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Menard County Death Records
December 1877 - April 1910

These records were extracted from microfilmed copies of the original county records. You will need to scroll right to read all of the information for each record. As with all records, be creative when looking for your ancestor names. I've spelled the entries as they were on the register, even when I felt sure the spelling was not correct.

- G -

Lic # Name Sex Age Occupation Death Date MS Where Born Lived in Co Died Where Cause of Death Buried Where
5102 GADDIS, Baby M 5m 19 Sep 1908 IL 3 mi East of Tallula Congenital heart lesion White Cem.
4822 GAINES, Charles M. M 21y10m20d Laborer 20 Sep 1906 S Petersburg life Petersburg Consumption Oakland Cem.
4780 GAINES, Frank D. M 13y8m School boy 8 Jun 1906 S Menard Co. 13y Menard Co. Accidental gunshot wound Indian Point Cem.
14279 GAINES, Margaret F 39y11m28d Housewife 27 Dec 1903 M Green Co., KY 12y Petersburg Tubercular Phthisis Pulmonalis Oakland Cem.
249 GALLAGHER, James M 32y Miner 20 Mar 1880 M Ireland 2y North Shaft nr Petersburg Falling slate Calvary Cemetery, Petersburg
4817 GALLENHILLER, Margaret F 70y9m16d Housekeeper 19 Sep 1906 W IL 70y Rock Creek Precinct Heart failure, valvular lesion of heart Hickory Grove Cem.
970 GANSTANSEN, Owen M 54y8m27d Carpenter 16 Sep 1890 M Norway Greenview Chronic Cystitis Irish Grove Cem.
692 GARBER, Geske F 72y4m9d Housewife 4 Feb 1884 M Morrdorf, Germany 27y Oakford Melana Sandridge
871 GARBER, Henry M 76y Merchant 6 Jan 1889 W Germany 31y Oakford Exposure & injuries fm fall while intoxicated Sandridge Cem.
522 GARBER, John W. M 23y7m2d Farmer 29 Mar 1883 S Sandridge Precinct Sandridge Precinct Pneumonia Shipley Cem.
1025 GARBER, John W. M 67y10m7d Farmer 1 Dec 1891 M VA Sandridge Carcinoma of stomach Oakford
171 GARBER, Lucinda F 43y8m 27 Jul 1879 M ME 32y Petersburg Phthisis Pulmonalis Rose Hill Cem.
997 GARDNER, Gerta F 9y3m 4 Mar 1891 S Atterberry Typhoid Fever Concord
5175 GARRETT, Charles Edward M 37y Laborer 6 Mar 1909 S Carrollton, IL life Petersburg Gun shot wound in hands of Frank Miller German Cem.
839 GARRETT, Charles F. M 56y11m16d Farmer 13 Sep 1888 M MA 50y Mason County Valvular disease of heart German Burying Ground
626 GARRETT, Infant F 21d 4 Sep 1884 S Athens Life Athens Muget Sore Mouth Athens Cem.
4888 GARRETT, Mary F 1y11m20d 7 Mar 1907 S Menard Co. 1y Sandridge Pneumonia German Cem.
1447 GARRISON, Infant Child of Jerry M 2m 22 Feb 1903 IL Athens Marasmus and bronchitis Athens
5285 GARRISON, Jeremiah M 71y1m Miner 22 Feb 1910 W Cape May Co., NJ Athens Apoplexy West Cem., Athens
5015 GARRISON, Richard M 38y Miner 20 Oct 1907 GW (Grass Widow) Nr. Athens Cardiac Dropsy, Syphilis West Cem., Athens
4950 GARVIN, Goldy Gay F 2y6m25d 8 Sep 1907 S Petersburg Petersburg Cholera Infantum Rose Hill Cem.
14454 GARVIN, Thomas M 30y3m26d None 4 Dec 1904 S IN 24y Petersburg Hemorrhage of lungs - cause unknown Oakford Cem.
14460 GARVIN, Thomas M 30y3m26d 4 Dec 1904 S IN 24y Petersburg Hemorrhage of lungs - cause unknown Oakford Cem.
1044 GEBHARDS, Harmon H. M 44y9m Merchant 13 Mar 1892 M Horstow, Germany 22y Petersburg Hemorhage Rose Hill Cem.
883 GERDES, Frankie Ernst F 76y5m13d Farmer's Wife 25 Mar 1889 M Germany Petersburg Entero Gastritis Rose Hill Cem.
1080 GERDES, Gerd G. M 78y10m22d Retired Farmer 16 Mar 1894 W Germany 35y Petersburg Cut his throat with a pocket knife - own hand Rose Hill Cem.
