Soldiers & Sailors Home - Admissions - Daily Record

Fourth Biennial Report
of the
Quincy, Illinois
June 30, 1892

Admissions - Daily Record

Indexed by Lowell L. Volkel

Admission of Mexican War & Civil War Veterans

1887 - 1889

Section #1

The late Lowell L. Volkel indexed this volume in 1975. The book consists of actual copies of the printed records of the Soldiers' & Sailors' Home in Quincy.

The preface in the book includes the following information: "The Soldiers' and Sailors' Home was established by an act of the General Assembly, June 26, 1885, "to provide a home and subsistence for honorably discharged ex-soldiers and sailors who enlisted from Illinois in the U.S. Army or Navy, during the war of the rebellion and the Mexican War, and who have since become and are now residents of the State of Illinois, and who may have become disabled through ... such service, or who by reason of old age, or other disabilities, are disqualified from earning a livelihood...."

The commission appointed by Governor Oglesby to locate the home under the provisions of this act, selected a tract of 140 acres just outside the northern limits of the city of Quincy. Building operations began in May, 1886. The home was formally opened in March, 1887.

This book contains copies of pages from the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Biennial Reports of the Board of Trustees and Officers of the Illinois Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. Only those pages listing admissions to the Home were copied. Much additional data about the operation of the Home may be found in these reports. Copies of the full reports are in the Illinois State Library.

Each soldier or sailor was assigned a "Registry Number" upon admission to the Home. These numbers were assigned in consecutive order beginning with the number eleven. If a discharged veteran was later readmitted, he kept the number initially issued to him. Many names in these reports are obviously misspelled. A researcher should check the index for various spellings of a name.

The records of the Quincy Home are in the Illinois State Archives, Springfield, Illinois. You may receive photocopies of a soldier's file by writing to the Archives. When making a request, be sure to state the soldier's name, his regiment, and his registry number as found in this book. There may be a nominal charge to cover the cost of the copies.

This volume covers 4,418 separate admissions to the Home between March, 1887, and June 30, 1898. Many re-admissions are also noted. All of the men listed in this book served their country in the Mexican War or the Civil War. Beginning in 1899, Spanish-American War soldiers also became eligible to enter the Home. Projected future volumes of this series will include Spanish-American soldiers as well as veterans of the earlier wars.

Lowell M. Volkel, August, 1975"

October 17, 1891 2045 ALFREY, WILLIAM G. Co. C-1st KY Artillery Cass Diarrhea and rheumatism
August 1, 1888 881 CENTER, WM. J. Co G-32d Illinois Infantry Cass Old age
March 8, 1890 1505 CROW, JAMES F. Co. C-3d Illinois Cavalry Cass Diarrhea
July 14, 1891 1941 DAVIS, MALACHI Co. H-91st PA. Infantry Cass Rheumatism
November 5, 1889 1375 EDWARDS, CHARLES Co A-43d Illinois Infantry Cass Deafness
August 5, 1889 1269 FRIAR, W. G. Co. F-3d Kentucky Infantry; Co. D-1st Missouri Cav.; Co. D-2d Ill. Cav. Cass Rheumatism
April 1, 1887 111 GRIMES, ISAAC P. Co. I-35th Illinois Infantry Cass Spinal disease
May 21, 1888 802 GUNNING, ANDREW Co. G&G-32d Illinois Infantry Cass Chronic diarrhea
June 2, 1892 2247 HAMILTON, JOHN W. Co. D-17th Illinois Cavalry Cass Heart disease
December 17, 1888 1067 HARRIS, M. V. B. Co. D-114th Illinois Infantry Cass Rheumatism
July 18, 1890 1632 MAXWELL, GEORGE W. Co. C-84th Illinois Infantry Cass Disease of kidneys
August 1, 1889 1262 McGRAW, JOHN Co. E-145th Illinois Infantry Cass Rheumatism
February 27, 1889 1155 MILSTEAD, JOS. M. Co. K-33d Illinois Infantry Cass Rheumatism
October 2, 1890 1711 MORRIS, JESSE Co H-37th Illinois Infantry Cass Disease of lungs
August 21, 1888 915 NICOLS, ALVINES W. Co. K-28th Illinios Infantry Cass Piles
April 17, 1888 752 PARKER, PETER Co. K-5th Illinois Cavalry Cass Chronic diarrhea
January 24, 1891 1836 RUARK, ANDREW J. Co. G-28th Illinois Infantry Cass Gun-shot wound right thigh
August 29, 1889 1282 SHEEHAN, TIMOTHY 8th New York Cavalry Cass Paralysis
August 2, 1889 1265 STIGALL, JOHN M. Co. B-10th Illinois Infantry Cass Rheumatism
August 9, 1890 1658 STOLL, GEORGE Co. G-149th Illinois Infantry Cass Rheumatism and diarrhea
October 4, 1889 1329 SYLWARD, THOS. Co. K-2d Illinois Artillery Cass Piles
November 13, 1888 1003 THOMPSON, S. J. Co. G-32d Illinois Infantry Cass Rheumatism
June 3, 1889 1210 TOWLES, JOHN A. Co. K-33d Illinios Infantry Cass Kidneys
November 28, 1890 1792 WEAVER, HARVEY Co. C-4th Illinois Cavalry Cass Rheumatism and heart disease
December 8, 1890 1797 ZILLION, FRANK Co. C-6th Illinois Cavalry Cass Hernia
