Please remember to thank the people who have volunteered to do these lookups when you e-mail them. This is a done on a strictly volunteer basis so please limit your requests to one or two specific look-ups. Thank you for your cooperation. Peg
Adams has volunteered to do lookups for the following:
Kime has volunteered to do lookups for the following:
Patti Norton has volunteered
to do lookups from the Tamarack Cemetery listing. She was supplied this
list by Pati Blowers May. Pati May has tried several different ways to
contact the person (Leona Myers Graybill) listed as having read this cemetery
in 1980 without success.(See the What's New listing for 6-30-2000 for details.)
Since this is under copyright protection and we don't have the author's
permission to post the listings, we are offering lookups from it.
Interested in helping fellow researchers? Have resources to share?