Meeting Minutes, January, 2013

January 15, 2013

Whitewater Valley Genealogical Association met January 15, 2013 at the Trinity Episcopal Parish House. President Pat Cudworth conducted the meeting and welcomed everyone.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved. Sue Frank reported $213.75 in the checking account and $1,678.79 in savings. She has paid dues to IGS.

Jim Wicker reported Karen Creamer had worked on some of the material for booklets to sell and then left it for him when she went to Florida. She left a note saying we might want to check on professional printing as it is taking a lot of ink and ink for printers is expensive. She suggested checking with Office Max or UPS store. Jim found some additional information in the 1885 county history book. Pat Cudworth offered to take the material home and make some changes. She will then take it to printers here in town and see what it would cost to get the booklets printed. Jim will also check with the church. Should we have these for the bicentennial for sale, we would need to have enough volunteers to man a booth for 10 days. Some of our members are already involved with the bicentennial and won�t be able to help at a booth.

Ron Wood reported there has been a lot of work done on the bicentennial celebration. For months everyone has been saying bicentennial is next year � well, next year is here. A brochure is being planned that will show the activities for each day. In approximately 1998 Rex/Philco/Ford had their 100th anniversary and made a time capsule. It is a 30 inch cube made of stainless steel. Ron was successful in getting this and it is now at the museum. At the opening ceremony for the bicentennial the capsule will be opened. Material will be added and capsule will be buried.

Pat thanked everyone that came to Thanksgiving Gathering and Sue Frank was also thanked for furnishing the turkey as her part of the pitch in.

The beginning genealogy workshop is on hold.

Pat announced that there is a Facebook link called �If you grew up in or around Rushville� and has some interesting pictures and info of the past.

Pat Summan presented a Harrison County History Book for our library. This was one of the books that was used as a sample when Fayette County was working on their book.

Pat Cudworth told about going to a program in Rush County on DNA. She decided she wanted to try this and through Ancestry.Com was able to join for less than $100. She receives lists periodically listing possible cousins that were pulled from the database. It took some time to actually do the swabbing as it had to be of saliva, and done a certain time before and after a meal. She was hoping to find some native American info. There are other companies that do this besides Ancestry.Com.

John Johnson told that his uncle died recently at the age of 102 and was buried on what would have been his 71st wedding anniversary. The uncle�s father lived to be 90 years old and his father lived to be 104. 3 generations of this family lived almost 300 years.

President Pat thanked Doug and Sandy Brown for refreshments. John Johnson will have refreshments next month. The next meeting will be February 19.

Those present: Jim Wicker, Doug and Sandy Brown, Pam and Ron Wood, Sue Frank, Pat Cudworth, Johnson and Pat Summan
Pat Summan, Secretary