641 GERNSEY, Lucinda Jane F 47y5m9d Housewife 17 Nov 1884 M Newmansville, IL Life Sandridge Precinct Pneumonia Newmansville, IL
5132 GERTZ, Fritz M 85y3m25d Farmer 20 Dec 1908 W Germany 55y Greenview Cerebral appoplexy Knox Cem., Mason Co., IL
5197 GETZ, Priscilla F 59y10m1d Housekeeper 19 May 1909 S VA 45y Petersburg Broncho pneumonia after measles Rock Creek Cem.
240 GIBBS, Anna Maria F 75y 20 Feb 1880 M Switzerland 41y Athens Pneumonia Hall Cem.
903 GIBBS, Levi M 83y Shoemaker 24 Jul 1889 S England 30 or 40y Athens Rhumatism Hall Cem.
14276 GIBBS, Richard Calvin M 70y3m20d Tombstone Dealer 23 Dec 1903 M Jefferson Co., IN Petersburg Cerebral Apoplexy Rose Hill Cem.
GIBBS, William M 86y4m Farmer 2 Nov 1879 W Sussex, England 40y Sweetwater Paralysis of heart Indian Point Cem.
687 GIBBS, William M 86y4m 2 Nov 1879 W Sussex, England 40y Sweetwater Paralysis of heart Indian Point Cem.
1123 GIBSON, Mary May F 26d 30 Nov 1899 S Greenview 26d Greenview Eutro Colitis Sugar Grove Cem.
1150 GIBSON, William Frank M 3m10d 22 May 1896 S Oakford Oakford Not definitely determined Oakford
1320 GIFFORD, Missouri Susan F 48y7m8d Housekeeper 26 Jun 1902 M OH 30y Petersburg Acute Rheumatism Rose Hill Cem.
576 GILMER, Robert M 45y4m17d Farmer 30 Dec 1883 S Menard Co. 45y4m17d Irish Grove Phthisis Pulmonalis Irish Grove Cem.
504 GILMORE, Ann A. F 52y8m18d 5 Feb 1883 W New Boston, NH Petersburg Phthisis Old Cem., Petersburg
156 GLASPY, George L. M 62y4m16d Farmer 20 May 1879 M Montgomery Co., VA 39y Sweetwater Chronic Cistitis Sweetwater Cemetery
4759 GLEASON, Edna Elizbeth F 1y9m24d Infant 25 Mar 1906 S Menard Co. life Petersburg Cerebro spinal meningitis Calvary Cem.
5114 GLEASON, Edward M 59y8m24d Laborer 5 Nov 1908 M Sangamon Co., IL Petersburg Cirrhosis of liver with acute peritonitis Calvary Cem.
5126 GLEASON, Edward Jr. M 2y1m12d None 5 Dec 1908 S Petersburg Petersburg Largyngeal Diptheria Calvary Cem.
1394 GLEASON, Sarah Agnes F 29y10m19d Servant girl 19 Sep 1902 W Petersburg 29y Petersburg Consumption Calvary Cem.
897 GLENDENING, Anna Crystal F 1y9m3d Child 19 Jun 1889 S KS Indian Creek Precinct Convulsions
1046 GLENN, Alice Florence F 19y10m16d 8 Feb 1892 Menard Co. From birth Athens Precinct Rheumatoid affection Don't Know
14278 GLENN, George W. M 73y 27 Dec 1903 M Bath Co., KY 50y Menard Co. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Indian Point Cem.
14289 GLENN, George William M 20d Baby 27 Jan 1904 Menard Co. Measles Indian Point Cem.
750 GLENN, John M 34y Coal Miner 19 Aug 1887 M Galloway Co., Ireland 6y Greenview Chronic Gastritis Calvary Cemetery, Petersburg
772 GODBEY, Eleanor A. F 64y9m4d Farmer's Wife 10 Aug 1887 M IL 65y S of Curtis Abdominal Dropsy Rose Hill Cem.
869 GODBEY, Russell M 88y1m22d Farmer 25 Dec 1888 W Montgomery Co., VA 58y Indian Creek Precinct Uremia poisoning Rose Hill Cem.
