Jeremiah HAFFLEY1341 was born on 9 October 1859.

Spouse: Lydia Zook DIEHL-63565. Lydia Zook DIEHL and Jeremiah HAFFLEY were married.

John Harvey HAFFLEY30 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Lydia Jane HARTMAN-96650. Lydia Jane HARTMAN and John Harvey HAFFLEY were married. Children were: Rachel Fern HAFFLEY-96648.

Living (private). Parents: Dale Richard HAFFLEY-73795 and Florence Gladys MILLER-73514.

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living.

Margaret HAFFLEY1341 was born on 31 March 1825.

Spouse: Isaac Bulger BURGET/BURKET-4771. Margaret HAFFLEY and Isaac Bulger BURGET/BURKET were married. Children were: Ellen Jane BURKET-63529, Henry Sheridan BURKET-63538, Irvin H. BURKET-63539.

Living (private). Parents: Aaron Dale HAFFLEY-73803 and Karen AMON-73804.

Living (private). Parents: Aaron Dale HAFFLEY-73803 and Karen AMON-73804.

Rachel Fern HAFFLEY30 was born on 26 April 1891 in Curryville, Bedford Co., PA. She died on 10 September 1965 at the age of 74 in Altoona, Blair Co., PA. She was buried at Brumbaugh Cem. in Fredericksburg, Blair Co., PA.30 Parents: John Harvey HAFFLEY-96649 and Lydia Jane HARTMAN-96650.

Spouse: George Dilling BAKER-56003. Rachel Fern HAFFLEY and George Dilling BAKER were married on 2 September 1914 in Hickory Bottom, Woodbury Twp., Bedford Co., PA. Children were: John Richard BAKER-96651, James Donald BAKER-96652, George Dean BAKER-96696, Galen Leroy BAKER-96697, Mary Alverta BAKER-96713, Mabel Ruth BAKER-96714, Living, Daniel Paul BAKER-96737, Ethel Fern BAKER-96740, Living.

Samuel HAFFLEY1341,7694 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Margaret Ellen BURGET-63607. Margaret Ellen BURGET and Samuel HAFFLEY were married.

Living (private). Parents: Dale Richard HAFFLEY-73795 and Florence Gladys MILLER-73514.

William Corman HAFFLEY4401 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Catherine STOVER-148931. Catherine STOVER and William Corman HAFFLEY were married. Children were: (Husband of TATE, Betty Jane) HAFFLEY-148929.

Mary Alice HAFFLEY/HEFLEY/HAFFLER6030,6165,10692 was born on 16 October 1868 in Marklesburg, Huntingdon Co., PA. She died on 22 August 1941 at the age of 72 in Marklesburg, Huntingdon Co., PA. She was buried on 25 August 1941 at Union Cem. in Marklesburg, Huntingdon Co., PA. Parents: Jacob H. HSFFLY/HEFLEY-4040 and Catherine MCCOWEN-4041.

Spouse: Irvin Grove BRUMBAUGH-4038. Mary Alice HAFFLEY/HEFLEY/HAFFLER and Irvin Grove BRUMBAUGH were married on 15 December 1892 in Altoona, Blair Co., PA. Children were: Randall LeRoy BRUMBAUGH-4042, Dr. Martin Allen BRUMBAUGH-4043, Martha Grace BRUMBAUGH-4044.

(Third child of HAFFLY, Elizabeth and William) HAFFLY2581 was born (date unknown). Parents: William HAFFLY-60157 and Elizabeth Pearl HORTON-60158.

David HAFFLY1735,2568 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Catherine E. BROWN-53734. Catherine E. BROWN and David HAFFLY were married. Children were: Elizabeth HOFFLY-53736.

Howard HAFFLY2581 was born (date unknown). Parents: William HAFFLY-60157 and Elizabeth Pearl HORTON-60158.

Joseph Homer HAFFLY858 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Theodosia Mary REPLOGLE-34197. Theodosia Mary REPLOGLE and Joseph Homer HAFFLY were married on 12 March 1902.

Merab (E) HAFFLY915,10693 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Galen R. SELL-40247. Merab (E) HAFFLY and Galen R. SELL were married on 15 August 1917 in Woodbury, Bedford Co., PA. Children were: John Harvey SELL-40427.

