War Eagle, Daily Times and Daily Democrat 1865

Obituaries and Death Notices

The War Eagle Daily Evening Citizen,

 Cairo Daily Times and Cairo Daily Democrat

4 Jan 1865-30 Dec 1865


Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois

Transcribed by Darrel Dexter

[email protected]

 The War Eagle Daily Evening Citizen


Wednesday, 4 Jan 1865

Reward of $200 is offered for the recovery of the bodies of Mr. L.C. Dudley and his daughter who drowned on last Friday (30 Dec 1864) off the Navy Yard at Mound City.  He was about 45 years old and she was 10 years old.



Friday, 27 Jan 1865

Susan Emily, infant daughter of W. W. and S. E. Duncan, died at Cairo Thursday (26 Jan 1865) of lung fever, aged 4 months, 20 days.



Monday, 30 Jan 1865

Mrs. Winans, the aged mother of the late Paymaster Winans who drowned at Mound City some time since, is very desirous of obtaining the clothes of the deceased, which were deposited at Cairo, Mound City, or Springfield.



Thursday, 2 Feb 1865

Capt. Isaac M. Talmadge, son of the Rev. James H. Talmadge of Crittenden, N.Y., drowned with the steamer Melville 8 Jan 1861, in Chesapeake Bay.  He was captain of Co. A, 14th Iowa and had recently been appointed to Gen. Sherman’s staff.  He was a lawyer and moved to Iowa in 1857 and to Pike’s Peak in 1859.  He was the former provost marshal in Cairo.



Thursday, 7 Feb 1865

Died 7 Feb 1865, Mrs. J. M. Craig of Chicot Co., Ark., aged 40 years, at the residence of W. P. Halliday.



Friday, 17 Feb 1865

John Brewer, colored, was shot through the head and murdered on Commercial Avenue between 20th and 28th streets.  He was a policeman appointed by the provost marshal for special duty in the “bottoms.”



Friday, 24 Feb 1865

A Negro named Jackman, living a short distance from the store depot, died one night last week from the effects of drinking 15 to 20 “whiskies” and eating two plates of pork and beans.



Thursday, 2 Mar 1865

Henry Koch of Co. C, 42nd Wisconsin Regiment drowned when a dugout turned over.  He was encumbered by his overcoat and unable to swim.  He sunk immediately and the body has not yet been recovered.



Thursday, 9 Mar 1865

On 25 Feb 1865, an old Negro named Anderson who had been left on the “Ross farm” about three miles from this city (in Ballard Co., Ky.) was waylaid and murdered, the shot entering the back of his head.  The Negro lived with the family occupying the Ross farm and discovering something suspicious about some of the men who were harbored on the place, proceeded to a neighbor’s where he told his story.  On his return he was waylaid, probably to prevent his giving any testimony against his murderers.



Friday, 24 Mar 1865

Died 23 Mar 1865, A. J. Coates, aged 48 years, of Cairo.  He was buried at Bunker Hill, Illinois.



Cairo Daily Times

Monday, 25 Oct 1865:
IMPOSING FUNERAL CEREMONIES.—The funeral ceremonies of the late Mrs. Edmund A. Angell, wife of the principal of the Cairo Public Schools, were attended at the residence of Mr. Angell at 10 ½ o'clock, yesterday forenoon, by a large number of friends and acquaintances of the bereaved.  An appropriate part of the procession that followed the remains to the train that was to bear them to their last resting place, was the assistant teachers of the public schools, and some two hundred pupils, anxious to pay their tribute of respect to their devoted principal in his deep affliction.  In the hands of each pupil was held a simple bouquet, which was deposited upon the coffin as it was borne from the house toward the train.

Mrs. Angell was married January 11th, 1863, instead of 1865, as our types made us say on yesterday.

Friday, 27 Oct 1865:
DIED.  In this city, Oct. 23, Mrs. J. W. Penwell.  Detroit papers please copy.
DROWNED.—Yesterday morning about 1 o'clock, as the steamer Tyrone was making her landing at this point, a man named James Casey jumped off the lower deck and was drowned.  Casey shipped on board the Tyrone on Tuesday, as a deck hand, and up to the time of his jumping overboard was supposed to be perfectly sane, but the officers of the boat are now satisfied that he was deranged when he took the fatal leap.  As soon as he arose to the surface after striking the water he appeared to have recovered his reason, and cried lustily for help, but the night was so dark that before arrangement could be made to save him he floated under a flat board, which lay contiguous and was drowned.  The deceased has been in the rebel army, and has a brother residing in this city who is a bricklayer.
FUNERAL OF A. N. SHARPE.—The remains of the lamented Sharpe were yesterday followed to the noon train by all the members of the Atheneum company and a large number of citizens.  In life the deceased was highly esteemed by all who knew him and the news of his demise shocked the sensibilities of all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance.  His uncle took the body to Louisville where it will be interred today.


