. Levina TAYLOR and Griffith RIGNEY were married. Children were: Mary "Polly" RIGNEY-174892.

Lavina RIGNEY13782,13783 was born in 1838 in Fentress Co., KY. She died on 9 September 1889 at the age of 51 in Clinton Co., KY. She was buried at Davis Chapel Cem. in Clinton Co., KY. Parents: Mary "Polly" RIGNEY-174892.

Spouse: William Henry Harrison "Henry" STINSON-174890. Lavina RIGNEY and William Henry Harrison "Henry" STINSON were married on 5 September 1861 in Wayne Co., KY. Children were: Rhoda A. STINSON-174895, William A. STINSON-174897, Mary Elizabeth STINSON-174905.

Mary "Polly" RIGNEY13782 was born (date unknown). Parents: Griffith RIGNEY-174893 and Levina TAYLOR-174894.

Children were: Lavina RIGNEY-174891.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Virginia RIGSBEE4055 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: James A. BUCKLEY-127796. Virginia RIGSBEE and James A. BUCKLEY were married. Children were: Living.

Dr. William H. RIKE4152 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Emeline V. "Emma" FETTER-1177. Emeline V. "Emma" FETTER and Dr. William H. RIKE were married after 1866 in Versailles, Wayne Twp., Darke Co., OH.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

(Husband of CUNNINGHAM, Margaret) RILEY8831 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Margaret CUNNINGHAM-138001. Margaret CUNNINGHAM and (Husband of CUNNINGHAM, Margaret) RILEY were married.

(Husband of HOLSINGER, Elizabeth) RILEY11205 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elizabeth HOLSINGER-202329. Elizabeth HOLSINGER and (Husband of HOLSINGER, Elizabeth) RILEY were married.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Agnes Ann RILEY685 was born (date unknown). Parents: William James RILEY-30844 and Margaret Lucy BOWMAN-27357.

Spouse: Mark Joseph FRANCIS-31687. Agnes Ann RILEY and Mark Joseph FRANCIS were married.

Alfred RILEY6196,6200 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Thelma BRINDLE-172334. Thelma BRINDLE and Alfred RILEY were married.

Amos RILEY1474 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Ada Florence CURTIS-47986. Ada Florence CURTIS and Amos RILEY were married.

Andrew J. RILEY270 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elsie PUTT-62382. Elsie PUTT and Andrew J. RILEY were married.

Anna Mary RILEY7801,8046,8145 was born on 3 March 1888 in Fredericksburg, Blair Co., PA.8145 She died in 1935 at the age of 47 in Martinsburg, North Woodbury Twp., Blair Co., PA.8145 She was buried at Spring Hope Cem. in Martinsburg, North Woodbury Twp., Blair Co., PA.8145 Anna was a member of the Brethren in Christ Church in Martinsburg, North Woodbury Twp., Blair Co., PA. Parents: Daniel RILEY-83411 and Elizabeth "Lizzie" CHAMBERLIN-83410.

Spouse: David E. MILLER-83480. Anna Mary RILEY and David E. MILLER were married on 13 September 1912.8145 Children were: Paul MILLER-83481, Naomi Elizabeth MILLER-83486, Mary MILLER-83497, Ruth MILLER-83499, Peggy MILLER-167708, Joyce MILLER-167710.

Barbara RILEY3384 was born (date unknown). Parents: William H. RILEY-136336 and Lydia LOOSE-136337.

Spouse: (Husband of RILEY, Barbara) HARTMAN-136344. Barbara RILEY and (Husband of RILEY, Barbara) HARTMAN were married.