Marriages from White County Illinois 1818-1880, Vol I (208 pages) Includes several 1901 records ......... . $20
Marriages from White County Illinois 1881-1900, Vol II (233 pages) Includes 1976-1979 Probate Index ........ $20
Marriages from White County Illinois 1901-1915, Vol III (177 pages)............ $20
Marriages from White County
1918-1930 Vol IV (177 pages) Includes 1978-1982 Estate Index, 1960-1981
Will Index, 1915-1916 Personal Property Index, 1861 Militia Roll, 1915
list of oldest persons in U.S., 1915 list of Nominations for Overland
1915-1916 Unclaimed letters, & some newspaper gleanings from
Cemeteries of White County Illinois, Volume I (315 pages) Includes townships of Mill Shoals, Burnt Prairie, Gray, Indian Creek, Heralds Prairie, & Emma (some cemeteries are listed but not in index) INCLUDES FULL NAME INDEX................ $30
Cemeteries of White County Illinois, Volume II (295 pages) Includes townships of Enfield, Carmi, Hawthorne, & Phillips, plus map showing cemetery locations for entire county ............. $25The Old Cemetery of Carmi 1817-1988 (54 pages, soft-cover, index) Photos of stones, plats, names, locations--this is a good book to show how to map and record cemeteries. The price is low because copies were donated to the society by the estate of Claire Williams, who commissioned the cemetery project ..... $5
White County cemeteries, Vol. 1: Phillips Township. Published 2000.
Includes annotations from
cemetery book, plus a map of Phillips township and directions to the
Bean's Crossing, Bethel, Brown, Charles, Cherry (gone), Hood,
Little Wabash, Murphy (gone), Old Phillipstown,
Phillipstown, Ralls,
Stokes Chapel, Thompson (gone), Whitting. (166 pages, soft-cover,
index) ........ $15
White County cemeteries, Vol 2: Gray Township. Second in a series. Mostly contains Oak Grove Cemetery on the north edge of Grayville, plus nearby Edwards County cemeteries. By Mary Smith Fay Genealogy Library Volunteers (378 pages) .........$20
In Remembrance, Transcripts from funeral memorial cards of White
County, IL 1891-2002..............$17.00
Early Land Grants of White
Il (240 pages) Includes 1818-1976 Probate Index IL 1850-1854 Deed
Records, full name index.. $25
Index to White County Il Court Papers, Vol I: A-M (332 pages) Actual reproduction of 1860-1888 Index, includes Defendant, Plaintiff, Action (e.g., divorce, foreclosure, partition, injunction, etc.), case # & box #. I don't find much useful in these books....... $25
Index to White County Illinois Court Papers, Vol II: N-Z (248 pages) Continuation of above book; includes list of White County Sheriffs 1816-1982.............. $20
1850 U.S. Census of White
Illinois (203 pages, soft-cover, surname index) ..........
1860 U.S. Census of White
Illinois (soft-cover, surname index) ..........
1870 U.S. Census of White
Illinois (soft-cover, surname index) ..........
1880 U.S. Census of White
Illinois (soft-cover, surname index) ..........
1900 U.S. Census of White
Illinois (soft-cover, surname index) ..........
1910 U.S. Census of White
Illinois (soft-cover, surname index) ..........
