Location: Montgomery Township, Crawford County, Illinois (GPS: 38.912224, -87.585777) (Google Map) Compiled August 4, 1972 by Wilma Roesler. Updated November 29, 2002 by Alan Ayres and Burl Rich. Row numbers start on the west side of the cemetery and go east. Gravesite sequences start on the south and go north. The original Roesler survey of this cemetery is also provided online for cross-checking purposes, as an Adobe PDF file.
- Decker, Charles Howard
- 2-20-1918
- Decker, Doris Louise
- 3-31-1930
- Fuller, Isaac C.
- 11-26-1902 12-3-1972 Dad
- Fuller, Catherine
- 1-21-1905 Mom
- Fuller, Milford A.
- 8-6-1925 11-9-1997 Son, Pfc US Army Korea
- DeLay, James Edmund
- 12-23-1924 6-9-1989 WT2 US Navy WW II
- DeLay, Mary Jane
- 9-7-1928
- DeLay, James Michael
- 3-4-1953 Son of James E. & Mary Jane DeLay
- DeLay, Matthew Edmund
- 6-20-1963 1-9-1989 Son of James E. & Mary Jane DeLay
- Baker, Orley I.
- 2-3-1893 1-25-1951 Father
- Baker, Bernice
- 12-11-1909 Mother
- Hull, Orpha R.
- 6-1-1897 6-21-1979 Mother
- Marlo A. Hull
- 6-27-1895 7-9-1977 Father
- Norton, Mary Inez
- 1-29-1909 9-13-1912 Dau. CW & Annie Norton
- Norton, Clyde W.
- 10-28-1887 5-3-1971 Father
- Norton, Annie
- 9-7-1888 11-20-1968 Mother
- Maddox, Vera Joan
- 5-22-1935 7-25-1936
- Gaines, Leander Francis
- 1871 1946 Father
- Gaines, Mary Maddox
- 1867 1960 Mother
- Buchanan, Alma M. Gaines
- 1897 1923 Dau LF&ML Gaines. Wife Roy E. Buchanan
- Gaines, Carrie E.
- 1903 1918 Dau. LF&ML Gaines
- Gaines, Eva Ruth
- 1924 1990
- Gaines, Owen Austin
- 11-7-1921 5-29-2000
- Gaines, Lena Edna
- 5-16-1894 6-1-1890
- Hawkins, Marjorie Joy
- 11-20-1925 Dau. Eugene & Penina Hawkins
- Sunny (The Cat)
- 9-7-1991
- Simons, Ruth Jean Hawkins
- 10-21-1921 4-2-1999 Dau. Eugene & Penina Hawkins. Wife of Noble H. Simons
- Simons, Noble H.
- 3-21-1922 4-5-1988. U.S. Army PFC. Btry A. 125th FA Bn., World War II
- Hawkins, Knowlton L.
- 3-7-1910 2-1-1970 Ill. Cpl 865 Air Engr Sq AAF WWII
- Hawkins, Penina
- 3-15-1890 10-26-1977
- Hawkins, Eugene
- 6-11-1880 5-9-1947
- Hawkins, Imo
- 3-24-1912 4-28-1931
- Buck, Nancy Jo
- Born&Died 1-22-1945 Inf. Dau Wayne & Naomi Buck
- Norton, Margaret B.
- 8-14-1894 3-26-1988
- Norton, Ottis E.
- 3-1-1887 1-26-1935
- Norton, Nancy A.
- 1857 1941 Wife of Wallace A. Norton
- Norton, Wallace A.
- 1860 1925
- Hawkins, Floy Alice E.
- 9-9-1911 7M1D, Dau HE & Odessie Hawkins
- Hawkins, Harry E.
- 8-18-1877 1-23-1960. Illinois - Pvt. Co. G. 9 Regt. Ill. Inf. Spanish American War
- Hawkins, Elmina Odessa Norton
- 11-4-1882 10-18-1967 Mother
- Hawkins, Norton
- 3-1-1909 1-4-1994 Son of Harry & Odessa Hawkins
- Norton, Joe T.
