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Menard County Death Records
December 1877 - April 1910

These records were extracted from microfilmed copies of the original county records. You will need to scroll right to read all of the information for each record. As with all records, be creative when looking for your ancestor names. I've spelled the entries as they were on the register, even when I felt sure the spelling was not correct.

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Lic # Name Sex Age Occupation Death Date MS Where Born Lived in Co Died Where Cause of Death Buried Where
14 PAGE, Catie F 14y10m 22 Jan 1878 S 14y Greenview Precinct Tubercular Meningitis Sugar Grove
14323 PAGE, Sarah F 67y4m26d Housewife 26 Mar 1904 W Lexington, KY 65y 1 mi. south of Oakford Bronchial pneumonia Oakford Cem.
4737 PAINE, Ann Jane F 82y8m24d Lived with daughter 19 Jan 1906 W NY 70y Athens Precinct Cerebral appoplexy Oak Ridge Cem.
943 PAINE, Mariah Giles F 72y3m 3 Feb 1890 W London, England 40y Fancy Prairie Influenza Indian Point Cem.
4557 PANCKO, william M 20y7m8d Miner 4 Jun 1905 S Westphalia Germany 18y Petersburg Effects of burning powder & inhaling flame Rose Hill Cem.
4556 PANCKO, William Sr. M 60y5m18d Miner 3 Jun 1905 M Westphalia Germany 18y Petersburg Result of burning with powder Rose Hill Cem.
332 PANTIER, Catherine R. F 37y3m23d 13 Feb 1881 W Menard Co. always Sandridge Precinct Pneumonia of left lung Concord
4918 PANTIER, Elizabeth Traylor F 65y2m14d Housewife 9 Jun 1907 M Menard Co. 65y 5 miles north of Petersburg Exhaustion from chronic brights disease Concord
1 PANTIER, Philip M 23y8m28d Farmer 10 Dec 1877 S Menard Co. Sandridge Precinct Typhoid Pneumonia Concord Cemetery, Menard Co.
4546 PANTIER, Robert Lee M. M 1y1m14d 6 May 1905 Menard Co. 4 mi North of Petersburg Marasmus Concord Cem.
512 PARISH, Hulbert M 20y11m20d 22 Feb 1883 S Life Athens Tuberculosis Athens Cem.
838 PARISH, James L. M 72y Laborer 11 Sep 1888 M KY 40y Athens Intestinal Catarrh West Athens Cem.
868 PARISH, Matilda F 68y Housewife 31 Dec 1888 S KY 40y Athens Asthma West Athens Cem.
314 PARK, Ellen F 59y 9 Dec 1880 W Germany 45y Petersburg Typhoid Pneumonia Barclay Cem.
1110 PARK, Samuel W. M 52y11d Laborer & Engineer 16 Mar 1895 M GA Greenview Disease of heart Athens
14294 PARKHURST, Josie F 39y Housewife 9 Feb 1904 M IL Athens Precinct Septic Melitis Athens
4679 PARKS, John M 76y2m25d Retired Farmer 17 Jul 1905 M Scotland 49y Petersburg Overdose of laudanum Barclay Cem.
80 PARMER, Theodore Dickman J. M 3y6m3d 3 Nov 1878 S Menard Co. 3y Tallula Precinct Meningitis Spinal Wilson Family Cem.
14174 PARR, Al M 44y6d Laborer 5 Mar 1903 IL Petersburg Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
5255 PARR, Baby M 2hrs 12 Aug 1909 IL Petersburg Premature birth Unknown
4515 PARR, John M 37y6m9d Section hand 9 Mar 1905 S IL life Petersburg Accidentally killed by switch engine Oakford Cem.
1162 PARSON, M. C. M 35y10m29d Farmer M Tallula during life In Prairie Slough Mason Co Accidental drowning Bethel Church, Cass Co.
