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INGenWeb Project |
In June, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Indiana Comprehensive Genealogy Database. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Indiana, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index. At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page. My name is Patti Norton and I am the person responsible for LaGrange County. If you have any information about this County, questions, comments or success stories please let me know. If you would like to host a county, contact Debby Beheler.
Welcome to the LaGrange County INGenWeb project. My name is Patti Norton and I am honored to be your host. Although I don't live in LaGrange, I do have family roots in this wonderful area. I would like to send a BIG thank you to Deb Murray for all her hard work on LaGrange County! She has given me a great site to work from! My goal is to continue to make more information available to researchers in this area. As I don't live in the area, or even the state, I have to get others involved in making this happen. Bryan McCoy and Barbara Henderson have graciously volunteered to gather resources in LaGrange for me to post. If you have uncopyrighted material that you would be willing to share, have access to materials that could be posted on this website, or are willing to transcribe material to put on the site, I would like to hear from you! Keep an eye on this site as I will always try to have a couple of new projects in the works- Click on See What's New to see the most recent additions and projects in the works. I hope you enjoy your stay and look forward to hearing from people that would like to become involved... maybe you!
This page was last updated March 14, 2008
Just enter the surname!
All the GenConnect messages can be found on the new Query board. Watch as the new system is combined with the Ancestry Query boards and new features are available! All the Obits, Bios, Pensions, Deed and Wills board postings from the GenConnect system can be found by searching by Message Type on the new Query Board. And see-
As of January 2, 2008 there are 78 people subscribed to the list version of the INLAGRAN-L and 18 to the digest version! Join Us! Click on the link for information. |
Links2Go Indianian Genealogy |
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