Mildred Horton HAFFLY1056 was born on 9 April 1907. She died on 15 March 1980 at the age of 72 in Hopewell, Bedford Co., PA. She was buried at Hopewell Cem. in Bedford Co., PA.1056 Parents: William HAFFLY-60157 and Elizabeth Pearl HORTON-60158.

Spouse: Clarence Edward AVEY-60155. Mildred Horton HAFFLY and Clarence Edward AVEY were married.

Sarah HAFFLY7142 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Conrad NICODEMUS-6850. Sarah HAFFLY and Conrad NICODEMUS were married. Children were: Albert David NICODEMUS-6849.

William HAFFLY1056 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Elizabeth Pearl HORTON-60158. Elizabeth Pearl HORTON and William HAFFLY were married. Children were: Howard HAFFLY-63103, Mildred Horton HAFFLY-60156, (Third child of HAFFLY, Elizabeth and William) HAFFLY-63104.

Hannah HAFFNER697 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Daniel PITSENBERGER-21760. Hannah HAFFNER and Daniel PITSENBERGER were married on 21 August 1851 in Darke Co., OH. Children were: Jacob Emanuel PITSENBERGER-22278, George Washington PITSENBERGER-22279, Asa Nathan PITSENBERGER-22280, Noah Webster PITSENBERGER-22281, Daniel Reuben PITSENBERGER-22282, Henry Cornelius PITSENBERGER-22283, Mary Elizabeth PITSENBERGER-22284, Clara May PITSENBERGER-22285.

Mary HAFFNER5166 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Joseph WEBER-88099. Mary HAFFNER and Joseph WEBER were married. Children were: Mary Ann WEBER-88098.

Suzanne HAFFNER10694 was born on 21 March 1930 in Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH.

Spouse: Channing Lee "Chan" PURDY-133341. Suzanne HAFFNER and Channing Lee "Chan" PURDY were married. Children were: Living, Living.

Hans Paul HAFNER723 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Veronkia VETTERLEUBERN-51308. Veronkia VETTERLEUBERN and Hans Paul HAFNER were married. Children were: Lucretia Wilhelmina HAFNER-51285.

Lucretia Wilhelmina HAFNER723 was born on 27 November 1683 in Schwaigern, Neckarkeis, Wurttemberg, Germany. She died in York, York Co., PA. Parents: Hans Paul HAFNER-51307 and Veronkia VETTERLEUBERN-51308.

Spouse: Johann Frederick WILLHEIT-51284. Lucretia Wilhelmina HAFNER and Johann Frederick WILLHEIT were married on 17 November 1711 in Schwaigern, Wurttemberg, Germany. Children were: Maria Magdalena WILLHEIT-51309, Maria Barbara WILHIDE/WILLHEIT-51336, Georg Freiderich WILLHEIT-51313, Johann Frederick WILLHEIT-51314, Marta Elizabeth WILLHEIT-51331, Maria Catherine WILLHEIT-51335, Johann George Frederick WILLHEID-51218.

Emma HAFTLE774 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Edwin OLDHAM-61827. Emma HAFTLE and Edwin OLDHAM were married. Children were: Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Cynthia Yawgar HAGAMAN/HAGERMAN2496,5410,10695 was born on 13 February 1866. She died on 22 September 1950 at the age of 84 in Somerville, Somerset Co., NJ. She was buried at Musconetcong Valley Cem. in Hampton, Hunterdon Co., NJ.

Spouse: Elmer Elsworth BOWLBY-122690. Cynthia Yawgar HAGAMAN/HAGERMAN and Elmer Elsworth BOWLBY were married on 27 December 1884 in Imlaydale, Washington Twp., Warren Co., NJ. Children were: Clayton R. BOWLBY-185760, Alvahe BOWLBY-185784, Anna Mae BOWLBY-185785, Ralph Jay BOWLBY-147871.

John HAGAN6851 was born (date unknown).

Children were: Maria HAGEN/HAGAN-74980.

(Husband of KAUFFMAN, Doris) HAGE was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Doris KAUFFMAN-168892. Doris KAUFFMAN and (Husband of KAUFFMAN, Doris) HAGE were married.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living.

Living (private). Parents: Living and Living.

Bertha Mae HAGEMAN4193 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Huelan Thomas RICHARDSON-106021. Bertha Mae HAGEMAN and Huelan Thomas RICHARDSON were married. Children were: Living.