5281 PATON, Anton M 87y4m15d 26 Jan 1910 M Russia 14y Athens Senile debility Petersburg
1461 PATROVICH, Joseph M 25y Coal Miner 23 Mar 1903 S Russia Athens Injuries from explosion in coal mine Calvary Cem.
273 PATTERSON, Lulu Viola F 9m2d 9 Jul 1880 Greenview Precinct Greenview Precinct Dysentery
14385 PATTERSON, Thomas M 69y7m2d Farm Laborer 20 Jul 1904 S KY 58y Indian Creek Precinct Brights disease Godby Cem.
5220 PATTON, Martha Irona F 4d 22 Jul 1909 S Nr. Petersburg Nr. Petersburg Valvular heart disease Rose Hill Cem.
14233 PAUL, Infant son of Frank M 2 Aug 1903 Petersburg Petersburg Premature birth Rose Hill Cem.
14234 PAUL, Nellie Bell F 2 Aug 1903 Petersburg Petersburg Premature birth Rose Hill Cem.
889 PAULSON, B., Mrs. F 54y6m12d Housewife 27 Apr 1889 M Sweden Greenview Phthisis Pulmonalis Rose Hill Cem.
1215 PAYNE, Jilson M 67y6m16d Farmer 15 May 1899 M KY 40y Greenview Chronic cystitis Sugar Grove Cem.
695 PAYNE, Mariah Ann F 53y9m10d Farmer's Wife 22 Feb 1886 M Menard Co. Life Greenview Tuberculosis Oak Ridge, Menard Co.
4839 PAYNE, William M 55y5m4d Farmer 22 Nov 1906 W IN 50y Nr. Atterberry Cerebral Hemorrhage Monticello
387 PEAKE, Angeline May F 2m24d 11 Aug 1881 S Virginia, Cass Co., IL Rock Creek Dysentery Bones Cem., Rock Creek, IL
1037 PEAKE, Jane E. F 76y2m24d 17 Jan 1892 W VA Petersburg Pneumonia Oakland Cem.
1227 PEARL, Bessie F 6y Child 11 Dec 1899 S Sangamon Co., IL life Greenview Diptheria Delavan Cem.
1226 PEARL, Mable F 2y7m Infant 3 Dec 1899 S Sangamon Co., IL life Greenview Diptheria Sugar Grove Cem.
5018 PEARSAL, Infant of Albert F 1m6d 22 Feb 1908 IL Inanition Athens
973 PEARSON, Laura Isabelle F 18y7m28d Houskeeper 4 Oct 1890 S Petersburg Petersburg Consumption Athens
4863 PEDIGO, Archie Robert M 1m8d 15 Jan 1907 Oakford Oakford Bronchial pneumonia Oakford Cem.
656 PEDIGO, Enoch M 46y28d Farmer 23 Mar 1885 M Montgomery Co. Life Oakford Pneumonia Hickory Grove Cem.
333 PEMBERTON, Albert M 7m27d 23 Feb 1881 S Decatur, IL always Petersburg Laryngismus Stridulus Rose Hill Cem.
14360 PENICK, Rachael F 14y4m20d Student 30 May 1904 S Petersburg 14y Petersburg Tuberculosis Oakford Cem.
1155 PERRY, Elizabeth F 10m 18 Oct 1896 Menard Co. Greenview Precinct Diptheria Irish Grove Cem.
5162 PERRY, Orval A. M 35y7m15d Local Agt Medical Co. 18 Apr 1909 M Jackson Co., IN 12y Petersburg Broncho Pneumonia following measles North Fork Cem., East of Decatur
484 PERSSON, Sween M 22y Coal Miner 13 Nov 1882 S Sweden about 2y Junction of coal shaft Fall of slate while at work in coal shaft Woodland
212 PERVIANCE, James S. M 73y 6 Oct 1878 M Rock Creek Precinct Typhoid Pneumonia
116 PETERSON, John M 25y Tailor 22 Jan 1879 S Denmark 7y Nr. Sugar Grove Accidental Shooting Indian Point
14402 PETERSON, Ole M 74y11m22d Retired Shoemaker 6 Aug 1904 M Bergen, Norway 53y Petersburg Exhaustion from carcinoma of stomach Rose Hill Cem.