Thursday, 2 Nov 1865:
Henry Hill, a watchman on the steamer
Savannah, had his head fatally crushed at the wharf at Rock Island on Thursday night, by the pitman striking him.  He died almost instantly
Two Days Waiting for a Coroner

On Tuesday of last week a man named James Casey shipped as a deckhand on the steamer Tyrone.  On the following morning, about one o'clock, as the Tyrone was nearing the landing here, Casey jumped off the lower deck into the river.  Upon rising to the surface he called lustily for assistance, but, before it could be rendered him, he floated beneath a coal barge and was drowned.

The deceased had a brother in the city, which fact probably induced his fellow hands on the boat not to exert themselves to recover the body.  Casey's brother, however, did not hear of the event until the night of Wednesday, when he immediately started out in pursuit of a boat, tackling, &c., wherewith to recover the body of his brother, but, we learn, was for some reason arrested before he succeeded in his mission and now lies in jail.
The body came to the surface near where it sunk, at the foot of Fort Cairo, on Tuesday morning, but word was not conveyed to Coroner Corcoran until yesterday morning, and at three o'clock yesterday afternoon a jury was summoned and an inquest held, J. K. Frost acting as foreman.  Nothing was found on the body of the deceased.  A witness who roomed with Casey was examined and testified that a few days prior to his death the deceased had an attack of mania-a-potu, and the probabilities are that he was somewhat affected therewith when he took the fatal leap.

The verdict of the jury was that the body was that of James Casey, and that he came to his death from drowning.  The coroner expressed his determination to have the man buried last evening, which we suppose he did.



Cairo Daily Democrat

Tuesday, 3 Oct 1865:
Dead—We regret to learn that Mr. James Maguire, formerly a well-known steamboat agent of this city, is no more.  He threw himself from the steamer
Niagara on her last trip up, at Milliken's Bend in a fit of delirium tremens, and was drowned.  He was a clever, kindhearted gentleman, and generous to a fault.  A love for strong drink got the better of him, however, and he fell a victim to it, as many a good man has done and will yet do.  He had many warm personal friends in this city who will learn of his demise with regret, and who will pay tribute to his memory with an unbidden tear.
NEGRO SHOT.—Yesterday special policeman Pierce left a negro man, who he had arrested for some misdemeanor or other, in the hands of two other negroes while he stepped into a house on business.  During his absence the negro broke away.  Officer Pierce ordered him to halt, but he continued running, when the officer fired at him inflicting a wound that proved fatal.

Sunday, 8 Oct 1865:
DIED In this city, yesterday, of lung fever, Frank, infant son of James E. and Mary J. Morris, aged 4 months.  The funeral services will take place at the family residence, on Fifth Street, today, at 1 p.m.  The funeral party will leave for Villa Ridge at 2 p.m., on a special train.  The friends of the family are invited to attend.

Before he learned anything of the joys or sorrows of the world he was taken away, and nothing remains to tell of his having been save a little wave of earth in the church yard, and in the hearts of those who loved him with parental affection, a wave of memory that will not pass away.

Monday, 9 Oct 1865:
FUNERAL—A large concourse of citizens—friends of the family—attended the funeral of the infant son of our fellow townsman, Mr. James S. Morris, at Villa Ridge, yesterday, leaving this city by special train, at 2 o'clock, p.m.
DEATH OF MR. GEORGE B. SPURRIER.—We are pained to announce that our esteemed fellow townsman, Mr. George B. Spurrier, of the firm of Spurrier & Hulen, died at his home in New Albany, Ind., whither he had gone to move his family to this city, on Wednesday morning last, of flux.  He was an honorable, upright gentleman, and his demise will be deeply regretted by all who knew him.  He was interred at New Albany on Thursday last by the I. O. O. F., of that city.
DIED In this city, Oct. 6th, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Elizabeth Black Bausman, wife of George W. Bausman, formerly of Birmingham, Allegheny Co., Pa., aged 32 years, 11 months, and 26 days.  The funeral services will take place at the residence of Mr. Bausman, corner of Commercial avenue and Second street, at 10 o'clock this morning.  The remains will be taken to Villa Ridge on the 12 m. train.  The friends are invited.  (Pittsburgh and St. Louis papers please copy.)

