Meeting Minutes, October 2012

October 16, 2012

The Whitewater Valley Genealogical Association met October 16 at the Trinity Episcopal Parish House. President Pat Cudworth conducted the meeting. Robert Lee was a guest. Doug and Sandy Brown were not present due to a death in the family. There was one correction to last month�s minutes. Isabelle�s last name should be Cressler. Sue Frank reported $195.75 in the checking account and $1,678.79 in savings.

Jim Wicker has compiled material for one or two booklets which the organization plans to sell. Karen Creamer is going to work on getting the material ready for printing. She can work on it till she goes to Florida. Jim won�t be able to work on it till the first of the year. Karen is compiling a book of pedigree charts. It was decided not to limit the charts to first families of Fayette County. Charts will be accepted for any period of time. These can be e-mailed to Karen at [email protected]. Anyone with questions can call her as 825-1898. She has made 3 or 4 attempts to work on a booklet about how to start your family tree.

Susan Spence has been transcribing obits from the newspapers. She is up to May 28, 1922. A question was asked as to whether these are going to be put on computer. Pat Summan thought that as the library staff has time they are putting them on the library website.

Ron Wood reported that open house for the bicentennial headquarters will be Saturday, October 20 from 2:00 to 6:00. He noted that curtains have been installed on the upstairs windows and looks very nice.

Heritage Days is this week end. It is not being advertised as Heritage Days though. There have already been ads in the paper for the week end and they did not include any information of WVGA setting up at the library. As this event is Saturday, there isn�t time for us to get our own publicity. John Johnson made the motion that we postpone this until another time. Motion seconded by Karen Creamer and carried. Ron Wood noted that events are being planned next spring for John Conner�s birthday which is in March and we might be able to plan for that.

Karen reported on Franklin County Pioneer Days. They were well pleased with the turn out. There were 42 registered. The programs were good as well as the food. The next one is scheduled for October 9, 10 and 11, 2014. Pat Cudworth attended pioneer days and met a new cousin, Karen Pruet from New Palestine. Karen had a copy of a picture of a baseball team. It turned out Pat had an original. They both had relatives on the team. Pat said that the team was called the �Bloody 9.� If they didn�t win the game, they won the fight afterwards. John Johnson mentioned that Mr. Pruet owned lots of land in Franklin County.

John recently went to his 56th high school reunion in Winchester, Kentucky. He mentioned a possible program for next summer. A list of symbols on tombstones would be given to everyone and our members would go through City Cemetery and see how many they can find.

Members reported on the joint meeting held last month with Wayne County. Randy Morehead and Steve LaFollette did a good job showing how stones are repaired and cleaned. The Wayne County delegation was interesting as well as being interested. They want to plan to have us come there some time.

Pat Summan reported that the new county history book is at the printer.

Pat Cudworth passed around a sign up sheet for refreshments for February, April, May, June and July.

Robert Lee reported there are about 30 Indian village sites in Fayette County. Ron worked with Mr. Lee and has learned a lot from him.

Pat Summan is working on a list of the veterans of the War of 1812 for the Society for the War of 1812. She asked that if anyone had a relative that was in that war to check with her and see that they are on the list. Sue Frank asked if there was a Hamilton and Pat replied that James Scott Hamilton is on the list and is buried at Robinson Chapel Cemetery.

The next meeting will be the annual Thanksgiving pitch in. Sue Frank will fix turkey and dressing. There won�t be a meeting in December.

Those present were Susan Spence, Jim Wicker, Ron and Pam Wood, Karen Creamer, Pat Cudworth, Sue Frank, John Johnson, and Pat Summan.
Pat Summan, Secretary