Charles A. HAGEMANN9102 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Mary E. STRAMP-5801. Mary E. STRAMP and Charles A. HAGEMANN were married in Davenport, Scott Co., IA.

Charles and Mary had 2 children.

Alice HAGEN3646 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: William GOTWALS-96078. Alice HAGEN and William GOTWALS were married. Children were: Living.

Eleanor HAGEN1341 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: David GILLILAND-64161. Eleanor HAGEN and David GILLILAND were married. Children were: James GILLILAND-64159.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living.

Maria HAGEN/HAGAN6851 died on 29 May 1848. She was also known as Anna Hogan. Parents: John HAGAN-74981.

Spouse: Jacob FETTER/FETTERS-1176. Maria HAGEN/HAGAN and Jacob FETTER/FETTERS were married. Children were: Nancy FETTER-74983, Catharine Ellen FETTER-74984, Hannah FETTER-74985, John H. FETTER-74986.

Ida May HAGENBUSH3418 was born about 1880.

Spouse: Daniel Webster BAER-3480. Ida May HAGENBUSH and Daniel Webster BAER were married on 30 December 1895. Children were: Wilbur BAER-111650, Glenn BAER-111651, Bernice BAER-111652.

Living (private).

Spouse: Living. Children were: Living, Living, Living, Living.

(Husband of BALCH, Ila) HAGENSTON3705 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Ila BALCH-45305. Ila BALCH and (Husband of BALCH, Ila) HAGENSTON were married.

(Husband of MILLER, Regina) HAGER2092 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Regina MILLER-144813. Regina MILLER and (Husband of MILLER, Regina) HAGER were married.

A. E. HAGER2323 was born (date unknown).

Spouse: Eloise SAVITS-31924. Eloise SAVITS and A. E. HAGER were married. Children were: R. R. HAGER-31926.

Bertha Mae HAGER88 was born on 16 July 1877 in Franklin Co., PA. She died on 18 December 1965 at the age of 88. Parents: Christian HAGER-90633 and Catharine Christiana TALHELM-90632.

Spouse: William HOVIS-129581. Bertha Mae HAGER and William HOVIS were married.

Bruce HAGER88 was born (date unknown). Parents: Christian Columbus HAGER-129583 and Nellie Leone JOHNSON-129584.

Bruce Leslie HAGER88 was born on 20 December 1881 in Waynesboro, Franklin Co., PA. He died on 31 December 1969 at the age of 88. Parents: Christian HAGER-90633 and Catharine Christiana TALHELM-90632.

Spouse: Ivy Sarah SMITH-129582. Ivy Sarah SMITH and Bruce Leslie HAGER were married. Children were: Christian Columbus HAGER-129583, Theodore Roosevelt HAGER-129587.

Catherine HAGER88 was born (date unknown). Parents: William E. HAGER-90637 and Annie (WIFE OF HAGER, WILLIAM E.)-129573.

Christian HAGER88 was born on 1 April 1843 in Shady Grove, Franklin Co., PA. He died on 14 January 1917 at the age of 73 at Chambersburg Hospital in Chambersburg, Franklin Co., PA. He was buried on 17 January 1917 at Hades Church Cem., 3 miles north of Shady Grove in Shady Grove, Franklin Co., PA.88 Christian was member of the Church of the Brethren.

Spouse: Catharine Christiana TALHELM-90632. Catharine Christiana TALHELM and Christian HAGER were married on 16 August 1866 in Shady Grove, Franklin Co., PA. Children were: Samuel Snively "Scott" HAGER-90634, Susan Clara HAGER-90635, Maggie K. HAGER-90636, William E. HAGER-90637, Bertha Mae HAGER-90638, Bruce Leslie HAGER-90639, Lottie Katharine HAGER-90640.

Christian C. HAGER88 was born (date unknown). Parents: Christian Columbus HAGER-129583 and Nellie Leone JOHNSON-129584.

Christian Columbus HAGER88 was born (date unknown). Parents: Bruce Leslie HAGER-90639 and Ivy Sarah SMITH-129582.

Spouse: Nellie Leone JOHNSON-129584. Nellie Leone JOHNSON and Christian Columbus HAGER were married. Children were: Christian C. HAGER-129585, Bruce HAGER-129586.