Hunter Cemetery in the beginning




In the Beginning

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Both photos were taken by me, Foxie, on
December 28, 2005, It is the Road in to the
Cemetery. If you click on the photo, you
might be able to see a little blue dot in the
background that is my car. We walked for
fear of getting stuck. But it wasn't really that
muddy at all; until you reached the cemetery..

This you find just to the west of the
Alan Read farm. To arrive at the cemetery
you take Bureau Co., Road #31 straight east
out of Bradford, IL. Then look for 17775E
about 8 or 9 miles out. Turn left. Go to the
next corner which is 300N. On your left side
of road you see the Alan Read Farm.
Drive just past the farm which borders both sides
of the road, and you see a mail box and the
Hunter Cemetery Sign. In the mail box you
can register for being there. Which I was too
cold do on Wednesday.

All photos when clicked open for a bigger & better view.

The next photos were taken by Mikki & Jim

 Judge while beginning their restoration project and unless otherwise stated they are all by Mikki & Jim Judge.


Looking from the cemetery towards the way out.


What you see when you turn around
however, seems to be from another place..
..another time. The following series of photos
taken in early June, 2000, give you a glimpse
of our first really good look at Hunter Cemetery...
.the day we started this restoration project.
These photos were taken from the outside
of the cemetery, looking in. We had no idea
what we would find...



Not knowing where to start

Mikki & Jim made our own entrance.

by cutting a pathway into the cemetery.

And the project begins.....


Looking North from the cemetery towards Tiskilwa, family farms dot the landscape, with fields of corn and soy beans as far as you can see. It is so peaceful and serene here, you can almost hear the corn grow!



The work begins.....


First Glimpse

First Steps inside

First Sunlight on the Clark's

First Week of discovery

Clark's tombstone first discovery

Clark's uncovered #2

Clark's uncovered #3

After some of the brush removed


Alan Reed Farm

Nestled in the rolling hills and pristine beauty of southern

Bureau County, Illinois, you will find the Alan Read Farm.

Located 9 miles South of Tiskilwa,

and 8 miles East of Bradford, Illinois.

Road to Hunter Cemetery



Hunter Home ] Cemetery Lisitngs ] Cem Tombstone Photo Gal ] DeMaranville Family History Book ] Fence Project ] In Beginning ]

Wednesday, May 03, 2006 12:00:05 PM



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 Foxie Hagerty  2005