1356 GODBY, Harry H. M 40y5m8d Farmer 20 Jun 1902 M Menard Co. life Indian Creek Precinct Typhoid Fever Rose Hill Cem.
1107 GODBY, Nellie F 21y 4 Nov 1895 M Indian Creek Precinct Indian Creek Precinct Shock - Adhered Placenta after child birth Rose Hill Cem.
1122 GODBY, Tott F 8m23d Infant 26 Jul 1895 S Menard Co. Indian Creek Precinct Dysentery Rose Hill Cem.
5267 GOFF, Jessie Lee F 27y7m5d Housewife 29 Dec 1909 M Petersburg life Petersburg Consumption Hickory Grove Cem.
5045 GOFF, Mary D. F 83y4m26d Housewife 6 Mar 1908 M PA 63y Menard Co., Twp. 18 Heart disease, mitral sterous Sugar Grove Cem.
14420 GOLDEN, Fielden M 41y1m14d Farmer 12 Sep 1904 M KY 21y Menard Co. Cancer of face Rock Creek Cem.
174 GOLDSBY, Elisa F 60y4m 8 Aug 1879 W Madison Co., IL 60y 5 mi sw of Petersburg Remittent Fever Farmer's Point Cem.
4550 GOLDSBY, Harry, son of John M 7y7m13d 20 May 1905 S IL 7y Petersburg Tubercular Meningitis Oakland Cem.
1140 GOLLADY, Charles A. M 20y7m3d Coal Miner 27 Mar 1896 S Christian Co., IL Since birth Athens Septicemia result of gunshot wound Athens
14239 GOLLIDAY, William H. M 62y Operated Billard Hall 24 Sep 1903 M IL 62y Athens Acute Gastritis Athens
9 GOODE, Mary Jane F 37y2m26d 17 Dec 1877 M Morgan Co., IL 37y Petersburg Typhoid Rose Hill Cem.
130 GOODEN, Caroline F 32y3m14d Farmer's Wife 5 Feb 1879 M Macon Co., IL Sandridge Precinct typhoid Pneumonia Concord
14285 GOODMAN, Frederick M 11m23d Baby 17 Jan 1904 Athens Athens Measles West Cem., Athens
14326 GOODMAN, George Washington M 74y Retired Farmer 22 Mar 1904 W Menard Co. life Petersburg Asthma & rheumatism West Cem., Athens
14310 GOODMAN, Homer Tice M 1m3d 23 Feb 1904 Petersburg Petersburg Bronchial pneumonia Rose Hill Cem.
1348 GOODMAN, Martin M 62y1m29d Farmer 30 Sep 1902 M IL 29y Nr. Athens Intestinal tuberculosis Hall Cem.
1302 GOODMAN, Richard R. M 17y10m20d Farmer 24 Apr 1902 S Salisbury, Sangamon Co., IL life Nr. Athens Acute Pulmonary Tuberculosis Hall Cem.
14327 GOODPASTURE, Arizona F 23d 21 Mar 1904 Twp 18 Twp 18 Premature birth Sugar Grove Cem.
4688 GOODPASTURE, Richard Wheeler M 47y1m19d Farmer 11 Aug 1905 M Batts? Co., KY 31 1/2y Sweetwater Precinct Tubercular laryngitis Sugar Grove Cem.
967 GOODPASTURE, W. J. M 73y9m3d Farmer 23 Jul 1890 M TN Oakford Heart disease Concord
4751 GORDEN, Henry M 74y Farmer 18 Mar 1906 M Salisbury, Sangamon Co., IL most of life Nr. Athens Senile gangrene left lower extremity West Cem., Athens
1258 GORDON, Hamilton M about 75 Farmer 11 Mar 1902 M North of Ireland 39y Greenview Pneumonia of right lung Rose Hill Cem.
316 GORE, Lula F 6m 4 Jan 1881 S Kilbourne, IL 6mo Oakford Capillery Bronchitis Kilbourne, IL
317 GORE, Lura F 6m 6 Jan 1881 S Kilbourne, IL 6mo Oakford Congestive remittent fever Kilbourne, IL
911 GORMAN, John M 75y Shoemaker 22 Sep 1889 M Ireland Petersburg Cirrhosis of liver Calvary Cemetery, Petersburg
1252 GOUVEIA, Eli M 46y3m16d Miner 24 Sep 1901 M Jacksonville, IL life Petersburg Stone falling from roof in mine Rose Hill Cem.