1920 White County Census
(hardback, indexed) .......... $50
1883 White County History--Over 14,000 past county residents are mentioned, and the book has been updated with historic photos (A separate index is available for $15). It looks like we are out of stock as of 5/2010 but occasionally get copies for resale ..... $85 You can see an index to the book at
A Matter of History (100 pages, softback, indexed). News accounts of pioneer times (from 1815-1900) recorded by Will Hay from 1911-1915. Compiled by Charlene Shields ...... $10
Out-of-stock--Index to History of White County Illinois (113 pages, soft-cover) Approximately 14,000 names ....... $15
Heritage Houses of White County Illinois (50 pages, hard-cover) Full-page photos and excerpts (only the first few paragraphs) from articles on enshrinement of first 22 houses. I have started a page on all heritage houses, as the project ended in 2006......................................................... $20
Gentlemen from Illinois, by James E. Davis (135 pages, soft-cover) Biographical sketches and photos of several prominent Carmi residents of the 1800's--has a long section on Civil War (this book is not indexed and does not even have a good table of contents, but it is interesting and well-written). . . . . . . . $15
NO LONGER AVAILABLE--Norris City & Indian Creek Township, White County Illinois, by Edward Oliver (113 pages, soft-cover) This was written in the 1970s for the Lions ClubCarmi Illinois 1818-1966 Sesquicentennial Booklet, by J Robert Smith. (44 pages, soft-cover) Photos--This makes a cheap introduction to White County history, and is worth much more, but we have many copies available so can sell it cheaply. Recently a copy sold for $30 on ebay......... $3
Out-of-Print A Sketch of Crossville Illinois In the Early Twentieth Century, by Max Endicott (24 pages, soft-cover)
Centennial History of Crossville & Phillips Township (184 pages, soft-cover, indexed) This book was done by Janet Armstrong and Charlene Shields, the founders of the genealogy library, and is a genealogical treasure trove. As of 5/2010 it may be out of print. .......... $15
Carmi Times White County Sesquicentennial Newspaper (1815-1965) (164 pages) Special Historical Edition. These originals are yellowed, but a good deal, price reduced 6/2010................$5
Carmi Times Carmi Illinois Sesquicentennial Newspaper (1816-1966) (24 pages) Special Historical Edition, reduced 6/2010. .....................$2
Yesteryear's news, White County, Illinois. Copies of
from White County Newspapers, telling the news of 10, 25, 50, 100 years
ago. Columns are dated between 1934 and 1998 (350 pages, full-name
History of Mill Shoals. Published in 1990s, indexed ............ $20
Lest We Forget--Burnt Prairie and It's Past, third edition.. Indexed..................$20.00
OUT-OF-STOCK--The National Currency Era: An Illustrated History at the National Bank of Carmi, by Wm. K. Pete Fulkerson (32 pages, soft-cover)
SOME OUT-OF-STOCK--Color postcards. A-Courthouse, 8-Ratcliff Inn, C-Robinson-Stewart house, or D-Castle (Williams home) ...... $1 ea.
1871 Plat Map of White
by J B Westbrook (36" x 43" bond) Names all land-owners, and was
before current township structure adopted; in mailing tube...... $10,
plus $3 for the tube
1930 Plat Map of White County. Names all land-owners, in mailing tube...... $10, plus $3 for the tube
Out-of-Stock. Rural School District Map of White County Illinois (11" x 17") Lists name & location of schools.
Cemetery Map for all White County Cemeteries, using 911or Rural Reference numbering system........$10, plus $3 for the tubeVETERANS:
Letters written by Dr. Daniel Berry to Marry Berry Crebs Berry During the Civil War [Letters of the 87th Illinois Volunteer Infantry 1863 to 1867.] edited by Harriet B. Vaught ........ $20
White County's Own, a History of the 87th IL Volunteer Infantry, by J.E. Mayse (softbound, indexed). Published 1999 ................. $12Veterans of White County
(solftback, indexed) New in 1999, contains information about all war
...... $25
We would also be interested in purchasing your books or materials about White County, and would be willing to photocopy church or cemetery records or family histories you may have. We do not purchase family histories, but invite you to donate a copy to the library as advertising to others.
The library's email address is [email protected]. The Genealogy Library is accepting books, family histories, scrapbooks, or GEDCOM files which include White County connections.
The genealogy library, at 203 N. Church, is open Tuesday to Friday from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., (except for a Christmas holiday), with a paid librarian. During winter months the librarian, Diane Waggoner, suggests you call ahead to make sure the library will be open. She can also do some pre-screening for your research. We have email for the library, but can only give basic information in answer to queries over the internet. The hours are current as of September 3, 2002.
If you are planning to visit Carmi also visit the Carmi Public Library, located on Slocumb Street near the intersection between Illinois Highway 1 and 14. It has a nice genealogy area, somewhat lacking in organization, and is open to 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, 6 p.m. on Friday and 5 p.m. on Saturday.
The volunteer staff at the genealogy library
do research at the courthouse or library. They ask for a $10 per hour
to the library plus 20 cents per letter page or 25 cents for
legal copies. If you are
send a letter with your questions, a budget, and as much background
as you can provide to the address above.
Last updated 9/11/2010. Please send corrections and comments to [email protected] Your help will be appreciated.