To get additional information you will need to contact the following: Scott Circuit Court Clerk, Courthouse, 1 E McClain Ave, Scottsburg, IN 47170, Phone: 812-752-8420, Fax: 812-752-5459. There is a fee for this service!
Last Name, Bride or Groom: | First Name, Bride or Groom: | Last Name, Spouse: | First Name, Spouse: | County: | Date: | Remarks: |
Crafton | Elizabeth | OHarra | John | Scott | 1-9-1837 | |
Crafton | John | Keath | Lucy | Scott | 8-23-1838 | |
Crafton | Mary Jane | OHarrah | John | Scott | 11-4-1844 | |
Crafton ? | Rachel | Comer | John | Scott | 3-26-1839 | lic |
Crafton | Sarah | Pierson | George W | Scott | 12-31-1827 | lic |
Crafton | Susan | OHarra | Elias | Scott | 3-19-1840 | |
Craig | Betsy | Watkins | William H | Scott | 3-20-1828 | |
Craig | James S | Fitch | Lucinda | Scott | 6-8-1830 | |
Craig | Johnson | Spiller | Hannah | Scott | 12-21-1830 | |
Craig | Margaret | Hughbanks | John | Scott | 7-27-1831 | |
Craig | Mayete | Crook | Barnet | Scott | 7-18-1822 | |
Craig | Nancy | Whitson | James H | Scott | 12-20-1842 | |
Craig | Sarah | Mitchell | thomas | Scott | 10-11-1849 | |
Craig | Silas Elias | Kinney | Susan | Scott | 8-13-1838 | |
Craig | Susannah | Broshears | George W | Scott | 3-5-1829 | |
Craig | Thomas | Killion | Sally | Scott | 3-29-1838 | |
Craig | Thomas | Shewmake | Sally | Scott | 4-17-1834 | |
Craig | William H | Keith | Ellen M | Scott | 12-23-1840 | |
Crane | Abel | Stealy | Anna | Scott | 12-5-1838 | |
Crason | John | Bush | Savory | Scott | 2-8-1838 | |
Cravens | David | Noaks | Emarilla | Scott | 2-10-1844 | lic |
Cravens | Wm | Yunt | Rachel | Scott | 2-5-1835 | |
Crawford | Frederick | Scott | Martha Ann | Scott | 7-20-1837 | |
Crawford | Margaret | Stark | Enoch | Scott | 1-25-1845 | |
>Criag | Hannah | Keith | John | Scott | 8-22-1850 |