Thursday, 12 Oct 1865:
DIED In this city, last evening, of typhoid fever, Dr. J. Millbauer.
Sunday, 15 Oct 1865:
A terrible tragedy occurred last week in the town of Shiloah, Randolph County, Illinois.  Doctors Campbell and Minner, physicians of that place, purchased some calomel of a druggist in Chester, which was administered to some forty of their patients, producing most alarming symptoms.  It was subsequently ascertained that the calomel contained corrosive sublimate.  Seven person died from the effects of the poison, at last accounts and it was feared several others would not survive.  Among the deaths were a sister of Dr. Campbell.  It is said the calomel was put up in the ordinary way and had not been tampered with after leaving the store of a St. Louis wholesale druggist, by whom it was imported from England.

Tuesday, 17 Oct 1865:
DIED Yesterday, about 11 o'clock, after a short illness, A. J. Harrison, merchant of this city.  The funeral services will take place at his late residence on Seventh street, at 10 o'clock this a.m. The remains will be taken by the 12 o'clock noon train to Chicago for interment.  The friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited.

Tuesday, 24 Oct 1865:
SUDDEN DEATH.—We are pained to record the death of the popular young comedian, Mr. A. N. Sharpe.  He died suddenly about noon yesterday of congestion of the bowels.  Mr. Sharpe was one of the pioneers of theatricals in Cairo, and was well known and highly esteemed both as a gentleman and an actor.

Though he has been upon the stage from boyhood, he made his reputation as a comedian in this city, where he played his first engagement in that line at Defiance Theater, then under the management of Williams & Holland.  From here he went to Vicksburg and with T. S. Holland, assumed the management of the theater there.  Returning to this city last spring he was engaged at the Atheneum at the especial request of many of out most prominent citizens.  He made his last appearance on the stage on Friday evening last, in the play of the “Hunchback.”  His death was very sudden and unexpected, and cast a gloom over his many friends.  He has relations in Louisville to whom we presume his remains will be sent today.

Thursday, 26 Oct 1865:
REMAINS OF MR. A. N. SHARPE.—The remains of the lamented young comedian, Mr. A. N. Sharpe, will be taken by his uncle, Mrs. Sarzedas, by the noon train today to Louisville.  The friends of the deceased are respectfully desired to assemble at Winter's Block, this forenoon at 11 o'clock to follow the remains to the cars.

Monday, 30 Oct 1865:
ACCIDENT.—We have heard recently of several accidents occurring in coalmines in St. Clair County, Ill., one of which resulted in death.  This was in the case of a young Welsh miner, nineteen years of age, named Henry Evans, who was dreadfully mangled by a fall of top coal in Gartside's No. 3 Mine, on the 10th inst.  The poor lad living but a short time but was sensible to the last moment.  His brother was working near him at the moment of the accident, but escaped as if by a miracle.

Tuesday, 7 Nov 1865:
DIED At the residence of his brother, J. H. Anderson, No. 31 Fifth street at 9:30 p.m., November 5th, William A. Anderson, aged 21 years and 8 months.  The remains were taken to Springfield for interment.  Springfield and Carlinville papers please copy.
Sunday, 12 Nov 1865:
DIED On Saturday, the 11th inst., of pseudo membranous croup, Emma, daughter of W. P. and Eliza W. Halliday, aged 4 years.  The funeral services will be held at the Church of the Redeemer this afternoon at 3 o'clock.  All friends of the family are invited to attend.
Wednesday, 15 Nov 1865:
DIED In this city, on Tuesday morning, November 14th, Mrs. Amelia Elliott, wife of Mr. Z. Elliott, aged 35 years, 2 months, and 1 day.  Funeral services this morning at 9 o'clock, at the residence of her husband, on Thirteenth street.  Friends and acquaintances of the family are invited to attend.  Mrs. Elliott was a member of the Methodist Church, and for many years past found comfort in the promises of the Bible.  A devoted wife and an affectionate mother, she was resigned to linger through many years of affliction on earth for the sake of her husband and children.  Dear one!  God has claimed thee as his own, and though it is hard to give thee up, we are comforted with the thought that thy spirit has fled to Heaven's eternal rest, and that ere long thou wilt be crowned an heir to immortality.  Addie J-----.

