Meeting Minutes, March, 2013
MARCH 2013

March 19, 2013

Seven members of the Whitewater Valley Genealogy Association met at the Trinity Episcopal Parish House on March 19, 2013. Pat Cudworth presided. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Sue Frank, treasurer, reported a balance in checking of $233.75 and savings $1,679.12. She has recently paid the post office box rent of $44.00.

Pat Cudworth will check with Karen Creamer again to see about the progress of the pedigree chart book. As to the booklets we hope to sell, Pat, Jim, and Sue will meet after the meeting to work on this.

Correspondence included an invitation to Genealogy Jamboree June 6,7 & 8 at Cumberland Gap, Tennessee, and �Discover Your Swedish Roots� at Lindsborg, Kansas September 28 & 29. There will be a Family History Symposium at Muncie, Indiana on April 20. We also received copies of the Scott County newsletters.

Sandy Brown went to library today and recorded more obituaries for 1921. A discussion was held as to what we could do as a group for the bicentennial. This will be discussed further at the next meeting. Some of our members attended Connersville�s Birthday Party at the library on March 4.

In April a nominating committee will be selected and officers elected at the May meeting. At the end of this fiscal year Sandy Brown will audit the books.

Pat Cudworth and Sue Frank went to the Rush County Genealogical Society meeting. Jeanne Reagan Dinnius from the DNR gave a program on the underground railroad. She stated that it was not underground nor was it a railroad. It was the movement of slaves. She further stated that oral traditions can�t be proved. You must document as much history as possible.

Ron Wood loaned John Johnson some ledgers he bought at a sale. John read some of the notations in the books. John also gave the program. He was at Trinity Book Store in Richmond and bought a Genealogy Chart of Jesus Christ. John mentioned that there was genealogy even in Bible times. He showed the lines for Joseph who was from the family of David and also Mary. He also mentioned that in the book of Matthew, the lineage starts with Adam and goes to Jesus Christ and in the book of Luke, the lineage starts with Jesus Christ and goes back to Adam. There are very few women mentioned in this lineage.

Pat Summan has been indexing the Orange Cemetery records to be put on our website. Linda Mahan told that there is a pioneer cemetery incorporated in the Orange Cemetery. The church there was the Garrison Creek Reformed Presbyterian Church. Orange Cemetery bought the pioneer cemetery several years ago. It was called Covenanator Cemetery and has been restored.

Those present were Jim Wicker, Tina Havlicek, Linda Mahan, Sue Frank, Pat Cudworth, John Johnson, and Pat Summan. Pat Summan furnished refreshments. We need to keep Jim Spence in our prayers and also Pam Wood who had knee surgery.

The next meeting will be April 16.
Pat Summan, Secretary