- 1914 1991
- Maddox, Ina M.
- 2-21-1907
- Maddox, Belle
- 1869 1929 Mother
- Maddox, Lola
- 1902 1928 Sister
- Maddox, Rush
- 1872 1918 Father
- Pfirman, Cleta W.
- 9-1-1909 12-3-1911
- Fuller, Claude G.
- 12-3-1910 11 Days, Son of G. & L. Fuller
- Adams, C. E.
- 2-18-1886 18Y1M28D
- Seitzinger, Infant Dau.
- Born&Died 7-8-1905 Dau of CE & EB Seitzinger
- Seitzinger, Escoe
- 1-23-1903 27 Days, Son of CE & EB Seitzinger
- Seitzinger, Infant Son
- Born&Died 2-20-1904 Son of CE & EB Seitzinger
- Fuller, Mary Ellen
- 1858 1946
- Fuller, Isaac Rush
- 1855 1892
- Fuller, Infant Son
- 8-21-1881 1 Day, Son of LR & ME Fuller
- Norton, Robert E.
- 2-8-1907 4M4D, Son RA & Bessie R. Norton
- Fuller, Infant
- Born&Died 7-12-1908 Child of J.P. & Bessie Fuller
- Fuller, Infant
- Born& Died 8-12-1914 Child of J.P. & Bessie Fuller
- Fuller, Infant
- Born&Died 8-19-1912 Child of J.P. & Bessie Fuller
- Maddox, Lawson L.
- 7-6-1901 1Y3M17D, Son CS & Nora Maddox
- Gaines, James
- 1862 1906
- Gaines, Mary L.
- 1869 1907 Wife of James Gaines
- Gaines, Miles A.
- 4-26-1890 3M28D, Son of JA & ML Gaines
- Torrence, Martin
- 2-16-1865 6Y10D, Son James&Nancy Torrence
- Torrence, Margaret
- 3-19-1865 2Y7M29D, James&Nancy Torrence
- Fuller, Riley C.
- 2-9-1881 10M4D, Son of GW & SM Fuller
- Fuller, Laura May
- 1-9-1874 1Y7M16D, Dau of GW & SM Fuller
- Fuller, Sarah B.
- 1847 1870 Mother, Wife of George W. Fuller
- Fuller, George W.
- 1843 1925
- Fuller, Sarah M.
- 1852 1917 Mother, Wife of George W. Fuller
- Fuller, Mort
- 10-3-1882 12-4-1916
- 1 Sandstone Marker - No Inscription
- Marker - No Inscription - MARKER GONE
- Patton, Thomas
- 1735 1833 Pvt. NC Militia, Revolutionary War
- 2 Markers with Letters - R.P. - S.B.P.
- No Markers to Match. - MARKERS GONE
- Patton, Commodore Perry
- 3-7-1838 11-6-1867 15 Btry Ind. Lt. Arty., Civil War
- Patton, James
- 6-7-1877 64Y2M21D
- Norton, Sarah A.
- 7-20-1847 4-24-1885 Mother, Wife of Ira C. Norton
- Norton, Ira C.
- 3-24-1837 1-7-1895 57Y9M14D, Sgt. Co. F. 91 Ill. Inf.
- Norton, William Curtis
- 8-24-1895 1Y1M2D, Son JT&HannahS.Norton
- Liston, Infant Son
- 9-12-1879 2M6D, Son W.M. & M.A. Liston
- Liston, Albert
- 6-25-1875 6Y8M10D, Son W.M & M.A. Liston
- Brashear, Harman
- 1-27-1867 5-28-1868 1Y1M8D, Son O. & M. Brashear
- Barrick, Peninah A.
- 7-24-1865 4M24D, Dau. of A. & L. Barrick
- Dollahan, William A.
- 2-9-1852 1-10-1891
- Fuller, Roscoe F.