Monday, 20 Nov 1865:
DIED In this city, on Tuesday morning, November 14th, Mrs. Amelia Elliott, wife of Mr. Z. Elliott, aged 35 years, 2 months, and 1 day.

Mrs. Amelia Elliott was born September 14, 1829.  She professed religion when about 14 years of age, and subsequently grew up a pious and devoted young woman.  Upon her second marriage she became united with Mr. Zachariah Elliott, her surviving and greatly afflicted husband.  Although much afflicted with pulmonary consumption for several years past, her life was spared until she saw the fruit of her Christian labors in her family.  Upon her husband's uniting with her in Church relationship recently, she became very happy, and in the dead hours of night she was frequently heard to clap her hands and sing:--
“I’m happy!  I'm happy! O, wondrous account!
My joys are immortal, I stand on the mount;
I gaze on my treasure, and long to be there,
With angels my kindred, and Jesus my dear.”

Mrs. Elliott lingered along until the morning of the 14th inst., when at 4 o'clock she was seized with hemorrhage of the lungs, and in a few minutes expired--aged 35 years and 2 months.  We request for Mr. Elliott and the remainder of the family the prayers of the Christian public.  Hiram Sears.
DIED on the 13th inst., of diphtherial croup, Augusta, daughter of Olive and Jesse Davis, 22 months.  May our Heavenly Father sanctify this affliction to the good of the bereaved parents.

Thursday, 20 (?) Nov 1865:
MERITED TRIBUTE.—From the Carrollton Democrat of recent date, we clip the annexed well deserved tribute to the memory of Mr. John Dowdall, of Green County, father of our valued friend and brother editor, William T. Dowdall, of the Peoria Daily National Democrat, to whom, in his great bereavement, we tender our sincere sympathy and condolences.
AN OLD CITIZEN GONE.—It is our painful duty to record the death of one of our oldest and best citizens, John Dowdall, who departed this life, at his 'old homestead' in this county, October 27th, in the 71st year of his age.  Mr. Dowdall was born in Virginia, raised in Kentucky, and emigrated to this county at an early day.  Being of untiring disposition, he chose a farmer's life, which occupation he followed rigidly after the Kentucky style—make a plenty and live upon it--therefore he never amassed a large fortune; was what is usually termed a good liver; being of wealthy parentage, his early life was spent as are, or were generally the sons of the South, in ease and independence, with a liberal expenditure of money for charities, and also for pleasures, which habits stuck to him through life.  Not being an aspirant for office, he consequently was never before the people for public honors.

At the age of 17 he enlisted as a private in the War of 1812, his modesty causing him to decline a lieutenancy in the First Kentucky Rifles.  Serving out his time with honor and credit to himself, declining promotion when recommended by his commanding officers, he returned home, and soon after married Miss English, daughter of Elisha English, of that State, afterward long residence of our little city.  Mr. Dowdall, though of Southern parentage, education and habits, was a Union man, ever and at all times; and was as willing to make sacrifices for his country during our recent national difficulties, as he was when bearing his rifle bravely through the snows of 1812-5.  He now peacefully rests in our graveyard, beside his first wife, who preceded him some 18 years.  Mr. Dowdall died as he lived the noblest work of God, “an honest man.”  He leaves a large circle of acquaintances and friends to mourn his loss.  To the family relations we offer our heartfelt sympathy, especially to our brother of the editorial profession, William T. Dowdall, his youngest son, and our warm personal friend and intimate acquaintance; and whilst we extend to him our hand of sympathy and condolence, can only say as words of advice, follow in the footsteps of him who now is no more, but whose practices and precepts are worthy to live forever.

Thursday, 23 Nov 1865:
DIED, HULEN.—At New Albany, Ind., on the 17th, inst., Walter Sumner, oldest son of Henderson M. and Mary Hulen.