14281 PETRIE, Clarence Amenzo M 44y8m13d Carpenter 3 Jan 1904 M Fleming Co., KY 39y Greenview Over distended stomach Mason City, IL
909 PETRIE, Nellie Fay F 4d Infant 17 Sep 1889 S Greenview Greenview Not Known Rose Hill Cem.
560 PETRIE, Samantha P. F 26y11m23d Wife & Mother 14 Sep 1883 M Logan Co., IL Life Greenview Epiliptoid Attacks Rose Hill Cem.
1125 PFAFENBACH, Henry M 52y Farmer 26 Dec 1899 M Germany 42y Menard Co. Frozen Calvary Cem.
456 PFAFFENBACH, Anton M 16y Farmer 18 Jun 1882 S Germany 14y Twp. 17, Range 6 Drowning Tibbs Grave Yard
5017 PFAFFENBACH, Elizbeth F 73y Housewife 20 Jan 1908 W Germany 40y Menard Co. Pneumonia after LaGrippe Rose Hill Cem.
457 PFAFFENBACH, Willie M 14y Farmer 18 Jun 1882 S Menard Co. Life Twp. 17, Range 6 Drowning Tibbs Grave Yard
7 PHARRIS, Charles Edward M 22y8m1d Harness Maker 6 Jan 1878 S Rock Island Co., IL Petersburg Gun Shot Wound Rose Hill Cem.
5242 PHENOSKI, Fredonia F 65y1m18d 22 Aug 1909 Germany Oakford Mitral regurgitation & aortic stenosis Newmansville
40 PHILLIPPS, William Jefferson M 9m10d 27 May 1878 S Petersburg Petersburg Pneumonia Petersburg Cem.
110 PHILLIPS, Infant F 3hr 26 Jan 1879 Petersburg Petersburg Imperfect closure of valves of heart Old Petersburg Cem.
14329 PHILPOT, Mary F 42y3m11d Housekeeper 17 Mar 1904 S KY 21y Tallula Precinct Pneumonia Oakland Cem.
1303 PHLEGER, Lee M 55y4m7d Policeman 1 Apr 1902 M VA 25y Athens Pluro Pneumonia Hall Cem.
5181 PICKETT, Infant F 10d 16 Mar 1909 S Petersburg Illeo colitis Oakland Cem.
1318 PICKETT, Leonard M 1y7d 1 Apr 1902 S Fairmount, IL 1y Broncho Pneumonia Tallula Union Cem.
418 PIERCE, Elijah F 5m 24 Nov 1881 S Athens Life Athens Cerebro Spinal Menengitis Athens Precinct
341 PIERCEALL, Eddie M 10m11d 6 Jun 1880 S Petersburg Precinct Life Petersburg Precinct Cholera Infantum Wilcox Grave Yard
14251 PIERCEALL, John Clemen M 6m4d 17 Oct 1903 S Tallula Athens In anition West Cem., Athens
14204 PIERSON, Andrew M 50y18d Blacksmith 8 Mar 1902 M Sweden 32y Greenview Phthisis Pulmonalis
859 PIERSON, Child F 5y 26 Nov 1888 S Greenview 5y Greenview Croup Rose Hill Cem.
14292 PIERSON, Lizzie A. F 64y11m15d 4 Feb 1904 Athens Senile gangrene of right foot Hall Cem.
5061 PIERSON, Sophie F 57y3m2d Housewife 20 May 1908 W Sweden 34y Greenview Phthisis pulmonalis Rose Hill Cem.
4967 PIKE, Leonard M 1y9m10d 11 Aug 1907 S IL 1y Tallula Cholera Infantum Greenwood Cem.
4828 PILISKI, William M 8m10d 1 Oct 1906 S IL life Athens Entre Colitis Petersburg
14263 PILLSBURY, George Bennett M 6y4m29d 1 Dec 1903 S IL 6y Sandridge Precinct Diptheria Rose Hill Cem.
4833 PILLSBURY, Susan M. F 67y3m1d Housewife 24 Oct 1906 W IL 67y Petersburg Progressive paralysis from schlerosis Rose Hill Cem.