- 9-15-1904 28D, Son of P.C. & E.B. Fuller
- Fuller, Opal
- 7-31-1910 3M28D, Dau. P.C. & E.B. Fuller
- Shaw, Gladys
- 1-25-1903 1Y8M, Dau. of A.J. & Annie Shaw
- Shaw, Charles
- 8-17-1870 2Days, Son of T.M. & E. Shaw
- Shaw, Josephine
- 10-8-1869 20 Days, Dau. of T.M. & E. Shaw
- Shaw, Thomas M. (Sr.)
- 12-30-1880 44Y2M2D
- Donaldson, Nancy E.
- 10-17-1902 91Y7M13D
- 1 Plain Marker - No Inscription - MARKER GONE
- Kincaid, Nelson R.
- 7-5-1885 25Y3M21D, Son of S & LA Kincaid
- Kincaid, Stewart
- 9-1-1841 8-26-1875
- Lamb, Lydia A. Kincaid
- 12-22-1848 5-23-1916
- Lamb, Alma L.
- 11-13-1886 10M11D, Dau. of N. & L.A. Lamb
- Shaw, Fred E.
- 8-4-1882 9-7-1902
- Shaw, Frances E. Stiles
- 12-15-1870 20Y1M11D, Wife of G. J. Shaw
- Shaw, Laurena
- 1-12-1870 6M1D, Dau. of GJ & FE Shaw
- Shaw, Lelia A.
- 1-10-1871 2M4D, Dau. of GJ & FE Shaw
- Shaw, Harry Francis
- 9-26-1875 1Y8M15D, Son of GJ & LA Shaw
- Lynn, Henry E.
- 7-1-1886 11-4-1950 Illinois - PFC 22 Engineers, WW I
- 3 Plain Markers - No Inscriptions - MARKERS GONE
- 1 Metal Marker - not readable (Per Wilma Roesler 8-4-1972) - METAL MARKER GONE
- Nash, Charles Vern
- 7-21-1898 1Y1M12D, Son C.W. & Mary Nash
- Nash, Isabelle
- 5-12-1896 64Y11M25D, Wife of C.B. Nash
- Nash, Charles B.
- 8-22-1882 61Y1M29D, Father
- Shaw, Joseph (Sr)
- 12-20-1876 75Y15D
- Shaw, Nurcissa
- 12-6-1875 77Y8M12D, Wife of Joseph Shaw
- Shaw, Andrew J.
- 11-18-1856 23Y21D, Son of Jos. & N. Shaw
- Shaw, Mathew
- 8-13-1849 10Y6M8D, Son of Jos. & N. Shaw
- Lanum, Amelia
- 10-16-1852 6M16D, Dau. of Wm. & S. Lanum
- Lanum, Joseph
- 3-22-1855 2M28D, Son of Wm. & S. Lanum
- Lanum, Laura A.
- 1-2-1865 8Y4D, Dau. of Wm. & S. Lanum
- Lanham, George W.
- 1-27-1864 11-24-1870 6Y9M2d, Son of Wm & SA Lanham
- Baty, Henry
- 3-11-1902 51Y10M1D
- Baty, Syrena A.
- 9-19-1904 13Y6D, Dau of H. & E. Baty
- Lamb, Samuel
- 66 Years, No Birth or Death Dates. Samuel Lamb was 3 years of age in 1850 census of Crawford County, Illinois.
- Lanham, Nancy
- 2-13-1849 7-8-1874. Nancy Lanham was the Daughter of Wm. & S. A. Lanham & the Wife of Samuel Lamb.
- 2 Stone Markers - No Inscriptions
- Maddox, Lucy A.
- 7-10-1905 40Y3M26D
- Conrad, Infant Dau.
- Born&Died 7-26-1896 Dau. of J.E. & S. J. Conrad
- Maddox, Leona A.
- 7-18-1897 32Y3M16D, Wife of J. H. Maddox
- Maddox, James H.
- 1862 1940
- Maddox, Lester D.
- 8-12-1899 8Y7M16D, Son JH & LA Maddox
- Maddox, Oscar A.
