Location: Section 24, Township 5 North, Range 11 West. The original Wilma Roesler survey of this cemetery is also provided online for cross-checking purposes.
- Hale, Julia A. McCarter
- 6-18-1878 29Yrs2M25D, Wife of John E. Hale
- Shaw, America F.
- Dau. of J&NJ Shaw. (Rest of Stone Broken off.)
- Shaw, Martha Jane
- 3-5-1883 20Y10M28D - No marker
- Footstone with letters A.F.J.
- No Marker to Match
Merle Richards survey in the 1940s also lists:
- Allison, Rebecca
- May 1950 Age 78 Yrs, Wife of F. H. Allison. See the Cannan Church Cemetery for her headstone.