Tuesday, 28 Nov 1865:
DIED in Cincinnati, Ohio, on Tuesday, November 21, Mrs. Jane Thompson, in the 87th year of her age
DIED in New York, on Sunday, November 19, Mrs. Sartell Prentice, aged 92 years.
DIED in Philadelphia, Nov. 17, Anna Maria Shippen, relict of the late Dr. Joseph Galloway Shippen, in the 77th year of her age.
DIED in Springfield, Illinois, on the 18th instant, Mrs. Elizabeth M. Harkey, wife of the Rev. Dr. Harkey, of Illinois University, aged 56 years, 3 months, and 20 days.

Wednesday, 29 Nov 1865:
DIED, In this city, on Tuesday, the 28th inst., of pneumonia, Captain Moses Dimmitt, aged 61 years,.  The funeral services will be held at the Methodist Church, on Thursday, Nov. 30, at 10 a.m.  The body will be taken to Villa Ridge for interment in the noon train that day.  Bavaria, Ohio, and Albany, Ind., papers please copy.

Friday, 1 Dec 1865: 
Harmonia Hall—A Negro Dance House
Outrageous Scenes There

There is a place in this city, and in a much-frequented portion of it, known as Harmonia Hall, and kept by a negro as a resort for the low and vile negroes of both sexes.  Here “masquerade balls” and other “entertainments” are given as a cloak for crime and law breaking, in both of which the frequenters of this den are present.  Why this eyesore is permitted to exist in a civilized city we cannot understand.
Disgraceful scenes are being enacted within its walls day and night, and there is no low vice that can pander to depraved tastes but is there included in the list of “attractions.”

At one of their “Ethiopian soirées” given Wednesday night a miscellaneous musa or free fight occurred there in which the notorious Jenny Rose (who killed her husband in the same place about a year since) was shot through the shoulder by a negro named Phillip Slack, who fired at the proprietor of the “Hall” and missed his mark.  He was arrested yesterday for an assault with intent to kill and held to bail in the sum of $400 in default of which he was committed to jail.  The proprietor of the Hall, Charles Walker, was fined $15 and costs for keeping a disorderly house.

Scarcely a week passes but one or more case from this place are disposed of in the police court, but it is still allowed to flourish, and the same crimes and violations of the law are re-enacted times without number.

Sunday, 3 Dec 1865:
OBITUARY.—We learn, with feelings of deep regret of the death of our esteemed fellow-townsman, Mr. Martin Egan.  He died at his residence, in this city, yesterday, of dropsy.  He was an old and highly respected Irish citizen, and the news of his death will bring sorrow to many a heart in Cairo.  The funeral will take place from the family residence on Commercial avenue, between 13th and 14th streets, today, at 1 o'clock p.m.  The friends and acquaintances of the family and the different fire companies are respectfully invited to attend.
Monday, 4 Dec 1865:
EGAN.—It must have been gratifying to every friend of the late lamented and highly respected Martin Egan to see the general mark of respect that was shown yesterday on the occasion of his funeral.  The Hibernian Fire Company, No. 4, of which he was a member, turned out in uniform, together with a large concourse of the friends of the deceased, forming a most imposing procession.  At 12 o'clock the procession moved from the residence of the deceased, where appropriate funeral services were had in the presence of an overflowing audience.  From thence the procession moved to the train that was to bear the remains to their final resting place at Villa Ridge, whither they were accompanied by a large and sorrowful concourse of friends.

In Mr. Egan's death, Cairo has lost one of her best citizens, and many a heart will feel the bereavement of having been severed from its best friend.  Let us hope that “after life's fitful fever he sleeps well.”
Wednesday, 6 Dec 1865:
DIED In this city, yesterday morning, at the residence of Mrs. Jack, William Irvin, aged 25 years.  The friends of the deceased are invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Thursday) at Mrs. Jack's at 11 o'clock.  The remains will be taken to Villa Ridge by the 12 o'clock train.

Sunday, 10 Dec 1865:
A Soldier Killed by the Cars
Particulars of the Unfortunate Affair.

Near noon yesterday as a special train with a homeward bound Wisconsin regiment on board was about leaving the city, the officer of the day ordered a drunken soldier who was on top of one of the cars to get inside, lest he should fall off.  The soldier refused to comply, and the officer of the day went on top of the car and attempted to force the soldier to get down.  He was standing near the end of the car, holding the soldier by the arm, when the train started and they were both precipitated between the cars.  The officer hastily sprang out without injury, and the soldier was seized by the bystanders, who hoped to be able to rescue him, and they so nearly succeeded that they had drawn him almost entirely from beneath the car when one of the wheels struck his head, completely crushing it and, of course, killing him instantly.