328 PINK, Mary F 3y9m22d 31 Jan 1881 S Petersburg Life Petersburg Pneumonia Old Cem., Petersburg
14438 PINK, Mary Jane F 53y10m20d Housewife 1 Nov 1904 M NJ 39y Petersburg Tubar Pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
39 PINKLEY, Sarah S. F 39y10m11d Seamstress 27 Apr 1878 W Twp. 18, IL 39y Township 18 General Debility Newmansville
718 PIPER, Arthur M 12y School Boy 23 Jan 1887 S Life Near Tice Station Fall from a wagon & fractured skull Rose Hill Cem.
4816 PITTMAN, Corinthian Opal F 1y3m25d 17 Sep 1906 Menard Co. life Petersburg Inflamation of stomach & bowels Baker's Prairie Cem.
14261 PITTMAN, James, Mrs. F 40y Housewife 29 Nov 1903 M KY 20y Athens Precinct Pulmonary Tuberculosis Lebanon Cem.
4941 PITTMAN, Ruby F 11m20d None 24 Aug 1907 S Petersburg Petersburg Acute Entero colitis Rose Hill Cem.
721 PITTS, Florrin F 5y6m 5 Feb 1887 S Menard Co. Life Sweetwater Diphtheria Sweetwater Cemetery
723 PITTS, Fred M 2y6m 5 Feb 1887 S Menard Co. Life Sweetwater Diphtheria Sweetwater Cemetery
5224 PITTS, Mary Jane F 58y11m2d Housewife 29 Jul 1909 M Menard Co. 58y Sweetwater Precinct Valvular heart disease from rheumatism Sugar Grove Cem.
2 PLUMHOFF, Infant F 13 Dec 1877 S Greenview Greenview Stillborn
1438 POE, Infant Daughter of James F 2m20d 9 Feb 1903 Athens Athens Broncho Pneumonia Athens
67 POLLOCK, Marthey May F 1y4m11d 12 Sep 1878 IL Sandridge Congestion of the Brain Concord
4987 POND, Abigail Crawford F 59y9m19d None 29 Oct 1907 W Menard Co. 59y Indian Creek Precinct LaGrippe Rose Hill Cem.
1134 POND, Fatima N. F 59y7m9d 1 Aug 1895 M Cass Co., IL life Greenview Precinct Appoplexia Irish Grove Cem.
4518 POND, Francis Xavier M 86y1m Farmer 18 Mar 1905 W NY 65y Menard Co. Natural causes Rose Hill Cem.
14215 POND, Hannah M. F 85y10m3d Teacher then housewife 4 Jul 1903 M Oneida Co., NY 65y Indian Creek Precinct Cardiac disease & anasarca Nr. Residence
844 POND, Hester K. F 67y10m12d 24 Sep 1888 M Haskets Town, NJ Indian Creek Precinct Paralysis from cerebral Hemorrhage Smoots Grave Yard
670 POND, Jennie Edith F 5m19d 7 Aug 1885 S Greenview Life Greenview Acute Cholera Infantum Rose Hill Cem.
1198 POND, Robert M. M 30y8m21d Farmer 10 Feb 1898 W life Greenview Double pneumonia Smoot Cem.
111 PONTIES, Lena Elnora F 9y11m3d 17 Sep 1878 Muscoutah, St. Clair Co., IL Petersburg Precinct Diphtheria Rose Hill Cem.
14414 PORTER, Eliza J. F 47y Housewife 30 Sep 1904 M Petersburg 47y Petersburg Angina pectoris Rose Hill Cem.
826 POTTER, Elizabeth F 69y10m14d Housekeeper 16 Aug 1888 W Menard Co. 70y Rock Creek Precinct Typhoid Fever Greenwood Cem.
4931 POTTER, Frankie Ann F 65y6m25d Housewife 31 Jul 1907 M Menard Co. 65y Atterberry Precinct Fatty degeneration of heart Rose Hill Cem.
