Per the William Henry Perrin 1883 "History of Crawford County, Illinois", concerning the single grave of James Beard or Baird, killed by Indians. Location: Montgomery Township, Section 8, T5N, R10W. (Hand-drawn map and notes.)
Beard was plowing in the field one day, and the Indians having become incensed at him for some cause stole upon him, and shot him at his plow. Beard, who was a large man, ran to where one Adams, a nephew, was cutting bushes and told him he was shot, when Adams, notwithstanding the giant size of Beard, picked him up and carried him to the house. A Frenchman named Pierre Devoe lived nearby, and when asked to go and help guard Beard's house during the night, refused. His wife, a rather large and masculine looking woman, when her husband refused, declared she would go, and taking up an ax called out to "come on", she "was ready". But the Indians made no further attack on the house.
James Beard died of his wounds and was buried near the area where the Indians shot him. The grave is located in Section 8, Township 5 North, Range 10 West in Montgomery Township. The grave is unmarked, there are some who know where the gbrave is located. He was a Revolutionary Soldier.