

Founded in 1976 by

Micheline Gaudette and Ardiena Stegen

Queries and E-mails

Do you need help finding your ancestor: to post your querie or to
send an e-mail to the group
please go to our site at :

this group is open and free of access
to all our fellow researchers after registration

A couple of weeks ago or so I created this group in the hope we could transfer what we had on Yahoogroups to here.
Some people have written concerned that there was an issue with the invitation.
It's not the case at all though these days it's easy to understand the question.

So, we are not giving up the Facebook Group which is very active.
However not everyone is comfortable on Facebook so there may still be a need to continue here.

Glenn Cleeremans passed away so we are left without an official moderator at this time.
The settings are that your first message will require permission to be posted and after that you are free to post.

We are an multi-lingual group so people may choose to write in another language. 
We will try and address them in the best possible way,
However the main language of this group is ENGLISH

Of course, ON TOPIC, is the idea.

1. First and foremost: Be Kind and courteous. It does not cost you anything and it may help you in the long run much more than not.

2. If you upload a series of pictures, could you create an album and explain about the album so the pictures don't get lost on the page?

3. Topic: anything related to Belgian genealogy, History, laws, archive records, tourism, customs, folklore...

4. No advertising unless for an event or a non-profit activity that relates to the nature of our group.

5. Files can be uploaded as well. Consider sharing them with Guy Gallez who can then upload the information on our Roostweb page https://sites.rootsweb.com/~inbr/index.html
That includes obits, cemetery indexes, register indexes etc. Just make sure you have permission to share them if they are not yours originally.

Much work goes into indexing or extracting anything. Speaking by experience, I can vouch for the fact that besides the facts that others have at times gathered and shared the obituaries with us, Guy Gallez and I have spent hundreds of hours editing and organizing these obituaries. We want to ensure those who have devoted so much time to researching and indexing and organizing and sharing the information with everyone are recognized for their work. Not that we believe anyone wants a pat on the back but because it is important to give credit where credit is due. There is also the reality that some people would take serious offense to not being recognized as true owners of the files and this could cause unneeded friction.

If you prefer Facebook, you can also join us there: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thebelgianresearchers/

So, here is to the start of our newest adventure!

Looking forward to hearing from all of you!

Regine Brindle