Jacksonville Daily Journal, October 24, 1923

(By Ensley Moore)

It has happened lately that several things have called attention to the Kelloggs, early settlers, and this week one of the Williams' has appeared on the horizon of the Athens of the West.

The Williams

A few days ago a gentleman called on this writer and announced himself as a Williams, of that sort of early settlers.

The Rev. William H. Williams came here as pastor of the First Presbyterian church, which position he soon resigned, in 1843, and became more noted as Principal of Jacksonville Female Academy.

Mr. Williams had a wife who was a very remarkable woman and attracted much attention to her fine qualities as a teacher. Mr. Williams was a cousin of Mrs. Dr. Henry Jones, who came west from Amherst, Mass.

While the Williams' were here they had a son, named Charles, born to them, in the Academy. He became a minister, and spent part of his life in Iowa, at Ft. Madison. He married Miss M. Eleanor Libbey of Perry. Mr. Williams died comparatively early, and left a son, who, with his mother now resides near Perry. W. H. Williams and wife went from here to Keokuk, Iowa, where they maintained a girl's school for many years, then came to Perry, and removed from there to the state of North Carolina, where their last days were spent. These Williams people were especially well known of here, and were long held in memory by their pupils at the Academy, and by their friends and church associates.

The gentleman who called the other day, on the O. J. man gave his name as Theodore T. Williams. He was the youngest and the last of the second generation of Williams'.

Mr. T. T. Williams has spent his life in various pursuits and places in the West of the Mississippi country, and is now a resident of Denver, Colorado. He has also spent much time at Trinidad, Colorado.

The Kelloggs

The Kelloggs are known as the first white settlers of Morgan county, and they have recently been referred to several times in this column, partly in connection with the Timothy Chamberlains.

Col. Seymour and Captain Elisha Kellogg, were our original settlers.

Elisha had a son, Florentine Erwin Kellogg, born in New York state just before the family started for the Far West in 1818. F. E. grew up in this west, and afterwards emigrated to California, where his son Florentine Leslie was born. F.E. came back here during the seventies, and lived at the northwest corner of Grove and Prospect streets. Florentine Leslie went to Illinois College from there and was graduated from it in 1873. He became acquainted with Miss Mary Amelia Chamberlain, and this pair are the ones to whom several references have been made of late. One special matter being in relation to their recent elegant golden wedding, reported at length, with their pictures, in the Santa Barbara paper and reprinted in this column. Several letters have passed between Mr. Kellogg and the O.J. man.

Mr. Kellogg under date of Oct. 175h said: "You speak of being surprised that we had been married so long, and that you did not think we were old enough. Well, we started out pretty young. I lacked a week of being twenty at the time, so you see that was an early beginning.

Mr. Moore, I think you are the only person in Jacksonville of the period of 70-73 so far as I know, that I knew in that period. Many of the boys in college were out of town people, and I did not have many acquaintances in the city, so I always cling to you as the one connecting link with the past. With kindest memories of the past, and with every good wish, your friend, F. Leslie Kellogg."

Kellogg did not know that the writer rode up pin the car to dinner today with Lippincott, who was in college when Leslie was.

He gave one item which may be of interest to readers: "Mrs. Mason tells me that her father (Mr. Chamberlain), died at Danville, Illinois, March 27th, 1897."