5003 POTTER, George M 63y2m12d Laborer 20 Jan 1908 M IL 63y Tallula Uremia Rock Creek Cem.
379 POTTER, Grace F 2m12d 22 Jul 1881 S Petersburg Precinct Life Petersburg Precinct Cholera Infantum Family Grave Yard
69 POTTER, Ollie Ann F 8y8m24d 6 Sep 1878 Tallula always Tallula Township Diphtheria Hickory Grove
31 POTTER, Royal M 66y1m20d Farmer 4 May 1878 M IL 66y Sandridge Precinct Typhoid Fever Concord Church
884 POTTER, Royal M 49y Farmer 2 Apr 1889 M Menard Co. Petersburg Precinct Uremic poisoning Oakland Cem.
949 POWEL, Malinda F 62y16d 22 Feb 1890 M Plattsburg, NY 51y Sweetwater Influenza Sweetwater Cemetery
1145 POWEL, Margaret A. F Housewife 25 Mar 1896 M Menard Co. Indian Creek Precinct Typhoid Fever Smoot Cem.
4889 POWELL, James K. M 7m10d 11 Mar 1907 S Athens Athens Acute pulmonary congestion after LaGrippe West Cem., Athens
473 POWER, David S. M 8y 8 Sep 1882 S Menard Co. Life
5300 POWER, Edith Helen F 10y11m20d School girl 21 Mar 1910 S Menard Co. Petersburg Pneumonia Lebanon Cem.
5146 POWER, Halbert Arthur M 13y10m22d 12 Jan 1909 S Menard Co. 13y Indian Creek Precinct Influenza complicated with meningitis Rose Hill Cem.
5238 POWER, John William M 68y9m28d Farming 2 Sep 1909 W KY 49y Petersburg Natural causes prob. rheumatism of heart Rose Hill Cem.
5027 POWER, Mary F 5y6m21d Housekeeper 23 Jan 1908 M Holland 50y Petersburg Exhaustion from heart disease Rose Hill Cem.
5227 POWERS, Nancy T. F 63y1m12d Housewife 3 Aug 1909 M Petersburg 58y Petersburg Spasm of the goltic aortic aneurism Rose Hill Cem.
87 POWERS, Nellie May F 2y8m13d 19 Nov 1878 S IL Menard Co. Membranous Croup Rose Hill Cem.
420 POWERS, Samuel O. M 7y27d 3 Dec 1881 S IL Rose Hill Diptheria Rose Hill Cem.
14485 PREVAL, Infant of Harry & Lottie F 6hrs 20 Jan 1905 Petersburg Petersburg Premature birth - 7 months Rose Hill Cem.
1330 PRIDE, Dennis M 62y9m1d Laborer 12 Apr 1902 M NY 32y Petersburg Rupture of Orsophagus Oakland Cem.
4933 PRIMM, Florence F 19y10m Housewife 1 Aug 1907 Nr. Athens life Nr. Athens Peritonitis Indian Point Cem.
842 PRIMM, Lucinda C. F 70y 16 Sep 1888 W Fauquier Co., VA 55y Menard Co. Enteritis Indian Point Cem.
907 PRIMM, Lucinda\ F 63y3m9d 25 Aug 1889 W OH 63y Athens Gastro Enteric Fever with diarrhea Athens Cem.
742 PROPST, Arabelle Emily F 30y6d Housewife 6 Jul 1887 M Menard Co. Life Greenview Inflammation of bowels & stomach Sweetwater Cemetery
5096 PROPST, James Jackson M 37y2m12d R.R. Conductor 11 Aug 1908 M Menard Co. 21y Greenview Tuberculosis Sugar Grove Cem.
5247 PROPST, Sarah F 80y1m28d Housewife 9 Oct 1909 W Menard Co. 20y Greenview Precinct Old age - general debility Sugar Grove Cem.
1363 PROPST, Susan F 69y Seamstress 17 Oct 1902 S VA Greenview Heart Disease, fatty heart Sugar Grove Cem.
318 PULLEN, Joseph Douglas M 15y9m2d Day Laborer 6 Jan 1881 S Louisville, KY 8y Tallula Heart disease White Cemetery
833 PURKAPILE, Mary Ellen F 30y11m16d Housewife 28 Aug 1888 M Menard Co. Petersburg Typhoid Fever Oakland Cem.
514 PUTBERG, Fredrick M 54y2m 23 Feb 1883 M Germany Sandridge Precinct Pneumonia Sandridge

Cass-Menard Index

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