The melancholy affair created a considerable feeling among the soldiers, many of whom blamed the officer for his action in the matter, though with what show of reason we are at a loss to understand, as he was manifestly in the discharge of his duty and came very near losing his own life by it.

It is sad to contemplate that this soldier, after having passed through years of the dangers and hardships incident to soldier life, should, just as he was elated with the prospect of seeing home and friends, be so suddenly and unexpectedly called to “that bourne from whence no traveler returns.”  To his friends, too, who doubtless, in their thanksgiving devotions expressed their gratitude to the Giver of all good and precious gifts that the loved son, husband, and brother—as he may have been—had been spared while others fell thick and fast around him.  Little did they think that he was so soon to be called upon to render an account of his earthly pilgrimage.  Truly “the ways of Providence are inscrutable.”
Cairo, Ill., Dec. 4th, 1865

At a regular meeting of the Hibernian Fire Company No. 4, of Cairo, Illinois, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.

WHEREAS Almighty God, in his infinite wisdom has been pleased to take from amongst us, our late lamented President, Martin Egan; be it

Resolved, That by this sad occurrence society has been deprived of an upright citizen, our Company of a good faithful and active member, and our natal country of a truly good and loved patriot.

Resolved, That we tender to the wife, children, and relatives of the deceased, our heartfelt sorrow and sincere sympathy in this sad hour of their bereavement, ad we trust that they will have recourse to Him, who has promised to take care of the widow and the orphan, for consolation—to our Heavenly Father, who alone can make this bitter cup palatable.

Resolved, That the Company’s Flag be draped in mourning for twenty days in honor of the deceased.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the friends of the deceased and that they be inserted in the Cairo papers, viz:  Democrat, Times, Union, and Item; also in the Boston Pilot and Irish American.  C. O’Callahan, John W. O’Connell, John Hyland, Com.

Tuesday, 12 Dec 1865:
DIED, In this city, on Saturday evening, Dec, 9th, 1865, Noah Griggs, in the 38th year of his age.  The deceased was an exemplary man, honest and upright in all his dealings, and leaves a widow to lament his untimely death.
DIED In Mound City, on Saturday evening, 9th inst., at 7 p.m., Mrs. Fulton, wife of J. B. Fulton, acting chief engineer at that place.  Mr. F. left with the remains yesterday afternoon for her late residence in Beaver, Pa.

We are pained to announce the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Kane Bissell, widow of the late Governor W. H. Bissell, of this State.  The sad event occurred at Belleville, on Tuesday, the 5th inst.  Mrs. Bissell was prostrated with a congestive chill, from which she expired after a very brief sickness.

Mrs. Bissell was the youngest daughter of the late Hon. E. K. Kane, of Kaskaskia, who died while a Senator in Congress.  She was a most intelligent, sprightly and estimable lady, and during her residence in this city endeared herself to all who knew her.  At the time of her death she was in her thirty-seventh year.  The remains were taken to Springfield for interment beside her husband.
Wednesday, 13 Dec 1865:
DIED In the city of Chicago, of consumption, on the 4th instant, Mr. E. S. Nash, of the firm of Nash & McHenry of this city.
The Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Kane Bissell, widow of the late Governor Bissell, took place on the morning of the 9th last, at the Catholic Church in Springfield, and was largely attended by the citizens.  She was buried in the Hutchinson Cemetery, where repose the remains of her husband.

Thursday 14 Dec 1865:
DIED on the 2d instant, at the residence of her son, Port Fulton, Indiana, Mrs. Elizabeth Small, in the 76th year of her age.  “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord.”

Boiler Explosion at the Stone Depot
The Engineer Killed

At about half past seven o’clock yesterday morning the boiler attached to a stationary engine situated under the I. C. Railroad’s freight depot, exploded, instantly killing the engineer.  The engine was used for running trucks to and from the upper wharf boat and for pumping water into the tank.  The engineer had just got up steam when the explosion took place, and the gauge showed but 60 pound at the time, and the boiler was well filled with water.  Experienced engineers are, therefore, at a loss how to account for the explosion.

