Estate Files, Q Drawers

Submitted by Janet Flynn

  Quarter   Ernst   1863   Q
  Quernheim   Arthur W.   1951   Q
  Quernheim   Catharine   1957   Q
  Quernheim   Henry   1908   Q
  Quernheim   Henry Sr.   1895   Q
  Quernheim Bros.   Co. partnership (2)   1905   Q
  Quick   Aaron   1889   Q
  Quigley   Louis   1877   Q
  Quinn   Catherine   1883   Q
  Quinn   Michael   1848   Q
  Quinn Quinn   John Michael   1827 1848   Q


These drawers contain miscellaneous receipts, details of estate appraisal, estate sale, a general hodge-podge of documents accumulated in the estates. The date provided is usually the date of final settlement (when readily available) as that is the date the case is filed under in these drawers.


April 21, 2012