Home Surname List Name Index Sources Email Us | Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Charles N. BALL3726 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Anna Claudia LULL-126348. Anna Claudia LULL and Charles N. BALL were married on 14 November 1930. Children were: Living, Living. Dora BALL889 was born (date unknown). Parents: James H. BALL-44904 and Elizabeth PAYNE-44905. Faurrie BALL130 was born (date unknown). Spouse: William J. PENNINGTON-118380. Faurrie BALL and William J. PENNINGTON were married. Children were: Calvin Hicks PENNINGTON-118379. Grace BALL92 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Arthur CLARRY-185012. Grace BALL and Arthur CLARRY were married. Children were: Arthur M. CLARRY II-185011. Isaiah BALL889 was born (date unknown). Parents: Zopher BALL-44912 and Sarah (WIFE OF BALL, ZOPHER)-44913. Spouse: Martha LINE-44911. Martha LINE and Isaiah BALL were married. Children were: Solomon BALL-44906. James H. BALL889 was born (date unknown). Parents: Solomon BALL-44906 and Lucretta Banks CRANE-44907. Spouse: Elizabeth PAYNE-44905. Elizabeth PAYNE and James H. BALL were married. Children were: Jennie Lucretta BALL-44903, Dora BALL-44916, Kate BALL-44917. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living. Jennie Lucretta BALL889 was born on 20 August 1869 in Marshall Co., IA. She died on 15 April 1935 at the age of 65 in Attica, Harper Co., KS. She was buried in Attica, Harper Co., KS.889 Parents: James H. BALL-44904 and Elizabeth PAYNE-44905. Spouse: Alfred Lincoln TRENT-44859. Jennie Lucretta BALL and Alfred Lincoln TRENT were married on 20 April 1884 in Guthrie, Guthrie Co., IA. Joseph Harrison BALL Jr.945 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Laura Agnes BOWLBY-13313. Laura Agnes BOWLBY and Joseph Harrison BALL Jr. were married on 15 October 1919 in Lost Springs, Marion Co., KS. Living (private). Parents: Charles N. BALL-126349 and Anna Claudia LULL-126348. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living. Julius Dyer BALL3727 was born on 3 November 1884. He died on 28 July 1919 at the age of 34. Spouse: Grace Edith LUCAS-187643. Grace Edith LUCAS and Julius Dyer BALL were married on 11 March 1919. Kate BALL889 was born (date unknown). Parents: James H. BALL-44904 and Elizabeth PAYNE-44905. Mary Ann BALL1518 was born in 1825 in Washington, DC. She died in August 1899 at the age of 74 in Zanesville, Megis Twp., Muskingum Co., OH. Spouse: John PASSWATERS-106318. Mary Ann BALL and John PASSWATERS were married. Children were: Sonoro PASSWATERS-106315. Mercy BALL3728 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Isaac SIPPY-128228. Mercy BALL and Isaac SIPPY were married. Children were: Phoebe SIPPY-123646. Living (private). Parents: Charles N. BALL-126349 and Anna Claudia LULL-126348. Robert BALL742 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Isabelle BUSSICK-49080. Isabelle BUSSICK and Robert BALL were married. Salome BALL889 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Solomon LINE-44914. Salome BALL and Solomon LINE were married. Children were: Martha LINE-44911. Sarah BALL2220 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Thomas HOUSE-171717. Sarah BALL and Thomas HOUSE were married. Children were: Thomas Grover Cleveland HOUSE-171716. Solomon BALL889 was born (date unknown). Parents: Isaiah BALL-44910 and Martha LINE-44911. Spouse: Lucretta Banks CRANE-44907. Lucretta Banks CRANE and Solomon BALL were married. Children were: James H. BALL-44904. Thelma BALL373,907 was born in 1897 in Indiana. She died in 1961 at the age of 64 in Converse, Blackford Co., IN. She was buried at IOOF Cem. in Converse, Blackford Co., IN.907 Spouse: Guy Rolland GARBER-113212. Thelma BALL and Guy Rolland GARBER were married on 12 June 1926 in Indiana. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Zopher BALL889 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Sarah (WIFE OF BALL, ZOPHER)-44913. Sarah (WIFE OF BALL, ZOPHER) and Zopher BALL were married. Children were: Isaiah BALL-44910. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Living (private). Parents: William Samuel BALLANTINE-167262 and Isabella Hunter CRAWFORD-167261. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living. William Samuel BALLANTINE491 was buried at Mount Hamilton Cem. in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.491 Spouse: Isabella Hunter CRAWFORD-167261. Isabella Hunter CRAWFORD and William Samuel BALLANTINE were married on 13 September 1947 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Children were: Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Clara M. BALLARD3729,3730 was born on 10 August 1865. She died on 14 March 1896 at the age of 30. She was buried at Violet Hill Cem. in Perry, Dallas Co., IA. Spouse: Charles Edgar DOIDGE-173608. Clara M. BALLARD and Charles Edgar DOIDGE were married. Children were: Ralph Edgar DOIDGE-173610. Harry Orlan BALLARD13 was born on 24 June 1891 in Pawnee Co., NE. Parents: William BALLARD-76708 and Cora TRAIN-76709. Spouse: Myrtle May MILLER-76021. Myrtle May MILLER and Harry Orlan BALLARD were married on 27 January 1915. Children were: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Living (private). Parents: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710 and Helen Gail COON-76711. Mason BALLARD2900 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Ida ALLEN-198204. Ida ALLEN and Mason BALLARD were married in Cresaptown, Alleghany Co., MD. Living (private). Parents: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710 and Helen Gail COON-76711. Living (private). Parents: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710 and Helen Gail COON-76711. Living (private). Parents: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710 and Helen Gail COON-76711. Living (private). Parents: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710 and Helen Gail COON-76711. Living (private). Parents: Ward Edwin BALLARD-76710 and Helen Gail COON-76711. Living (private). Parents: Living and Living. Spouse: Living. Children were: Living. Ward Edwin BALLARD13 was born on 14 December 1921 in Webber, Jackson Twp., Jewell Co., KS.3731 He died from heart failure on 21 September 2004 at the age of 82 in Dexter, Lane Co., OR.3731 Parents: Harry Orlan BALLARD-76707 and Myrtle May MILLER-76021. Spouse: Helen Gail COON-76711. Helen Gail COON and Ward Edwin BALLARD were married on 14 February 1942 in Las Vegas, Clark Co., NV. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living, Living, Living. William BALLARD13 was born (date unknown). Spouse: Cora TRAIN-76709. Cora TRAIN and William BALLARD were married. Children were: Harry Orlan BALLARD-76707. Living (private). Spouse: Living. Charles Hervey BALLENGER was born (date unknown). Spouse: Julia MCREYNOLDS-91704. Julia MCREYNOLDS and Charles Hervey BALLENGER were married. Children were: Lee BALLENGER-91702. |