Pond, Carlo & Manillious Moore - MC
Carlo (Carlos) Pond & Manillious (Manilious) Moore

Carlo was the 5th son of Martin Julius Pond & Amanda (Simmons) Pond and a brother to my Great-great-great-grandfather Alfred Julius Pond. He was born 9 Feb 1829 in Erie County, PA. He was married on 19 Feb 1857 in Meredosia, Morgan Co., IL, to Manillious Moore. Manillious was a daughter of William & Kaziah (Moore) Moore and was born 29 Jul 1832 in Beardstown, IL.

Carlo died 2 Sep 1895 and Manillious died 2 May 1908 - both are buried in Old Berlin Cemeter, Island Grove Township, Sangamon County, Illinois.

Note: Although his name appears as Carroll on the above certificate, I know that is not correct. I've seen Manillious name also spelled as Manilious.

Manillious was a sister to Nancy Fatima Moore, my Great-great-great-grandmother. These 2 brothers (Alfred & Carlos) and 2 sisters (Nancy & Manillious) produced 19 "double cousins".

Submitted by: Christine Anne "Crissy" Pond Dodge
