NETHERY Cemetery is also called the MARTIN or the FRENCH Cemetery. Location: Lamotte Township, Crawford County, Illinois, Section 15, T6N, R11W. (GPS: 38.972794, -87.635468) (Google Map) The cemetery was compiled by Grover and Fredda Brimberry in 1997; the original Brimberry survey document, including a plot map, is also online. Some of the additional notes below are per the foregoing survey work of Imogene Bailey and Wilma Roesler in 1971 (see also their survey). In the listing following, row numbers start on the east side of the cemetery and go west. Gravesite sequences start on the north end of each row and go south.
- Seven (7) Unmarked Graves
- Nethery, Mary
- 11-12-1877 18Y 7M 20D, Dau of J&M Nethery
- Southworth, Joseph
- 2-27-1841 56 Yrs, Father
- Southworth, Sophia
- 10-2-1837 56 Yrs, Mother
- Southworth, Rebecca Sophia
- 8-15-1840 20 Yrs, Sister
- Southworth, Joseph Richmonad
- 11-4-1840 19 Yrs, Brother
- Unmarked Grave
- Donnell, Sarah
- 10-1-1841 43Y 7M 14D, Wife of J. Donnell
- Donnell, Rebecka W.
- 9-7-1847 34Y 7M 26D, Wife Jesse Donnell. Rebecca Donnell's maiden name was Harris. She married Jesse Donnell in Crawford Co. 2-24-1842.
- Donnell, Jesse
- 6-28-1791 11-17-1858 67Y 4M 19D
- Unmarked Grave
- Donnell, Roberta
- 12-3-1824 2-1-1854 29Y 1M 28D
- Organ, Levina
- 6-9-1871 49Y8M, Wife of D. W. Organ. Lavina Organ is Lavina Hicks Organ, who married Daniel W. Organ in Crawford County on Jan. 17, 1839.
- Young, Elizabeth E.
- 3-12-1873 20Y 11M 14D, Wife of A. P. Young. Elizabeth E. Young is Elizabeth E. Organ Young, who married Alexander P. Young in Crawford County on February 15, 1872.
- Young, Daniel E.
- 8-3-1873 6 Mos, Son of A. P. Young. Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List.
- Three (3) Unmarked Graves
- Martin, Abailer
- 8-26-1834 2Y 11M 4D, Dau. of T&M Martin
- Martin, Maria
- 9-20-1836 17Y 10M 21D, Wife Thomas Martin. Maria is Maria/Mariah Higins Martin, the daughter of James Higgins and Sarah McCorpin Higgins. Maria married in Crawford County on July 21, 1831 to Thomas Martin the son of John and Margaret Garrard Martin
- Martin, Thomas
- 11-1-1836 24Y 7M 21D
- Martin, Mary E.
- 6-27-1853 2Y 11M, Dau. of JA&M Martin. Mary E. Martin may be the daughter of John A. Martin and Martha Magill Martin, who were married in Crawford County On October 4, 1849. Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List.
- Martin, John A.
- 9-6-1852 26Y 6D. Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List.
- Martin, Margaret
- 5-14-1791 1-17-1854 Wife of John Martin
- Martin, John
- 1-7-1784 10-15-1858
- Mills, Elizabeth A.
- 7-28-1851 or 1857 10 Yrs, Dau WH&B Mills
- Martin, Mary L.
- 8-28-1858 1Y4M, Dau. of H&EC Martin
- Mills, Margaret A.
- 7-2-1859 12Y 2M 9D, Dau. of WH&B Mills
- Martin, Thomas J.
- 8-30-1864 1Y11M23D, Son of H&EC Martin. H&EC Martin are Harrison and Elizabeth Catherine Lemon Martin, who were married in Crawford County on October 5, 1851. Harrison is the son of John & Margaret Martin. Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List.
- Unmarked Grave
- Donnell, Margaret
- 9-7-1844 6Y10D, Dau of F&C Donnell
- Mills, Flora A.
- 1-30-1879 10Y1M9D, Dau of WH&C Mills
- Mills, Thomas A.
- 7-2-1868 13Y5M8D, Son of WH&B Mills
- Martin, Thomas H.
- 4-30-1866 18Y2M27D. Son of Wm B & Charlotia Martin. Co. I 64th Reg. Ill. Volunteers
- Martin, Infant
- 6-25-1882 Dau. of Bethel, Jr. & Bettia Martin. Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List.
