The Palestine Register Nov. 27, 1902
Last Monday morning the U. S. Wrapper factory was discovered on fire. It was about 12:15 when the fire was first noticed. Joseph Yates and John Garrard, who live close to the factory were the first persons on the scene. About 75 sewing machines and 6 special machines, a gasoline engine, office fixtures, stock and manufactured wrappers, etc., were lost, in all amounting to about $15,000. The Wrapper company's loss about $12,000, and the railroad company's loss about $3,000. The factory was insured for $10,000, being placed as follows: Hartford $4,500; Aetna $7,500; Phoenix of Brooklyn $1,500; and Hanover $1,500. The loss was adjusted by the representatives of the Hartford Co. Tuesday evening. $8,243.19 was the amount allowed, which was perfectly satisfactory to the Wrapper Co.