- 1-1-1913 1-11-1913 Son of J. H. & E. M. Maddox
ROW 10
- Lagow, Thomas
- 4-30-1835 12-15-1865 30Y7M15D, US Veteran-Civil War
- Lockhart, Alice
- 10-20-1855 11M24D
- Lockhart, Jane
- 5-1-1854 25Y26D, Wife of O.P. Lockhart
- Magill, Franklin
- 8-27-1863 1M20D, Son of A.G. & R. Magill
- Magill, A. G.
- 10-16-1863 39th year of his age
- Magill, James
- 2-11-1798 Death Date broken and gone.
- Magill, Martha
- 10-10-1878 70Y7M6D
- Maddox, Thomas W.
- 8-8-1875 9M20D, Son of C.S. & S. Maddox
- Maddox, Sirena
- 8-16-1839 9-4-1885 46Y1M18D, Wife of C.S. Maddox
- Maddox, Colby
- S. 2-24-1831 1-10-1891 59Y10M16D
- Lynn, Julia M.
- 12-29-1894 2Y7M25D, Dau. of J.J.&M.C. Lynn
- McDade, Edna M.
- 1-1-1901 1Y1M25D, Dau. J.F. & P.J. McDade
- Maddox, Amos R.
- 6-19-1899 9-24-1900 Son of R. & B. Maddox
- Maddox, Infant Son
- Born&Died 7-14-1898 Son of R. & B. Maddox
ROW 11
- 1 Sandstone Marker with Letters W.F.
- No dates or age given. - MARKER GONE
- Fuller, Susanah
- 11-20-1857 76Y2M22D
- Fuller, Thomas
- 1774 1837 Ord. Sgt. US Army, War of 1812, Indian War
- 1 Plain Marker - No Inscription - MARKER GONE
- 1 Sandstone Marker with Letters - ?.A.L.
- No dates or age given - MARKER GONE
- Fuller, John
- 2-27-1845 28 Days, Son Isaac & Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Infant Son
- 12-13-1845 1 Day, Son Isaac & Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Laura
- 3-22-1853 6Y3M10D, Dau Isaac&Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Lawrence
- 3-24-1853 2Y5M19D, Son Isaac &Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Penina E.
- 1-12-1865 3Y8M18D, Dau Isaac&Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Annie
- 7-12-1885 19Y6M22D, Isaac & Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Nancy
- 4-27-1892 67Y6M9D, Wife of Isaac Fuller
- Fuller, Isaac
- 7-20-1895 80Y9M
- Fuller, Rosetta A.
- 6-5-1897 28Y2M1D, Dau Isaac&Nancy Fuller
- Fuller, Worth
- 7-27-1890 10-2-1892 Son of H.R. & B. I. Fuller
- Fuller, Reily
- 1859 1931 Father
- Fuller, Bertha
- 1867 1931 Mother
- Fuller, Dora
- 1899 1980 Daughter
ROW 12
- 1 Sandstone Marker with Letters - J.A.F.
- No dates or age given.
- 1 Sandstone Marker with Letters - P.F.
- No dates or age given.
- 1 Sandstone Marker - No Inscription - MARKER GONE
- 1 Plain Marker - No Inscription - MARKER GONE
- Baker, Bonnie Inez
- 6-26-1928 9-7-1928 Dau. of Oscar & Nellie Baker
- Baker, Orma R.
- 1-25-1895 8-26-1983
- Baker, Oris John
- 5-7-1889 8-8-1958 ILL. - PFC Base Hospital 208 WWI
- Baker, John M.
- 12-25-1862 4-10-1899 Father
- Baker, Emma J.
- 8-26-1863 8-20-1058 Mother
NOTE: Plain Markers, Metal Markers & Sandstone Markers were listed by Wilma Roesler in her 1972 survey. In our survey of the Cemetery on November 23, 2002 many of these Markers are either gone or covered by Grass & Sod. I tried to list them in the row they might have been in 1972. If I could not find the Marker in this row, I listed them as 'Marker Gone'. If they were in this row, I listed them as a 'Marker In Place'. Burl Rich 11-25-2002.