Location: Montgomery Township, Crawford County, Illinois, Sec. 19, T5N, R10W. (GPS: 38.867253, -87.570999) (Google Map) (Hand-drawn map and notes.) Compiled November 26, 1971 by Imogene Bailey and Wilma Roesler. Updated November 11, 2002 by Alan Ayres and Burl Rich. The original Wilma Roesler survey of this cemetery is also provided online for cross-checking purposes. In the below listing, row numbers start on the west side of the cemetery and gravesite sequences start on the south end of each row and go north.
- Seaney, Anna Lowell
- 2-13-1908 10Y 6M 15D, Dau JH&IJ Seaney
- Norton, Thoda
- 4-17-1863 77Y 6M 11D
- Norton, Lucinda
- 4-23-1863 71Y 11M 7D, Wife of Thoda Norton
- Norton, Nelson
- 11-4-1863 47Y 10M 6D
- Norton, Infant Son
- 5-26-1856 20D, Son of TC&L Norton
- Norton, Lucinda
- 9-26-1853 35Y 8M 6D
- Black, Polly M.
- 10-9-1851 38Y 6M 28D, Wife of James Black
- Black, Infant Son
- 10-5-1851 11M 10D, Son of J&P Black
- Patrick, Llewellyn I
- 8-1-1856 3Y 6M 2D, Dau Levi&Jane Patrick
- Patrick, Emeroi C
- 7-25-1856 1Y 10M 3D, Son Levi&Jane Patrick
- Norton, Lodosca
- 7-17-1853 5Y 2M 13D, Dau N&C Norton
- Norton, Mary E
- 9-20-1844 3Y10M4D, Dau N&C Norton
- Norton, Francis M
- 8-23-1838 1Y 10M 2D, Son N&C Norton. (N&C are Nelson and Charlotte Norton.)
- Landrith, Julia N
- 2-16-1899 37Y 9M 18D, Wife EW Landrith
- Landrith, Julia M
- 1-19-1897 8M 10D, Dau EW&JN Landrith
- Landrith, Harry N
- 12-27-1899 1Y 10M 12D, Son EW&JN Landrith
- Landrith, Arther P
- 6-30-1887 12-10-1904 Son of EW&JN Landrith
- Norton, Claude
- 2-5-1893 5Y4M2D, Son AA&RM Norton
- Norton, Julia A
- 3-14-1890 66Y9M7D, Wife William N Norton
- Norton, William Noble
- 1-17-1888 79Y3M9D
- Norton, Martha
- 3-9-1866 14Y10M22D, Dau WN&JA Norton
- Norton, Wellington B
- 9-1-1816 5-13-1853
- Norton, Robert
- (No surname or dates given - probably a Norton child.)
- Norton, Mary
- 3-18-1850 69Y6M17D, Wife of Asa Norton
- Parker, Lucy M
- 1883 76Y6M
- Parker, George H
- 1-30-1903 23Y5M20D. Son of I.T.G. & Hannah Montgomery Parker
- Norton, Milton N
- 3-15-1903 23Y11D
- Norton, Mary R Cannon
- 2-6-1902 45Y 8M 8D, Wife Wellington Norton
- Norton, Ernest R
- 2-24-1888 27D, Son WA&MR Norton
- Norton, Wellington Acy
- 10-24-1888 35Y 2M 4D
- Lambert, Fanny
- 11-9-1802 1-21-1859 56Y 2M 12D