- Mills, William H.
- 1-1-1895 74Y7M19D
- Mills, Berthena.
- Stone broken no dates or ages. Wife of W. H. Mills.
- Mills, Emeline
- 7-21-1850 6-15-1907
- Barrick, Peter.
- Stone but no grave. PVT MD Troops Revolutionary War 1756 - 1846
- Barrick, John.
- Stone but no grave. PVT 2 Regt. 2 Brig. IL MTD Vols. Indian Wars
- Barrick, Dale O.
- 6-30-1889 10-13-1918 Died unmarried, US Army WWI
- Dunlap, William F.
- 2-18-1845 26Y4M28D
- Unmarked Grave
- Mills, Morgan
- 9-1-1860 7M7D, Son of W. & E. Mills. Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List
- Mills, Thomas
- 4-1-1857 77Y6M16D
- Martin, Delila
- 9-6-1854 30Y14D, Wife of Bethel Martin
- Martin, Bethel
- 1-22-1908 77Y11M8D
- Martin, Charity
- 6-13-1873 50Y10M17D, Wife of Bethel Martin
- Martin, John
- 7-22-1841 2-8-1877 35 Yrs
- Maddox, Margaret
- 11-12-1880 34 Yrs, Wife of John Maddox
- Maddox
- Base, No Stone. Child of J. D. & M. Maddox
- Robertson, Bethany Mirtin
- 1-30-1843 11-20-1884 Wife of A. J. Robertson. Bethany Robertson was aged 41Y9M20D when she died in Robinson Twp. Her death certficiate calls this the Martin Cemetery.
- Unmarked Grave
- Foundation - No Stone
- Unmarked Grave
- Foundation - No Stone
- Three (3) Unmarked Graves
- Higgins, Almie I.
- 5-6-1898 8M12D, Dau. of JF&DD Higgins. JF&DD Higgins is James Finley & Daisy D. Beabout Higgins. James is the son of James Higgins & Ascenith Jane Swan.
- Two (2) Unmarked Graves
- Higgins, Cenith J. (Ascenith Jane)
- 3-25-1879 41Y6M4D, Wife of J. Higgins. Cenith J. Higgins is Ascenith Jane Swan, daughter of James and Jane Taylor Swan. She was married in Crawford County on Dec. 4, 1851 to James C. Higgins, Son of James Higgins & Sarah McCorpin.
- Higgins, James
- 8-9-1905 76Y11D
- Unmarked Grave
- Two (2) Unmarked Graves
- Wesner, Vergil O.
- 11-16-1896 6Y6M16D, Son Wm.F &FE Wesner
- Six (6) Unmarked Graves
- Stump, Julia A.
- 10-8-1855 2Y3M11D, Dau of L&S Stump. L&S Stump are Leonard and Sarah Phelps Stump, who were married in Crawford County on July 28, 1847.
- Stump, L. S.
- (Stone Removed) Probably Leonard Stump. Footstone Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List.
- Higgins, George W.
- Marker in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List. Born Sept. 8, 1868 - died October 10, 1914. Son of William J. & Mary Jones Higgins. William Higgins is a brother to James Higgins who is buried in this cemetery.
- Base of Stone - No Stone
- Unmarked Grave
- Nine (9) Unmarked Graves
- Hoit, Frank W.
- 2-18-1853 21M7D, Son of JW&RE Hoit
- Nethery, John
- 11-5-1814 2-1-1898 83Y3M26D. Born in County of Terrone, Ireland
- Nethery, Margaret
- 7-14-1888 64 Yrs. Her maiden name was Crawford. Her death certificate calls this the French Graveyard. Sarah Nethery, daughter of John and Margaret Crawford Nethery (who are buried in this cemetery), married William Martin, son of Hezekiah and Nancy McColpin Martin.
- Nethery, W. Rolly
- 3-17-1887 1Y11M17D, Son WD&JB Nethery. W. Rolly Nethery is Willam Rolly Nethery. His death certficate says he is buried in Palestine. His stone is in this cemetery along with his brother and sister, and I believe him to be buried here.
- Nethery, Lola B.
- 1-29-1892 3Y25D, Dau WD&JB Nethery. W. D. & J. B. Nethery are William David and Jennie Belle Sager Nethery. William is the son of John and Margaret Crawford Nethery. who are buried in this cemetery.
- Nethery, Johny L.
