Location: Lamotte Township, Crawford County, Illinois, Section 19, Township 7 North, Range 11 West, on land which at one time was the old Barbee family homestead. (GPS - approximately: 39.044585, -87.676365) (Google Map) Compiled 1970 and 1971 by Wilma Roesler and Imogene Bailey. Rechecked and updated by Carolyn Ellis 1981. See also the 1970 survey by Wilma Roesler and Imogene Bailey. This cemetery at one time may have had other markers.
- Barbee, William
- 6-25-1850 54 Yrs
- Barbee, Lucinda
- 12-7-1839 1Y 6M 8D. Daughter of William & Sally Barbee
- Barbee, Sally
- 12-3-1853 54Y 9M 2D. Wife of William Barbee
- Barbee, Elizabeth
- 12-1-1850 16Y 6M 29D
- Barbee, Margaret J.
- 4-8-1852 16Y 3M 24D
- Barbee, John
- Pvt. Capt. Todd's Ill. Bn. Revolutionary War. 5-5-1754 8-21-1824