The end of the boiler, known as the firebox, was blown through the roof of the depot, and we are assured by Mr. Jos. Qufkins (a representative of the Railroad Company, through whose courtesy we obtained the facts for this article) that it went fully a quarter of a mile high.  It fell on the levee sidewalk in front of the Cabinet Saloon, fully five hundred feet from the place of explosion.  This firebox weighs at least a tone and passed through the sidewalk into the coal pit beneath, where a barkeeper employed at the Cabinet Saloon had just gone for fuel.  He was struck by splinters and seriously though not dangerously injured.

The engineer was instantly killed, his head being split open.  He was blown through an opening in the stonewall and it is thought that his head came in contact with a sharp corner of one of the rocks.  His name was Robert Hall.  We are informed that he was unmarried, and that his home was in Wisconsin.  Coroner Corcoran held an inquest over his remains and the jury returned the following verdict:

“We, the jury, find that the deceased Robert Hall, came to his death by the explosion of the boiler attached to the stationery engine at the freight depot of the Illinois Central Railroad.  Cause of explosion unknown.”

The main part of the boiler passed through the roof of the depot, turned a complete summersault and fell into the depot again, passing through the floor but a short distance from where it originally stood.

The concussion must have been great, as the thick stonewalls of the depot were somewhat shattered by it and the doors were bursted open and badly shattered.  Strange to say, however, a number of laborers employed by the company were standing in the building at the time of the explosion and not one of them was injured.

Saturday, 16 Dec 1865:
DIED.—At her residence in this city, Friday, 15th last, at 20 minutes past 1 o'clock p.m., Alice L. Cunningham, aged 48 years, consort of R. H. Cunningham.  The funeral services will be performed today (16th) in the Catholic Church at 9 o'clock a.m., preparatory to the removal of the remains to St. Louis for interment on the noon train today.  The friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral without further notice.

Mrs. Cunningham has been a resident of Cairo during the past thirty years, having resided here since 1838, and in her death our people have lost one of the oldest and most universally respected residents of this city, and her deeply afflicted husband a devoted and Christian wife.  She has been with the people of Cairo, and in the true spirit of Christianity, shared their fortunes and trials, and ministered in their wants, with an energy that has never tired, during the twenty-seven eventful and trying years that her life had been cast among us, and therefore it is that in her death there are but few of our citizens that will bear the sad news with poignant and sincere sorrow.

She was an exemplary and devoted member of the Catholic Church and died perfectly resigned and surrounded with that truthful and sweet religious consolation which carries the wearied soul beyond the pains and trials of this world.  “She sleeps sweetly.”
HORRIBLE DEATH.—From the DuQuoin Progress of Thursday, we learn that the express train on the Illinois Central railroad, bound south, at 1:30 o'clock, on Wednesday morning, ran over a man by the names of James Wilson, near Wall's Colliery, DuQuoin, killing him instantly. He was horribly mangled, his head being severed from his body, and his brains and entrails strewn along the road for near a hundred yards.  Mr. Wilson was a miner in the St. John's Coal Mines, and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss.  It is supposed that at the time of his death he was intoxicated.
SUICIDE AT QUINCY.—The Quincy Herald of the 12th says:  “Mrs. Page, daughter of one of our honored fellow citizens, Gen. B. M. Prentiss, while at the house of her father this forenoon, appeared unusually downcast and sad, and about 11 o'clock told some of the folks that they need not look for her soon.  Before leaving she took the precaution to draw down the window curtain, and, as she passed a colored woman in the back yard, told her she was going to make away with herself, and left directions for her burial.  The colored woman, supposing she was joking, took no notion of it.  Mrs. Page, not returning for some time, search was made, when her lifeless body was found in a cistern near the stable.”
PROBABLE FATAL ACCIDENT.—Yesterday evening as Mr. Martin Leftcovitch who was engaged in hauling wood with a one-horse wagon, was crossing the Mississippi levee, near Messr. Fox, Howard & Co's railway, his horse took fright and ran away.  Mr. Leftcovitch was thrown from the wagon and the wheels passed over his head and breast, injuring him badly and it is thought fatally.

Medical assistance was immediately obtained and he was removed to his residence on Eighth street.  At a late hour last night he was insensible and in a very critical condition, the physicians entertaining but little hopes for his recovery.