- 2-4-1892 1Y1M16D, Son WD&JB Nethery
- Barrick, Samuel
- Death certificate - male white age 10Y__M__D, died September 21, 1904 from a gunshot wound. Buried September 22, 1904, burial in the Nethery Cemetery. Undertaker W. E. Bond.
- Bond, Margaret Jane
- Death Certificate - Female died April 24, 1879 age 19Y8M26D, buried April 24, 1879 in the Nethery Cemetery, Wife of John Bond.
- Maddox, James Elmer
- Death Certificate - died February 11, 1881 age 2M, burial February 12, 1881 in the Nethery Cemetery.
- Robinson (Male)
- (Could this be a misspelling, maybe it should be Robertson?) Death Certificate - died October 22, 1887, buried Martin Cemetery.
- Barrack, Rush Alexander
- Death Certificate - age 41Y1M16D, died Nov. 17, 1907, buried Nethery Cemetery. Rush A. Barrick is the son of Samuel and Sarah Jane Paton Barrick. He married Mary Ellen Higgins in Crawford County on May 8, 1887. Rush was born on Sept. 30, 1863 and died on Nov. 17, 1907. His wife, Mary was the daughter of James & Ascenath Jane Swan Higgins. Mary was born Sept. 10, 1865 and died May 26, 1931. Chris H. Bailey History book on Peter Barrack family states that Rush was buried in Nethery Cemetery but has a stone in Palestine Cemetery.
- Knapp, Andy Ely
- Funeral Home Records; died February 3, 1921, buried Nethery Cemetery. Age 7 Yrs plus. Andy and Arthur Knapp are the sons of Millard and Jennie J. Allen Knapp. Andy and Arthur Knapp had undertaker makers on May 23, 1944 and were buried at entrance to cemetery. This is per Merle Richards List.
- Knapp, Arthur S.
- Funeral Home Records; died February 8, 1921, buried Nethery Cemetery - Age 15 Yrs plus.
- Weger, George Riley
- Funeral Home Records; died Oct. 26, 1928, age 80Y7M25D, buried Nethery Cemetery
- Weger, Rebecca Ann
- Funeral Home Recods; died March 27, 1923, age 66Y4M13D, buried Nethery Cemetery
- Allen Infant Son
- Had a Stone in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List. Son of A&M Allen, born May 9, 1866, died May 9, 1866.
- Allen, John W.
- Had a stone in 1971 per Wilma Roesler List. - Son of A&M Allen, born April 9, 1869, died Oct. 18, 1869. A&M Allen, parents of 'infant son' and John Allen may be Alman/Almarina Allen and Martha McDaniel Allen. Alman\Almarina and Martha were married in Crawford County on April 7, 1861. They were in the 1870 census of Crawford County but not in the 1880 census.
- Mills, Morgan
- Had a stone in 1971 - Son of W&E Mills, died Sept. 1, 1860, age 7M7D.
- Barrick, Peter
- Is buried in this cemetery, but his Grave is not where his stone is.
- Barrick, John
- Is buried in this cemetery, but his Grave is not where his stone is.
- Garrard, William
- William is not buried in this cemetery, he is buried south of Cemetery, but his military stone was placed her a year of so ago.
- Armstrong, Andrew
- Capt. 6 NC BN Revolutionary War. Government gravestone set in the Nethery Cemetery by Mrs. Charles A. Tennis. For more information on Andrew Armstrong see 1883 History of Crawford & Clark Counties....II:93. Body is probably not intered in Nethery Cemetery.
Footstones that are or were in this Cemetery, with no headstone to match
- H. L. V.
- L. S.
- Could be Leonard Stump, father of Julia Stump.
- I. N.
Additional Information on this Cemetery
I have also found this cemetery called the Martin Cemetery and the French Graveyard. It was probably called the Martin Cemetery after John Martin, who once owned ground here around the cemetery or much more likely the ground the cemetery is on. Many of John Martins relatives are buried in this cemetery as well as John and his wife Margaret. The name French Graveyard was used on Margaret Nethery's death certificate. The name probably came from (Illinois) Governor Augustus French, who owned property next to the cemetery. In 1865, John Nethery and his wife Margaret, bought the ground on which the cemetery sits and the ground to the south, east and west of the cemetery. The ground on which the cemetery sits stayed in the Nethery family for over 100 years, until about 1970. So it became known as the Nethery Cemetery. The cemetery is now taken care of by Lamotte Township. (Per Fredda Nethery Brimberry)