1327 GOVEIA, Margaret F 43y6m8d Housewife 15 May 1902 W Menard Co. life Petersburg Aneurism resulting in heart depression Rose Hill Cem.
4878 GOWAN, Samuel M 70y2m19d Hotel Keeper 12 Feb 1907 M TN 10y Petersburg Cancer of stomach Calvary Cem.
939 GRADY, Thomas M 48y Farm Hand 21 Jan 1890 W Ireland Menard County Poor House Cardiac Disease Rose Hill Cem.
257 GRAFF, Catherine F 58y 10 Apr 1880 M Switzerland 14y Petersburg Congestion of the Brain Rose Hill Cem.
4841 GRAHAM, George W. M 74y Retired Farmer 28 Nov 1906 W Ireland 44y Athens Chronic Nephritis Athens
4513 GRAHAM, Henry C. M 71y9m8d Farmer & Stock Raiser 16 Mar 1905 M Athens 71y Nr. Athens Pneumonia nephritis Indian Point Cem.
109 GRAHAM, Robert Francis M 3y 2 Nov 1878 S Sweetwater Precinct Greenview Precinct Croup Indian Point
4732 GRAHAM, Robert P. M 76y Farmer 13 Jul 1905 M NJ 40y Nr. Greenview Organic heart disease Indian Point Cem.
114 GRAHAM, Rosilla F 7y11m20d Farmer's Daughter 19 Dec 1878 S Athens Precinct 7y W.C. Graham's Cerebra spinal meningitis Point Cem.
1442 GRAHAM, Susan F 77y Housewife 15 Feb 1903 M VA Athens Acute Bronchitis Indian Point Cem.
787 GRAHAM, William C. M 56y1m17d Farmer 27 Jan 1888 M 33y Fancy Prairie Catarrhal Bronchitis & pneumonia Indian Point Cem.