Monday, 18 Dec 1865:
A Man Shot and Instantly Killed
The Preliminary Examination
The Defendant admitted to Bail

Capt. Harvey E. Bartlett, of the Monitor Onsoco lying off this city, yesterday morning shot and instantly killed Dennis Keith, of Paducah, Ky.  Capt. Bartlett had a preliminary examination before Esqs. Bross and Summerwell, and the facts of the case as we could glean them from the evidence were about as follows.

It seems that Capt. Bartlett and Keith met on the night preceding and the unfortunate tragedy, when something occurred which gave Keith “a grudge” (if the term be admissible) against the Captain.  They met again at about 8 o’clock yesterday morning, on Ohio Levee, near Winter’s Saloon, when Keith made the attacks upon Capt. Bartlett, being each time withheld or withdrawn by gentlemen who were standing by.

Capt. Bartlett then expressed his intention of going aboard his vessel, and started off up the Levee.  Before proceeding far, Keith started after him “on a run,” to quote the language of one of the witnesses.  Overtaking the Captain just below the Dalzell Hotel, Keith again assaulted him by seizing him by the shoulder, though it does not appear that he (Keith) had any weapon.  Capt. Bartlett shook off his hand and proceeded a few paces further up the Levee, telling Keith, “This is the second time you have attacked me—this time upon the highway, and if it occurs again, I will shoot you.,” and again started off.  Keith followed, and again laid his hand upon the Captain, who drew his pistol, presented it to Keith’s face and fired, killing him instantly.

An inquest was held over the body of Keith and a verdict returned in accordance with the facts.

Hon. H. Waton Webb, of course, appeared for the prosecution at the preliminary examination, and Hon. W. J. Allen for the defense.  The defendant was held to bail in the sum of $2,000 to answer the charge of manslaughter at the next term of the Circuit Court.

Tuesday, 19 Dec 1865:
DIED.—We regret to state that Mr. Martin Leftcovich, who it will be remembered was seriously injured some days ago by a wagon from which he was thrown passing over him, died at 4:20 yesterday afternoon of his injuries.  Mr. Leftcovich was a native of Poland, and was an esteemed and useful citizen.  He possessed many friends, and but few, if any, enemies.  The funeral will take place at the Catholic Church at 9 o'clock this morning after which the remains will be conveyed to Villa Ridge for interment.
RAILROAD ACCIDENT.—We learn that the southward-bound passenger train, which left Chicago yesterday morning collided with a freight train about midway between that city and Odin.  Both engineer and fireman on the passenger train were killed.  We will doubtless receive further particulars today.

Monday, 25 Dec 1865:
DIED.—A stranger named John Browne, aged about 34 years, died suddenly a day or two ago at the Louisiana House, in this city.  Nothing was known as to where he was from, or the business he was engaged in.  Messrs. Courtway & Standing, the proprietors, generously gave the body decent burial at Villa Ridge.  A small amount of money, not enough to defray funeral expenses, was found among his effects.

Hickman, Ky., December 21, 1865

Editor Cairo Democrat:

Again we are pleased to address a few lines from this place to your excellent paper, and in doing so we have to communicate one of the most damnable and wicked murders of one brother by another, last Saturday night.  The circumstances, as near as we can get them, are these:  A father by the name of Pace, lived nine miles from this place, near the Tennessee line, with but two sons—William and Richard.  The latter becoming jealous with the belief that his father was partial to his brother William sought and took his life in cold blood by firing upon him from an outdoor window about 10 o’clock at night, which caused his instant death.  It seems that his brother was away from home that day, and it was not known that he was in the neighborhood until the next day, when parties traced or tracked the supposes murdered to a Negro cabin nearby, and from the occupants found out that no one but this brother had stopped there that night, and the footprints resembling his so much a writ was issued for his immediate arrest.  In the attempt to arrest the villain he refused stubbornly to be taken, whereupon he was shot dead in his tracks by the sheriff of Obion County.  Thus ends the chapter of the murderer and the murdered.  The father is said to be a highly respected old gentleman, and the unfortunate son has a good name in the neighborhood.

Saturday, 30 Dec 1865:
TERRIBLE DEATH.—On the departure of the special train last evening, which conveyed the Eighteenth Illinois regiment up the railroad, a private of the regiment named William Bridges, of Company B met with a terrible death.  The train started and the deceased attempted to get on board, but unfortunately slipped and fell beneath the cars, which passed over his breast, killing him instantly.  The deceased was a veteran soldier, and lived in Union County, where resides his wife and a young child.  We sympathize with them in their terrible affliction.

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