854 GRANT, leslie Oliver M 10y6m2d 21 Oct 1888 S Menard Co. Near Athens Congestion of lungs Cantrall
452 GRANT, Lucy A. F 31y6m27d 30 May 1882 M Menard Co. always Sandridge Precinct Tuberculo Phthsis Oakford Cem.
1430 GRATTON, Infant of John M 5d 27 Jan 1903 IL Athens Inherited Syphilis Athens
1236 GRAVES, Frank W. M 64y Farmer 18 Mar 1900 S NY long time Greenview Rheumatism Richland, Sangamon Co., IL
1441 GREEN, Infant Child of John M 24d 14 Feb 1903 IL Athens Spinal meningitis Athens
5155 GREEN, Lena Bell F 7m9d 12 Apr 1909 S Athens North Athens Exhaustion due to inanition-whooping cough Lebanon Cem.
929 GREEN, Mollie F 24y26d Housekeeper 21 Dec 1889 M Sandridge Oakford Consumption Oakford
14299 GREENE, Ephriam M 52y2m16d Farmer 13 Feb 1904 M NJ 38y Tallula Carcinoma of liver Greenwood Cem.
1064 GREENE, Infant F 6m9d 22 Aug 1893 Tallula Tallula Whooping Cough Petersburg
1139 GREENE, Joseph Gaines M 5y 24 Jul 1895 S Tallula Tallula Membranous Croup Greenwood Cem.
1049 GREENE, Louisa H. F 74y4m11d Housekeeper 3 Apr 1893 M Sparta, TN 49y Tallula Phitis Pulmonalis Greenwood Cem.
957 GREENE, Nora May F 1y6m 26 Apr 1890 Menard Co. Sandridge Precinct Bronchial pneumonia Oakford
503 GREENE, Vance L. M 32y3m Farmer 4 Feb 1883 Mason Co., IL Life Tallula Valvular disease of the heart Tallula
14464 GREENWOOD, Abraham Lincoln M 43y Teamster 26 Dec 1904 M Cass Co., IL 43y 300 yrds w of Junction shaft Struck by train on C. P. & S.L. R.R. Mt. Olive, Cass Co., IL
4838 GREY, Elmer M 6y6m 20 Nov 1906 S McLean Co. 6y Greenview Diptheria Elmwood
226 GRIDER, Ruth F 4y5m 16 Jan 1880 S Menard Co. 4y Menard Co. Diphtheria Salisbury, Sangamon Co., IL
590 GRIFFIN, Charlotte F 3y 29 Jul 1884 Petersburg Life Petersburg Hepatitis with cardiac disease
5221 GRIFFIN, Cleo M. M 3y5m5d 24 Jul 1909 S Petersburg 3y Petersburg Broncho pneumonia - whooping cough Rose Hill Cem.
5237 GRIFFIN, Irene F 56y Housewife 31 Aug 1909 M IL life Petersburg Nephritis Rose Hill Cem.
412 GRIFFIN, Louisa Jane F 17y8m7d 27 Oct 1881 S Cass Co., IL Life Petersburg Typhoid Fever Puncheon Camp Grove, Cass Co.
758 GRIMSBY, Mary Elizabeth F 41y9m26d Housewife 1 Nov 1887 M IL Life Sweetwater Septicemia Indian Point Cem.
5099 GRISHAM, George W. M 35y3m22d Flagman 19 Aug 1908 M Sharpsville, IN 1 1/2y Menard Co. Run over by cars Sharpsville Cem.
1054 GROGAN, Mary F 2y Infant 12 Jun 1893 S Greenview always Greenview Spinal Menengitis Rose Hill Cem.
14379 GROVES, Mary Ann F 56y Housewife 12 Jul 1904 IL 56y Williamsville, IL Embolism Stewart Cem.
1375 GUINAN, Edward M 1y10m27d 17 Jul 1902 S Sandridge life Sandridge Ilio colitis Calvary Cem.
1432 GUINAN, Nellie F 39y3m27d Housewife 17 Jan 1903 M Petersburg 39y Menard Co. Phthisis Pulmonalis Calvary Cem.
14353 GUINAN, Patrick M 73y Farmer 1 May 1904 M Co. Tipperary, Ireland 40y Sandridge Precinct Uremic from chronic Brights disease Calvary Cem.
632 GUM, Jess F. M 42y Farmer 18 Oct 1884 M Little Grove Precinct 42y Farm in Little Grove Prect. Phthisis Rose Hill Cem.
571 GUM, Jesse Radins M 9d 19 Nov 1883 Petersburg On farm, near Petersburg Tetanus Infantum Hash Burial Ground
271 GUM, John F. M 1y5m25d 7 Jul 1880 S Oakford Precinct 1y Oakford Precinct Bilious Dysentery Rose Hill Cem.
593 GUM, Matilda E. F 84y7m17d Housekeeper 2 Mar 1884 M KY 59y Petersburg Old age Rose Hill Cem.
14218 GUM, Mattie Belle F 20y1m14d Housewife 11 Jul 1903 M Petersburg 20y Nr. Petersburg Acute Pulmonary Tuberculosis Concord Cem.
900 GUM, William M 81y9m Retired Farmer 29 Jun 1889 M Green Co., KY Petersburg Brights disease Rose Hill Cem.
802 GUNNISON, Arial Kendrick M 59y9m Farmer 11 Mar 1888 M Newburg, NH 14y Near Athens Chronic Hepatitis Athens
22 GUNSTEN, George M 18y1d Farmer 1 Feb 1878 S Menard Co. 18y Greenview Precinct Congestive Pneumonia Irish Grove
751 GUNSTENSON, John M 53y Farmer 23 Aug 1887 M Norway 30y Menard Co. Ulcers of stomach Menard Co.
320 GUNTERMAN, Infant Son of James M 5m 3 Jan 1881 M Menard Co. Menard Co. Pleuronewmonia Family Grave Yard
82 GUSSMANN, Walter M 5y4m3d 16 Oct 1878 S Logan Co., IL 5y Athens Precinct Inflamation of Brain Jones Cemetery, Sangamon Co., IL
4561 GUSTAFSON, Carl August M 48y11m Jeweler 12 Jun 1905 S Sweden 21y Petersburg Chronic Brights Disease Rose Hill Cem.
14421 GUSTAFSON, Herald Bernhard M 6m15d 8 Sep 1904 Greenview Greenview Convulsions Athens

Cass-Menard Index

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